Chosen - chapter thirty-eight

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Chapter Thirty-Eight

We returned to the great hall unnoticed. I quickly checked my gown for any noticeable blood spots. Amazingly, nothing stood out. Nobody knew about the tragedy that almost occurred. Cassius placed his arm around my waist and ushered me to the main table with King Francis and Queen Claude.

"Is everything all right?" Francis asked.

"Fine now," I said, sitting beside Cassius.

"We shall be leaving in the morning," Cassius said, returning to his food and wine.

"I trust all is well?" Francis questioned, glancing toward the hall we had emerged from.

"Yes. I am anxious to get to Constantinople."

"Why are you going?"

"Foreign policy. I haven't visited the Turkish prince for some time. I figured it was time to reach out to them. We have a treaty that needs to be renewed."

"Hmm, I see."

I sat in silence for the rest of the evening. My senses tingled with anticipation that something was going to happen. The night winded down without another incident. As the lords and ladies began to leave I took the opportunity Cassius and I to also retire.

I leaned in close to his ear. "I think now would be a perfect time to return to our chambers."

He nodded and took another sip of wine before standing. "If you'll excuse us, I believe Joselyn and I shall retire for the evening. Thank you for such a lovely time."

"Going to bed already?"

"It's still so early," Claude said, her rosy cheeks seemed even redder. She sipped at another glass of wine, a smile seemed to be on her lips permanently.

"Yes. We want to leave early and I am rather tired."

"Very well. Rest peacefully."

Cassius nodded his head and stood from the table. He held out his arm for me to exit before he did.

"Do you think they suspect anything?" he asked.

"I have no doubt. Jonathan is right, he's going to be released the moment we leave, and I'll be in danger."

"Why didn't you just kill him?" Cassius grabbed my arm and spun toward him.

"Kill a watcher? Apparently one who is closer to the Guild then he ever led on. Then I wouldn't have just Jonathan hunting me, I'd have as many watchers and other assassins after me that the Guild would want to send, and I don't know how many there are in the world."

"What will you do when he comes for you?"

"Hope I somehow have the advantage. I know I'm going to have to kill him, but I would rather do it when I'm better prepared and maybe know where the Guild is located.

"You don't know?"

I shook my head as I turned away from him. "No. None of us do. They kept that a secret from us."

"How were you chosen? Trained? Have you ever seen them?" he fired off the questions one after the other.

"I was chosen before I even went to the French court by your mother. Francis and Claude arranged everything and no I've never met any of them. At least not that I know of. We aren't informed of when or if we meet the elders of the Guild."

"Why are they so secretive?"

I shrugged my shoulders and opened the door to his chambers. "I don't know. I suppose that's the easiest way to keep us obeying their oath. We won't know who they are or who is watching us. Which is probably how Jonathan was able to find out about me and you. Someone at your court must be working for them."

"But who?"

"I honestly couldn't tell you, Cassius. I wish I knew though, I'd gut them like a pig." I clenched my fist angry that I allowed myself to be exposed.

He squeezed my shoulders, kissing my neck lightly

This is what got us into such trouble.

I didn't stop him though. I loved the feeling of his hands on my skin. I felt so hot and his cooling touch relaxed me. He moved the insistent kisses to my shoulder. A shudder of want ran down my spine. I chewed my bottom lip. Being with Cassius felt impossible. How could such a remarkable, smart, and powerful man be so soft and different around me? I felt as though I were chasing a dream. I was always told that a day such as this would never come. A king and an assassin could never be in love and make a relationship work. Closing my eyes, I thought of the unfortunate assassin assigned to the emperor. Had he abandoned her? Was she forsaken?

"If anything were to happen to me, promise you will move on," I muttered.

"What do you mean?"

"There is no guarantee I will be successful in my endeavors. I could end up dead, Cassius. There are a lot of extremely powerful and lethal people who do not want us together."

"Do you want to go our separate ways?" he asked.

"What? Absolutely not. I'm not going to allow a group of people to tell me how to live my life any longer. I will protect you until the day I die. You are the most important person to me, Cassius, and I love you with everything that I am."

He smiled, turning me toward him once again. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close to his body and kissed my lips. There was so much more meaning and determination than before. He walked me backwards till my knees hit the bed and I fell backward onto the soft mattress. I stared up at him, my heart thumping against my chest. The man standing above me turned my body into a quivering traitor. I couldn't maintain my composure around him. I tried so hard for so long, I no longer wanted to. I wanted to know Cassius in every possible way.

He crawled onto the bed, maneuvering himself between my legs. The mass of fabric bunched up as he trailed his fingers from my ankles to my thighs. I let my head fall back onto one of the pillows and closed my eyes. I craved his touch more than I thought possible. My mind raced with all the ways what we were doing could get us hurt and not just in the physical way.

"Wait," I breathed heavily.

"What, my love?"

"Do you really love me? I mean not in the moment but when I'm not near you, do you miss me? Think about me? Crave me the way I crave you?" I asked.

"More than you can possibly imagine. I've never felt for another woman the way I feel for you. What's wrong?"

"As much as my family drives me insane, I don't want to shame them. I don't want to dishonor myself without being with a man whom I'm going to marry."

"It's not me that is holding up a wedding."

"I know this. I don't want you to change your mind if you get what you want."

"What I want?" He sat up, looking at me with such genuine hurt and shock. "I thought this was something we both wanted."

"It is. I want all of you more than I've ever wanted anything."

"Then marry me once we return."

"We will be married, Cassius, but only after I eliminate the threat to us."

"We shall wait then." He pulled the skirt of my gown down, covering my legs and kissed the tip of my nose.

My heart swelled with so many emotions I couldn't decipher them. He proved to be more than a sex hungry ma. He truly loved me.

My determination to eliminate the threat to our relationship increased. Not only to us but to every assassin who fell in love with her king. We would be free.

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