30. Hang with Harry's friends

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I took the guts. I walked by Harry's side and said, "hey."

"Hey, y/n." He said.

"Aren't you that Hufflepuff girl? Always doing the good. Well, we're not like that so—." Ron began before the girl Hermione bumped his shoulder.

"What Ronald is trying to say, what brings you here?" She asked nicely. She really was.

"Oh um just hanging along." I chuckled awkwardly. I looked at Harry all while walking inside the castle to the marble moving staircases. "Um, sorry about flying class, head that Malfoy guy is a git. But at least you got to become Seeker because of it."

"Yeah no, it's alright." Harry said.

"Blimey how do you know about that." Said Ron.

"Gossip travels quickly, Ron." Said Hermione.

We eventually got to the moving staircase before I realized that they were going to their common room. "Oh, I better go to my common room in the basement. It's getting late." I said.

"Yeah, okay. See you later?" Harry looked back and saw that there were no stairs to go up or down since they moved. Only it led to a door. "Or not. Let's go this way." We quickly entered a door before one of the stairs moved again.

"This is the third floor. It's forbidden." Hermione said. The hallways looked dark and there were spider webs in the corners. When the a torch lit up by itself. A sudden meow was heard behind was. Flitches cat.

"Run!" We all ran down the hallway before Flitch would find us until we came to a stop to find a locked door. "It's locked." Said Harry.

"Oh, move over!" Expressed Hermione and pushed Harry out of the way. "Alohomora." She pointed at the door knob and it unlocked and we all quickly went inside. We all sighed that we were safe until we turned around to inspect the locked up room to our horror, a 3 head dog.

Ron was trembling. It was sleeping before it sniffed us and slightly woke up. We all 4 of us screamed in terror. We all suddenly ran out the door and locked it before the big hairy thing got out.

We stayed quiet and didn't say anything until we departed our ways to go to our common rooms.

Theirs was a few stories up but mine, I had to go down quickly before it got really late and I would get caught after-hours. Through staircases and down into the basements, I finally made it.

I tickled the fruit door and the portrait opened. It was a school night, so no one was hanging around here this late.

Through the next days of having potions and Defense Against the Dark Arts with the Ravenclaws, I didn't really get a chance to see Harry again and his friends unless I saw them around the hallways and I was alone. But I kept my mouth about the 3 headed dog.

But it didn't really happen as much as September ended and came October. I would sometimes talk with Megan Jones and all us avoided the bullies. When we shared classes with the Slytherin's for History and Charms, it was kind of difficult.

One day in charms, I was sitting beside my friend group like I always have with Hannah Abbot and Justin and Ernie, with the Slytherin's across seats from us. That one blonde Malfoy guy had a clear view of us.

The professor Flitwick asked a question about a spell. "Does anyone know the mending spell?"

Ernie raised his hand, "it's Reparo. You can use it to fix any broken but small object." He proudly said.

"Very good, Mr. Macmillan."

Justin leaned his chair backwards and whispered to me, since when did Ernie become such a nerd?" He joked.

But Malfoy heard that. "Look at you Macmillan. Even your own friends are talking literally behind your back. Unlike us, we do it quietly so you can't hear." He chuckled along with his Slytherin gang including Pansy Parkinson and Crabbe and Goyle.

"I was joking." Said Justin his face hard.

"Looks like l/n wasn't. She was laughing so hard." Spat Malfoy. He was really getting on my nerves and poor Ernie took it all seriously when it came from a Slytherin's mouth.

Defend Ernie - pg 32
Stay quiet - pg 33

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