~Stroheim's instagram remake~

~Stroheim's instagram remake~

2,841 79 6

:') I have to make a hundred pages again :')…

Taszításból vonzódás

Taszításból vonzódás

839 30 34

Lia(vagyis te) most májusban lett 17. Kiskora óta szereti a táborokat. Most nyáron is megy. De most valami más... találkozik egy rég látott ismerősével és elég fura dolgok történnek..Oda futott hozzám és megölelt. Én még teljesen sokkos állapotban voltam, így csak álltam.-rohamod volt tudod?-ezzel a mondattal megfagytam. Félek ezektől.-NEM ÉRDEKEL HAGYJ MAGAMRA!-ezzel elkezdtem nagy sebességgel pakolni vissza a bőröndömbe.-légyszi... bocsáss meg...…

The Lion's Heart | A Stepmother's Marchën Fanfic

The Lion's Heart | A Stepmother's Marchën Fanfic

12,339 699 15

Unlike her family, which is known for their talented skills in knighthood for generations, Karina Von Tarjun wasn't particularly gifted in wielding weapons or capable of performing martial arts. Due to that, Karina considered herself to be a negligible member of the house, the imperfect of her perfect family. But ever since the day she first met the infamous heir of Neuschwanstein, Karina's life, which had felt dull and grey, has brightened up and became much more vivid. Jeremy Von Neuschwanstein --- while he is known to be stubborn and short tempered to others. Yet for Karina, his heart is as precious as gold.【 For he is her saviour 】_______Start: 18/09/2023✎ Soft/kind oc x Jeremy Von Neuschwanstein✎She fell first, he fell harder trope…

Circle time

Circle time

734 39 17

I post my art and updates about me and stuff. If you ever wanna get in touch woth me hit me up via Instagram: my main account @fruitgummiez or my art account @fruitgummie_creations since I'm always active on there. You can also hit me up via Discord: Fruitgummiez#7838…

Revenge's Fire || CG5 fanfiction

Revenge's Fire || CG5 fanfiction

989 43 17

Never let rage control the broken...Tobee, a thirteen-year-old who has suffered enough things; let that be transphobia, harassment, child neglect, ableism and self-harm, to call himself a broken kid. CG5, a twenty-four-year-old who has suffered enough things; let that be self-loathing, doubt, imposter syndrome, and online hate, to call himself a broken musician. Tobee and CG5 run away from their problems, and coincidentally meet one another. They both convince each other to do the unthinkable. In the state of revenge, now they have to fix things when they commit arson to a school in the pit of their rage... I drew all the drawings in the book. This is basically a book with CG5 as a character in it now LOLNo weird shit pls ty ty…

Lady of the Night (Editing)

Lady of the Night (Editing)

108,392 6,003 15

Lady Lila Addison is the daughter of Viscount James Addison. When her family starts receiving threatening letters and messages telling them to leave their home before danger befalls them, Lila takes it as a mission of her own to solve the mystery. Before she did, she tried to get the help of the constable and the Duke of Bendelvon but both turned her down.Aside of being faced with the problem of solving who is sending these messages, her sick father is forcing her to marry Lord Hugh, a man with whom she detests and hates. For this, she has to convince her father that she doesn't want to marry the ugly lord and provide an alternative. Before the season is over, can she uncover who the person is threatening her family is and avoid marrying the horrendous Lord Hugh? Join Lila on her adventure of mystery, murder, and love in Lady of the Night.…

Pierce by an Arrow

Pierce by an Arrow

7,234 451 6

She was only a stranger, brought by their stepmother. She was merely an insignificant person who spent all of her time at the training grounds, clutching a bow and arrow in her frail hands. However, as the time goes by, she became a precious jewel, a precious stone that held value in their hearts as they wanted to keep and cherish it. She was able to pierce an arrow into their hearts, just like Cupid.…

Wrong Letter (Alvon)

Wrong Letter (Alvon)

3,184 42 5

Alvin writes a confession letter to Simon but Simon mistakens it as Jeanettes. Alvin x Simon…

The Youngest Mikealson (editing)

The Youngest Mikealson (editing)

117,107 1,420 31

MikaelaInnocent young Beauty Monster Angelic Dangerous Damaged Used Mikealson…

Um Ômega Para o Duque (Duologia Meu Destino - Livro 01)

Um Ômega Para o Duque (Duologia Meu Destino - Livro 01)

1,294 253 13

Em uma sociedade onde os laços familiares e as tradições ditam as regras, o Duque Henry Evans retorna da guerra como um herói aclamado, pronto para enfrentar seu próximo desafio: cumprir o último desejo de sua mãe. Contudo, o que ele não esperava era que esse desejo envolvesse casar-se com um ômega, desafiando as convenções e suas próprias expectativas.Enquanto isso, Archi Taylor, o excêntrico irmão mais novo do respeitado Visconde Louis Taylor, luta contra a pressão de uma sociedade que não consegue entender suas peculiaridades. Com uma mente brilhante e uma alma sensível, Archi é constantemente alvo do desprezo de seus irmãos mais velhos e, principalmente, de sua mãe, cujo olhar de desdém parece pesar sobre ele como uma sombra constante.Enquanto Henry se prepara para enfrentar seu destino imposto, Archi enfrenta sua quarta temporada social sem sucesso, sua reputação manchada pelas fofocas cruéis da alta sociedade. Seu coração, no entanto, permanece aberto à possibilidade de encontrar o amor verdadeiro, mesmo que pareça cada vez mais distante.Um encontro fortuito durante o baile do Duque acaba em desastre, quando um mal-entendido cruelmente ampliado pelas línguas venenosas da elite social separa Henry e Archi de forma abrupta, sem nem lhes dar uma chance.No entanto, o destino é imprevisível, e um ano depois, seus caminhos se cruzam novamente de maneira inesperada.Conforme Henry e Archi enfrentam os obstáculos impostos pela sociedade e pelas próprias inseguranças, eles descobrem que sua conexão vai além das convenções superficiais. Unidos pelo destino e pela vontade de seguir seus corações, eles se lançam em uma jornada emocionante rumo a um futuro incerto, onde o amor verdadeiro pode finalmente encontrar um lar.…

Returning Home (Hiccstrid vs Merricup) ****COMPLETE****

Returning Home (Hiccstrid vs Merricup) ****COMPLETE****

9,507 79 34

"I will be back in 3 years""Be safe Hiccup. I love you.""I love you too. See you soon Astrid"We all know the story, Hiccup is chosen to kill the Monstrous Nightmare and decides to run away. Astrid finds out about Toothless and Hiccup takes her on a romantic flight. Then the rest is history.But what if Hiccup did runaway and Astrid helped him? What they had been secretly "dating"? And what if Astrid lied to protect him?This story starts when the gang 15 during dragon training. Hiccup and Astrid have been going to the cove for about a year to fly Toothless and Stormfly. When Hiccup is chosen to kill the Monstrous Nightmare Astrid helps him run away. Two years later when Hiccup doesn't write back to Astrid and her letters start coming back to her she takes it upon herself to find him.What will happen when it Hiccup finds a new group of friends? Or when Astrid comes upon a new dragon and finds a family to call her own? What happens when a new enemy comes? Hiccup and Astrid's loyalty to their friends and tribes will be tested. As well as their friendship, relationship and loyalty to each other will be at risk.Since this is also a Hiccstrid vs Merricup please no fighting in the comments. In addition, this is my first story so no guarantee it will be any good. Disclosure: I do not own any of the characters.…

For Facts Sake

For Facts Sake

809 9 8

A special originally released in The Library for reaching 2,000 followers, the chapter has been turned into a sperate book so that it is easier for people to find and for me to add new chapters if new stories are created and have possibly interesting facts to them or things I just want to rant about. The following chapters may be edited from the original to provide more detail for information I forgot to add.…

Alvon vs Slavin, A difficult choice
The Second Dragonoid's Tale

The Second Dragonoid's Tale

161,295 5,859 64

Follow an unlucky fellow as F/N discovers a new world and things he never knew. Rediscover things he would rather have forgotten and left back on Earth. Then is the future dark? Or will there be a light at the end of the tunnel? Not even he knows what his soul is truly made of and where is will will lead him.…

Esa  Luz  que  vive  en los Ojos  de  las Personas

Esa Luz que vive en los Ojos de las Personas

452 5 21

Es una historia de como las personas , pueden volver a empezar…

Gods and Monsters ~ Mad Maggie x reader

Gods and Monsters ~ Mad Maggie x reader

8,925 358 35

(y/n) was dropped of on Salvo when she was 7 years old with only her will to survive. After being trained by a skilled mechanic, she thinks she knows everything about survival on Salvo. Until an altercation with Mad Maggie goes sideways and shes left to clean up the mess.…

Tenets of True Dragons: Excerpts

Tenets of True Dragons: Excerpts

5,446 114 7

The religious tenets written by F/N Dora Tempest in "The Second Dragonoid's Tale," revolve around the True Dragons and his story interacting with them, as well as other beings and events. Originally written to counter Luminism, it became a means to sow ideas into the Western nations. Such ideas include: Being friendly to monsters, Veldora isn't evil, and eventually the fear of god is justified.Because it allows its followers to worship any deity, so long as the tenets are kept in consideration, all of the people living in Tempest call themselves followers of the tenets while worshipping Veldora and the rulers.SPOILER WARNING: Because these excerpts (segments taken from a longer work) come from 'different versions' of the book, Tenets of True Dragons, including the final version, events that haven't been seen yet may be alluded to and so there may be spoilers. In fact, even the cover has two spoilers in it. For those of you who read this far into the description and read the warning, thank you for reading them, and have a wonderful day.…

Mandela Effect✔️

Mandela Effect✔️

21,396 247 50

I CAN MAKE YOUR BRAIN HURTsome credits go to: mandelaeffect.com…

INFERNO [part two of Revenge's Fire] || CG5 fanfiction

INFERNO [part two of Revenge's Fire] || CG5 fanfiction

298 21 10

After 4 years after the events of Revenge's Fire, everything has changed. Alison is a famous author in the horror community, Tobee is trying to get into art college, and things have been hectic in the friend group.But what happens when CG5, who was put in prison 4 years ago, escapes on Tobee's 18th birthday, and is out for revenge?An inferno happens.…