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At break, me and Gabe spent ages together. We went round the back of the bike sheds and snogged eachothers faces off. Some of Gabe's friends came round and wolf-whistled but we took no notice.

Until Dixon arrived.

Dixon was Gabe's best friend in primary school but in Year 7, Gabe had liked a girl called Arianne (lol) and so did Dixon. Gabe tried to make a move but then Dixon punched him in the nose. Arianne hated it all but liked Gabe. She started going out with Gabe and then Dixon got jealous and dislocated Gabe's shoulder and forced Arianne to kiss him. He took her home and tried to get her to have IT with him but she slapped him. He got some rope and tied her down - she was trapped.

She told Gabe and he beat Dixon up. She didn't lose her virginity, thank.God, but she never felt clean of his touch.

Anyway, Dixon turned up and started jeering. I turned round and slapped him as I had done all those years before.

'Woah, babe, why so pushy?' he asked, laughing flirtatiously.

'Never call me babe!' I hissed.

'Alright, alright! Jeez, Gabe, you choose some right nutjobs,' he said. Gabe's eyes darkened and he stormed up to Dixon.

'Say that again and I will smash you in like an ant on the ground,' Gabe muttered, taking hold of Dixon's collar.

'I changed my mind. Girl, you're the one with a nutjob,' Dixon retorted.

'That's it!'

Gabe kicked Dixon where it hurt and jumped on his back.

'Stop it, Gabe! Please don't!' I said, nervously.

'Yeah, stop it Gabe. Listen to your little girlyfriend. Wouldn't want to scare her, would we?' said Dixon, tauntingly. Gabe let go and walked away from both of us.

'You made Gabe do something he would never do to anyone except a twat like you,' I sibilated.

'Oh, sweetie, don't be so harsh. After all I do know who you really are,' Dixon replied. I mentally stumbled but tried to compose myself and steady my voice.

'Of course you do. I'm Kaelie Jay, everyone knows,' I said, swallowing.

'Kaelie LIAR Jay. How convenient it is that only you and Arianne get swapped on exchange, just when Arianne found out Gabe was cheating on her with Bella Rodriguez a.k.a Bella Boo. Now look at him, all lovey dovey with you. I suppose it's your sick way of sparking the romance. Imagine how devastated Gabe would be if he found out...' Dixon threatened.

'You wouldn't dare,' I spat.

'Oh, but sweetie, I would. Now if you want this relationship to last, I suggest you be nice. Got that?' Dixon asked, cruelly.

'Only because I love Gabe. I'll be decent,' I said, reluctantly.

'Good kitty,' he said, biting my ear and clicking his tongue before walking off.

I ran off to find Gabe. I couldn't believe Dixon. I knew he was mean but I never dreamed that he'd stoop so low as to destroy his best mate's happiness just to get what he wants. But he did.

What was I going to do?

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