Happy Families

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I woke up and forgot it was a school day, therefore being late. I quickly had to pull on my Black Veil Brides shirt and jeans with the purple Hollister cardigan I had worn the day before. I ran to school, my arms pumping and legs sore.

'Name?' Mr Shaw, the late monitor, barked. He hated children and he especially hated late children.

'Kaelie Jay, Sir,' I announced.

'Well, Kaelie Jay, you are going down on my register as 35 minutes late and this means you will get a black mark and an afterschool detention. Do you hear me, child?' Mr Shaw said, smugly. He smiled, his thin lips seeming to merge into one. I nodded.

'Yes, Sir, I understand,' I replied.

Mr Shaw opened the door and I hurried inside. I went into my first lesson, Music with Miss Bloom. She was showing the class a video of the 4 Chord Medley. She paused it as I walked in and I felt 30 pairs of eyes boring into my body on all sides.

'I trust you got a black mark for being late, Kaelie,' she said.

'And a detention, Miss,' I said, pulling out a chair in between Gabe and Dana before sitting down.

'Very good. Now, settle down and we shall watch the video from the beginning,' Miss Bloom said, dragging the cursor to the beginning of the song and clicking 'Play.'

A chorus of groans erupted.

'Kay, I hate this as it is, without you making Queen Flowery herself replay it!' Dana whispered once the video had started.

'Quit moaning,' I replied.

'I will not quit moaning, as this was all your fault for being late... why were you late while we're on that subject?' Dana asked, questioningly.

'Late alarm, lovely dream,' I said bluntly. It was true, my dream was lovely. I dreamt of love, mine and Gabe's in particular. Well, Kaelie and Gabe's love but me and her are the same people. Talking of Gabe, he put his hand on mine, which was resting on my knee.

'Hey, babe, I can't tell you how stoked I am that you're in all my classes. We get to spend everyday together!' he whispered, stroking my hair with his free hand. I smiled and laid my head on his shoulder.

'Can't wait!' I replied, quietly. He kissed my forehead and we settled down to watch the video.

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