"Paithamos attack, use Burning Inferno Wave!" Burning the cocoon of evolution to cinders, her three thousand attack points breaking its measly twenty six hundred defense points to dust, "Hraaaaaiiih!!" She shouted as she landed back in her place, her claw ready for another attack as Tea tried to attack Mai for tarnishing Yugi's name, calling them losers in her head as Tristan held Tea back. "Ghhh! How can this be!?" He shouted as she attacked a second time with her boosted four thousand attack points from her cards effect, "Sharririaahh!" She slashed as Weevil's life points dropped to zero, ending the match as her card entered Yugi's deck again, and she reappeared in her human form. "Serves that rat right for cheating, right Yugi?" She asked as he chuckled form the one eighty her personality had, being fierce in battle but acting like a sassy cat outside the duels.
"What?" She asked as he just turned his head toward the castle where Pegasus awaited his finalists, "Nothing, we just need to get seven more stars and we'll be able to save my grandpa." Joey was oddly determined to win, but mostly because of his sister who needed to have an operation or die, the prize money from the tournament being his best shot to help her. "I believe you can win, Joey." She said which made him turn red, but then he turned an even darker red because of Mai who had challenged him. "Mai, are you happy?" She looked at the cute black haired teen who had given her a curious look, still not understanding human emotions but knowing that she was exhibiting...unsportsmanlike behavior. "Oh, yes I am! Because I'm in the mood for a duel, and I challenge you Joey!" She pointed at him which made him break out in nerves, since he had no practical experience with Gramps getting kidnapped, "You're on."
Pai was just sweating when Mai had told Joey why she wanted to win, all the things she described being stuff that devils tempted humans with, making Mai her top contender to seduce with a deal should she ever need to. "She's not psychic, she's a liar and knows her deck inside and out." Joey could hear Pai in his head as she silently smiled from the sidelines, "Astral taught me this trick when she was learning magic with Atem's friends. Just focus on what you can do and ignore her taunts, Joey. Focus on the cards and what you can do against that cougar." Pai made him even more determined to win and he decided to focus, eventually winning the duel against her and cheering when he earned another star chip. "Cool, now let's get more chips so we can fight that silver haired middle aged loser."
Yami Yugi and Yugi were surprised to hear those kind of words from Pai, "I may or may not have some beef with Pegasus. Past stuff mostly." She grimaced, while telling Yugi after Mako yelled at Tristan and Joey for stealing his fish, "He just passed my card around a lot and it wasn't pleasant in the slightest." Turning semi-transparent, she watched as they dueled with disinterest since Mako's deck, was just really water filled with little strategy other than to mow his opponents down since he was by the sea and had the advantage. "I'm goin to go take a nap in my card while you battle him, Atem. You'll win anyway without my help." Vanishing into her card, the sounds of battle continued outside her domicile as she ate an ice cream, only feeling weird when she heard a kid shout at Yugi. "Mokuba?"
[twenty minutes later]
"Hey, you're the lady who was standing next to Yugi during his duel with my brother!" Pai blinked a few times as she blinked while standing next to me, "I heard your voice before when my old friend Exodia was summoned against Kaiba." She calmly told him, "I need you to listen to me, Mokuba. We need your help, because Pegasus has kidnapped Yugi's gramps soul." Mokuba felt at ease like I did when she talked to me, and listened while handing the deck, chips back. "Thank you, Mokuba. Shall you come with us?" The sweet moment didn't last, because a henchman held Mokuba hostage as we had to battle a ghoul, who looked nearly identical to Kaiba but with black markings on his face. "Yugi, if you summon me now...you'll be at a major disadvantage!" She warned me as I prepared to use her card, having been at a loss for how to continue forward, "Trust yourself like you always do, because you can find a way."
Summoning Dark Magician, I was nearly taken down until the secondary effect of a spell card relating to Pai activated, Sword to the End. "With Sword to the End, I can double the attack points of Dark Magician!" His attack points rose to five thousand and I attacked, destroying the imitation dragon and sending the ghoul's life points to zero. "Go back to whence you came!" Using his mental crush power, I sent the mimic back to the shadow realm with ease, Pai returning to my side after the spell card Sword to the End left the field. "I was shouting from within my card but no one could hear..." She fell onto my chest breathing heavily with a hoarse voice, "They ran off with Mokuba."
To be continued....
Sword to the End:
- Grace.
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