Sinking the Sunken City

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The Realm of Trapped Souls


"She still hasn't talked to Yami since that day?" Yugi asked as Tea nodded her head, "She's really upset with him after he dueled so recklessly that day. You know she likes you right?" His face went red but he nodded, "I like her a lot too." Tea shook her head, "That's why she's so mad at him, Yugi. She cares about you a lot and the fact that Yami dueled and lost but you stepped in for angers her and frustrates her." She groaned, "You'll have to mediate between them until she calms down or Yami apologizes again." 

[Duel with Rafael outside Trapped Realm]

Having to watch as Rafael used the Seal of Orichalcos, Yami fought to show him the error of his ways that he too experienced when he gave in to the darkness, but noticed that Tia was ignoring his duel because of how disappointed she was in him. "I'm sorry for what I did, please...I need your help." His fists were balled as he begged her to help him so she stepped forward from where she was on the sidelines, taking out her duel disk as she assumed his role for his partner following Kaiba's defeat, and the impending risk of Dartz winning because he had no partner. "Come on, let's go Cosmos Queen!!" 

Her shout made Dartz flinch, since the card for Cosmos Queen had looked similar to Iona when she transformed into a monster, "Go, Galaxy Wave!" The spellcaster sent out a cosmic wave, that destroyed the Mirror Knight monsters while freeing the souls of Tia and Yami's friends, ruining the next phase of Dartz's turn as he shouted in frustration. "Go, Sedin the Witchling!" She shouted on her next turn then casting Polymerization, fusing Dragon Master Knight and the witch monster, "Come forth! Faustiana Mother of the Universe!"

[Credit to the artist for the art in the card at the bottom of it in white.]


"No!!" He shouted as Faustiana's effect brought Dragon Master Knight and Sedina back to the field with counters on them, that negated the spells Dartz used and helped because of my low life points, after I took the damage for some attacks that were meant for Yami. "Now! Rebirth Supernova!" I shouted as Dartz screamed with his monsters destroyed and their effects negated, "Keep going, Tia!!" I heard Yugi's voice in my head as I battled which meant that him and the others were safe, "Now, I activate my trap card! Treasure of the Fallen Light!" Having Aricia revived from the graveyard, I had her in attack position alongside the others. "Now, come back Legendary Knights!" Having Yami use polymerization to fuse them and destroy the Divine Serpent, "Now release their souls!!" 

Dartz chuckled maniacally while refusing he would be defeated, "I offer you my soul, Leviathan! Wreak havoc on this world with my help!" Being absorbed by Leviathan, it started to raise Atlantis from the sea which caused a hurricane to tumble towards the east coast, "We have to get out of here, Yami!" Grabbing him by the arm we fled after the giant red monster, "Let's do this, jerkwad!" After Kaiba summoned his monsters, I smirked, "Go, Cosmos Queen, Aricia, Sedin, and Faustiana the Mother of the Universe!" Yami commanded them to attack, with my witches calmly blasting Leviathan with spells of strong ancient light magic, that caused it to burn the serpents skin. Finishing the battle off as Dartz and Leviathan sunk into the sea with Atlantis, the man's soul moving  on to be with his family and us going to find out the rest of my past as well as Yami's. 

[After a Killer computer incident following Kaiba basically blackmailing us again into a tournament....]

"Geez, Gramps ain't going easy on Joey." I huffed while still in Tea's body, having used a spell that Dartz taught me before he moved on to the after life, to make her an identical body to her old one. "I hope Vivian and Rebecca know that Yugi is mine." My grumble made Tea pat my shoulder in sympathy, knowing how hard it was to see the person you like being flirted with, even though they're already with you. The match ending in Joey's victory and the following one between Vivian who wanted Yugi and Rebecca, who only said she liked Yugi to look more mature. "You know, Vivin was it?" She growled at me as I told her, "I'm Yugi's girlfriend. Becca just says that to sound more mature." Hugging him close, Vivian glared as I smirked while he blushed, "If you're woman enough to duel me, then do so without taking out your insecurities on my friend." Yugi smiled when hearing me defend Becca who was like my sister, "Now beat her ass back to wherever she crawled out of, Rebecca!" 

She nodded, using Guardian Angel Joan to defeat her easily, "Told you they came here to see me and not you!!" Hugging the two of us, she didn't let go until it was her turn to duel Leon, who had a crush on her because of her intelligence. "Too bad she can't see what's in front of her." Tea commented as I laughed, "She'll figure it out one day." 


To be continued....


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