Resolution: A Path for the Future

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"Is someone talking? Because I hear no one." Yami was frustrated with Letitia (She refuses to go by Pai now), because she still hadn't forgiven him after the incident with the Paradiso Corp, or for how I had to take the hit instead of him. "We're going to find out your history, Letitia. please try to cooperate with Yami while we're there?" I cuddled her and she huffed, "Fine but tell him to not take it to heart because I'm still done with anything outside of that which involves our past." 

[Five Thousand Years in the Past]

"Atem?" A younger version of Letitia had called out to Yami who was in confusion over why she was being friendly to him, until he saw her innocent smile which reminded him where he was in the past, and who she was back then as the fallen angel and lucky charm of the kingdom. Letitia Bliss, a former high angel of the trinity who fell from grace, after dishonoring her fellow angels by helping her friend who was a demon and remarkably resembled Tea. "I'm fine, Tia." She blushed as I grabbed her hand, "When have you ever been so touchy, Atem?!" She was shy compared to her present self but it was refreshing, "We should head back soon, your attendant will go nuts if you don't return soon." Yami pulled her closer after she tried to pull away, "Tia, do you know me?" Her face was red as she tried pushing him away again, but that was a feeling the pharaoh hated more than anything. 

[After Zorc Bakura's attack]

"Yami!" I shouted as he stared at me in disbelief, my appearance being that of my old self, and my face filled with worry even though I was still unready to make full amends with him. "T-Tia?" My feet were unsteady but I bolted towards him as everyone else watched, "Why were being reckless again, you idiot?!" My cheeks felt hot as he held me in a hug but I couldn't stop the tears from coming out, because I thought he left forever when Yugi told me he wasn't in the puzzle anymore, I thought I lost my best friend for good. "You're such...a jerk...*whimper*....a major jerk..." She ended up helping him against Diabound with Dark Magician Girl and Mahad (Dark Magician), "Your name, Yami?" She asked as he told him, defending him against the attacks while sensing a dark presence nearby, "It....It's...Atem." Atem now knowing his name was able to stop Zorc Bakura, was able to stop his revival in the real world with his duel against Zorc Bakura, ending in his victory. 

"Thanks for not leaving me, Atem." She smiled like she used to at him which made him genuinely happy, "Thank you for remaining by my side for five thousand years, Letitia." Following their return to the present, Atem decided to seal the Millennium Items within himself, but that meant someone had to fight him and Yugi volunteered to. "I guess that Means I should make myself a new card." Her words made no sense to Yugi but Atem smiled, "I'll fight by your side one last time, my dear friend." She crafted the perfect card for herself using her newly awakened powers, Letitia Bliss the Angel of Vengeance and Justice.


"I summon my faithful friend!" Atem shouted as he summoned Letitia, "Letitia Bliss, the Angel of Reveangance and Justice!" She flew out from the card gracefully with an ever present caring smile on her face, hand holding the other as she allowed all four of her wings out, black and white. A perfect combination of unity and balance, fighting for what she wanted, who she wanted and loved for years. "Bliss use Swords of Fiery Light!!" He commanded, as Tia blasted the large metal fusion monster Yugi summoned to bits, Yugi managing to defeat Slifer, Ra, and Obelisk but Tia withstood all his attacks.

"Now, Tia use-!" He was shocked, when Yugi managed to use enemy controller to take Letitia to his side as Atem summoned Dark Magician, "Leti, use Unification Blast!!" He shouted as Dark Magician used Dark magic attack, her attack points being four thousand due to the cards in Yugi's hand along with her defense points, "Dark Magic Attack!!!" Atem shouted as he heard Tia calling out to him in his mind, "PLease don't leave me here by myself again...not again....!!" But the person he saw in front of him was a confident version of her who no longer pleaded for him to stay, who was ready for him to pass on and for her to begin the rest of her life in her new mortal body. "Stay with him, Letitia." He suddenly said through the bright light of both of the monsters clashing, "Go take your happiness and treasure it. I will always be watching over you." 

Her duel form smiled even larger, as she destroyed Dark Magician and landed on the ground with her card flying out from Atem's duel disk, landing in Yugi's hand as she vanished from the field. "Thank you, for making that eternity of filled with warmth Atem." She thanked him while appearing in her human form, which is the one she was now bound to. "You were the best friend I could ever ask for, Atem. Now go to them, go to those who also made my eternity happy filled." Atem teared up as he quickly spun around and hugged Letitia tightly, "Thank you....for everything....Tia." She felt her own tears welling up as she hugged back hard, "I am the one who should be thanking you, my friend." He let go and left after saying a tearful goodbye to Joey, Tea, and Tristan, passing on to the afterlife for good.


Ten Years Later


"Why don't we go for a walk today, Yugi?" Leti asked me, and I agreed while picking up a card that was created between the two of us, shortly before I graduated high school. The card contained our child, who was half human and half duel monster, though we never called her by her full name, we just called her Lizz. "Yeah, we can walk through the park. Wanna bring Lizz?" Leti sighed, "She won't come out even if we do. She really prefers her card to her bedroom." Heading out with me, the two of us were walking when a teen ran into us, "Are you okay, kid?" Leti asked as he sheepishly smiled, "Here, take this. Something is telling me they belong with you." Handing him Lizz and Kuriboh, Leti quickly ushered me away as I gave the kid a thumbs up, "Are you sure you want to give our daughter away so easily?" 

She disregarding my teasing, "She's enrolled there too under special circumstances, so she won't have to take the entrance exam." Leti gave me her signature cheesy grin, "That kid is just giving her a free ride there." Pulling her closer as we walked, Letitia smiled even more under the nice weather and pretty sun, "I love you, Yugi." Her ring glinted as I chuckled with my own shining in the sun, "I love you too, Letitia Muto."


The End


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