"You want me to battle instead of Yugi?" Seto had demanded that I duel instead of Atem or Yugi, because he wanted absolute satisfaction that he was the best duelist and it was apparent, that I had helped to defeat him during a plethora of Atem's duels. "No one on earth will be superior to me, so I demand you battle me!" Giving me his duel disc, I sighed while switching places with Yugi and taking over his physical form, "Let's do this then!" My wings were out along with my tail now that I had remembered more of who I was, but it didn't help that it made me look absolutely terrifying. "I tribute summon Tyrant Dragon by sacrificing my totem dragon!" Setting Luster Dragon down in defense position, I ended my turn while setting a trap with Mirror Force and Tyrant's Temper for Kaiba, Dark Marik already determined to face Atem, Yugi, and I in the final battle. "Now, Luster Dragon, Tyrant Dragon, dual Luster Fire wave!" Taking out Kaiba's monster after he set up Joey to lose, I smirked as the results of the battle were decided, "Looks like you'll be facing us, Marik."
Switching bodies with Atem, he had taken over with Yugi as I watched in a spirit form, "Good job, Tia." He complimented as I sheepishly smiled, "It's all thanks to the deck that you guys made for me." Joey who staunchly opposed the fact that we were dueling against Marik, somehow convinced Kaiba to let the match ups switch around and was defeated by Marik, being sent to the shadow realm. "Joey!" During the battle against Kaiba, I stayed silent because I knew Atem could do it on his own and because, Seto needed to be kicked down a peg without my meddling. "Use Slifer, now!" I suddenly shouted with Yugi and Atem obeyed, both Slifer and Obelisk destroying each other and leaving them with only Dark Magician, with Seto summoning Blue Eyes White Dragon as a vision of the past played in front of us.
"Atem, no!" Letitia cried out while trying to prevent her best friend from making a mistake or worse, with Priest Seto glaring at her and demanding she abandon Atem for him, "We have no allegiance to anyone but ourselves and will prove it to you!" Atem, denied that Priest Seto could beat him and instead summoned Dark Magician while shielding Letitia from the battle, Blue Eyes also awakening as the ancient Seto had his eyes on the fallen angel who had willingly chained herself to the great Pharoah. Yami, Yugi, and everyone else being sent back to the present where both the spirit of the puzzle and Pai, finally getting a better understanding of their relationship to each other. "What was that?" She asked while realizing she was in her physical form, taking over the remainder of the battle for her two goofball best friends, "I summon Dark Magician in attack mode!" The card had swapped with Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts, as her power started to swap with Atem's and he controlled the Dark Magician beautifully, combatting Kaiba off and managing to wind against his three Blue Eyes.
"Awesome!" His companion cheered in her non-physical form as they rested before the final battle against Marik, which quickly turned into a shadow game that threatened to destroy Yugi's soul, "I'll be stepping up to help you, so join me now Yugi. I'll take form with my own power and you can reside in my mind until this is over." Forcing herself into existence, she stood beside Yami as Yugi watched from inside her mind. Seeing as his partner summoned Slifer, and then after having the red dragon turned against him, used the same strategy he used with Kuriboh and Multiply but with Obelisk and trashed Marik by doing so. Destroying Yami Marik further at the cost of also killing Marik bit by bit, until Odion managed to get Marik to overpower his dark self and surrender the duel. "You guys have one hour to get off of this island before it explodes." Kaiba informed them which made Yugi ask if Marik's darker side had done that prior to being banished, "No I just activated it."
Pai shouted from her human form along with Yugi's voice mixing in, "Kaiba you jerk!!"
To be continued...
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