"So that explains why my card had the divine attribute instead of a darkness attribute, I'm not a true demon...I'm just a fallen angel." My words made Yugi smile in my head, even though I was still trying to process the information, "You're still the same Pai to me, always." His spirit's words just caused my face to break out in a red blush, "Shut up, you two!" They chuckled as I told them while holding my invitation, "It's Seto Kaiba. We are to defeat him here and I am not going to hold back." I showed Mai the new light, witch, darkness, and fiend deck I created with spells and traps to boot. "He sent me an invitation now that he knows I can maintain a human form physically, and I'm locked out of my card anyway now that I've broken my seal on it so I'm game." I shouldn't have said that because I was then forced to duel a rare hunter after Joey lost Red Eyes to them, "I bet my Cosmos Queen!" I shouted as I managed to barely evade the trap that Joey fell for, "Now, Quantum Dragon, use Time Warp Blast!"
My powerful time dragon which had the same effect as time wizard, "No!!!!!" He shouted as his limbs of Exodia were destroyed by the time warp effect and the blast, Marik mocking me as I sneered with the millennium rod he used controlling his Rare Hunters, "Here's your Red Eyes, Joe." He tried to refuse it but I shook my head and gave it back, "I already have my mighty Quantum Dragon and Cosmos Queen. You take it dork." Atem had ruffled the hair on my head, after when he came over to see what we were up to following my rescue of Red Eyes, "I was waiting for you, so we could go take on another Rare Hunter nearby by the name of Arcana." My smirk made him return it, "I'm betting he'll make it a shadow duel and so, we need to knock him out." Finding my identity was one thing but learning of my fate was another, so if I was to save the world...I would draw Marik out by defeating his henchman, "Arcana, drop the act! No amount of your smoke and mirrors bull crap can save you!"
"I summon, Cosmos Queen in attack position!!" My shout made Yami nod, as we tag dueled against Arcana who agreed because he was also after my Quantum Dragon, "Now rise, Sedin the Witchling!" Yami pulled polymerization on his turn, "I fuse Sedin the Witchling with Dark Magician!" He shouted as Arcana was being backed into a corner, "Rise, Aricia the Witch of Creation!!"
"Haaaah!!" She shouted as she rose, small cutesy ghost spirits around her and making Arcana think she was harmless, until he saw her attack and defense points.
"How the hell is such a puny thing so strong!" Smirking i shouted, "Now, Aricia! Eradication Wipeout!" Blasting a small energy ball of light that grew larger, it engulf the field with Arcana screaming and when it cleared, he was being used as a messenger by Marik who wanted to talk to Yugi after Arcana failed. "Yugi, I think he's broken enough. We should get going and nice play by fusing Sedin with Dark Magician." My smile made both Atem and Yugi blush, "Though next time, please do warn me before you fuse them together. I had Cosmos Queen ready in case it went south."
[Ten Minutes Later]
"Not Weevil again..." My groan made Yugi nod in agreement, "He's a low down dirty cheat. Though battling Strings was far harder, how did you know I had to play that card?" I looked at them, "Because if you back it into a corner, revival jam will make it end up with the player running out of cards." My words made sense as I explained, "It's like when I dueled Esper Roba, I used a simple trick with Enemy Controller and Mind Control to lock him in a loop of endless draws because he couldn't do anything." Unfortunately we ended up in a tag duel together against Rare Hunters Lumis and Umbra, the teamwork Yami and I had not solid enough to stand up to theirs. "Atem, Now! Use polymerization!" Fusing Sedin, Dark Magicial Girl and Dark Magician, Atem summoned Ares, Primordial Magic Originator who had a staggering six thousand attack and four thousand defense. "I knew Tyrant's Temper would come in handy!" My shout made Lumis and Umbra growl, since the trap card I played negated theirs which was Mask of Restrict, preventing them from barring us on higher level monsters.
After defeating the, we had to rescue Joey and following that craziness which the author doesn't want to write about, the finals began with myself destroying my card and assuming my spirit form after dropping out. "Atem, I don't want to leave yet I feel like there's still more we need to do even after we defeat Marik." It was a feeling I couldn't explain well, one of dread and anxiety for what my future held since I was never supposed to be with Atem again after I was sealed, my spirit was going to pass on until something intervened. "I feel what you mean, Tia but we must focus on the task at hand. I don't want to lose you to the shadow realm." Fighting Zorc Bakura shortly after during the tournament, I helped from inside the puzzle with Yugi as Atem dueled, giving tips and letting him know when he was at a disadvantage. Winning the duel and Joey won his but at the cost of Odion passing out, delivering a message about Marik's true nature and his sordid past which shaped his current condition, the evil in question wrecking Mai in a duel and destroying her memories.
Thankfully she regained enough control to steal the Winged Dragon of Ra from Yami Marik but it was too much, and she lost herself to the shadow realm after Marik recited the text and summoned Ra. "Mai!" We all shouted as her body fell to the ground, her soul trapped in the realm where no light reached, Ishizu who was the eighth duelist being trumped by Seto when she tried to take Obelisk back from him. "Here, take it." Yugi gave me the millennium necklace after Ishizu gave it up, making me place it around my neck after I became solid again, "Geez, who would've thought I'd end up with this."
To be continued....
A/N: I'm skipping a lot of filler. so no Noah in cyberspace arc.
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