Chapter 68

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"So you've known Marc how long now?" Emilia asked as she sat on one end of my bed as I was painting my toenails.

"I've known him since I was 14years old" I replied as I dipped the brush in the nail polish.

"And you guys have only been friends? You've never..." Emilia started but I cut her off before because I already know what she was going to ask me.

"No, we've never hooked up, messed around or other wised been involved. The only relationship we've ever had was a regular friendship, he's always been more of a brother to me" I said to her.

"Oh,but he's really handsome" Emilia smiled.

"Yeah I've noticed" I said to her. "I've also noticed that you've brought him up a thousand times for days now, every chance you get".

"Its nothing I'm just uhm... concern" Emilia replied.

"You mean curious?" I asked raising a brow.

"Yeah that" Emilia smile.

"Well there is a saying that goes; curiosity kills the cat. So maybe you shouldn't be so curious" I said to her.

"Yeah, well fortunately I'm not a cat" Emilia grinned before getting up. "I'm going to get something to drink, want anything?"

"No I'm okay" I said to her.

"I'll be back" Emilia said exiting the room.

I had just started brushing my hair when my phone started ringing. I looked at the caller's ID seeing Dominic's name, its been a while since I've received a call from Dominic.

"Well this is a surprise" I said putting the phone at my ears.

"Hey, what's up?" Dominic asked.

"Well not much, just surprised that you still knows my number" I replied.

"I need to ask you something" Dominic said.

"Okay shoot" I said before laughing at how that sound. "I mean go ahead".

"What do you know about the Glendocks?" Dominic asked.

"What is that like a crappy garage band?" I asked.

"No, it's a small scale upcoming gang that's trying to get involved in bigger operations" Dominic said to me.

"Okay? And why would you think I'd have any idea about such group?" I asked confused.

"When you were with your asswipe ex-boyfriend, I thought you'd probably managed to pick up something or heard something maybe?" Dominic replied.

"In case you don't remember Gio, and I haven't talked about things like those and the minute he found out I was involved with things like that, he held a gun to my head" I said to him not giving away the fact that I was actually seeing Gio again. "Anyway, why did you asked? Do you think he's connected to them someway?"

"We had a little incident earlier, my men caught this guy that was trying to hijack and scam some shipments from our group. We managed to get some information from him and he's from that gang but they said they've seen a guy they recognized as one from Cavelli's group" Dominic said to me.

"So what? You think somehow that Gio is siding with the garage band named gang to mess around with the Luciano's?" I asked. "Nic, look I don't think he's..."

"Are you defending him? Lexi have you forgotten how mad he was when he found out you were involved with us? Don't you remember what happened after? What he did?" Dominic asked. "This could be his way of revenge, supporting the small group so they'll form allies".

"I'm not saying that it couldn't be so but I doubt Giovanni would ever stooped that low" I replied.

"He's stooped lower, he's a low life scum" Dominic replied making me wince at the harsh description of Gio. "If Cavelli ever try starting anything now, he's definitely asking for war and I'll gladly make sure to end his miserable piece of life along with his dogs".

"Dominic don't go doing anything you're not sure about, I thought we were done with all this Cavelli issue" I said to him just as Emilia came back looking at me curiously at the mention of her surname.

"Cavelli is definitely going to get what's coming to him if I ever find out its really him sending his goons with those amateurs" Dominic said.

"You don't know if... What exactly do these goons even look like or did any of your guys happened to get a name?" I asked.

"There were two, one dark hair, they didn't really get a good close up but they were recognized as one's of Cavelli's. Only caught one name Snakes" Dominic replied.

"Dark hair that's a good description" I said sarcastically. "I don't know, never heard him talk to any snakes before either so I'm honestly not sure".

"Don't worry I'll figure it out, was just wondering if you might have had any clues about the group" Dominic said. "Cavelli and his little amateur animals must not know who they're messing with".

"Clearly" I said playing along.

"Look we'll talk tomorrow alright" Dominic said to me.

"Okay, goodnight" I said hanging up the phone.

"And what about the Cavelli's?" Emilia asked raising a brow.

"Let's just say Gio may have a major traitor in the family" I said to her as I started dialling Gio.

"I didn't know you owned another house" I said to Gio as we climbed out of the car and stood in front of the large house.

"You never asked" Gio said to me. "This one is where most of men live".

"Oh, there are a lot of things I don't know I guess" I said to him but not in a rude manner.

"Listen, I should warn you, when we go inside don't speak unless..." Gio started but I cut him off.

"Unless spoken to, don't join in unless I'm being asked and don't try rto be sassy or talk back to you or any of the guys in high rank as well because that'll be disrespectful and make you seems weak" I finished for him.


"Gio are you forgetting I'm from a family like that as well. I've gotten this lecture before from Dad and Dominic" I said rolling my eyes. "God, men and their superior complex...look I'll shut up and play innocent weak female, just this once. But don't get it twisted I'm not gonna be one of those petty submissive females"

"I love it when you play tough with me, but I have a reputation to keep so I can't allow that today" Gio said holding my hand which I was pointing at his chest with and pulling me to him. "And we got to work on that eye rolling thing or you'll have to be punished".

"Yeah right punished" I said sarcastically.

"I am serious" Gio said though I could see the side of his lips twitching to form a smile.

"Oh I know, you're serious. Always so serious Gio" I chuckled before planting my lips on his.

"You ready to go inside?" Gio asked once we pulled away.

"As ready as I'll ever be" I smiled before allowing him to lead me inside my hand still in his.

So after I had talked to Gio after talking to Dominic the other night I had managed to get Gio to agree to me going to him to one of his 'family' meetings and meeting them. I haven't mentioned anything to him about what Dominic had told me about the Glendocks nor one of his men spotted in the group. He had eventually given into me asking for him to take me with him, I told him I was curious and he said after all they are family so they deserved to know me as well. I had made Emilia go with Kathleen at work today although not really stating much about where I was going or doing. My aim today really was to try and figure out who the hell here was this Snakes Dominic was talking about.

When we entered the house and Gio lead me through we passed several different men on the way that Gio informed to be in the conference room in five minutes. Gio hadn't introduced me to anyone as yet until we were in the conference room which had an extra large table with about 50 or more chairs. Gio had informed me that not everyone from the family would be here today. A couple minutes passed until a whole lot of men started filing in and standing in from of their seats, not sitting as yet. I noticed quite a few of them including my all time favourite Lucas whom nose I had take liberty in rearranging who looked shell shocked at seeing me here today. Then there was Joe- my little friend who had apparently started walking now without crutches- and was equally shocked at seeing me here next to Gio. I couldn't help but smile at him as I remembered what transpired between us and how he never really told Gio I was responsible, though I had threatened him that he could get kill the minute he screw up, I made a mental note to talk to him later. And then there was also the one who had been with Joe when I was kidnapped-Ciro I think, he was the only one who still hadn't felt the wrath of my revenge.

"Brothers you can all be seated" Gio announced once everyone was inside the room.

I felt slightly nervous being here with all these men as they all looked at me with curious eyes and what look like disbelief at seeing Gio brought a woman to such meeting. I tried to get a good look at everyone's face and memorize them including looking at the hair. Dominic's description of a dark hair guy wasn't very accurate because majority of the men here had dark hair. That description did nothing.

"I know you're all wondering why I have a woman here with me today but allow me to enlightened you" Gio said reaching for my hand so I stood with him. "This here is my girlfriend Lexi. Being with me therefore makes her apart of the family, she's to be treated with equal respect as I do and just the same as you'd want to protect me those treatment also goes to her".

Before Gio could say anything more, there were a few acknowledgment, nods, sounds of I'm guessing protest and that's the one which stood out more.

"Girlfriend? You've got to be kidding me? You brought a weak girl here? Females shouldn't be included in any of this, this is a man's world. Women are weak and they also make you weak. You of all people should know that" this one guy protested before adding "boss" when he remembered who is was talking to.

I could feel Gio tense with anger and I place a hand on his arm to try and calm him before he dies something he might regret. The room was now silent after that bastards outburst, even though this guy would deserved Gio's wrath a hundred percent, I wouldn't want to be the caused right now. How dare him speak of women like that and more over to his boss who is superior to him. Makes me wonder if this is how he always behave.

"Its seem someone have forgotten their place! I suggest that you remember your position here and whatever's ass you felt like escaping from today and speaking to me like that, even worst insulting Lexi, you crawl right back in before I put a bullet through your skull" Gio said to him with a voice I honestly never heard him used before nor would I want to be on the receiving end of it.

"I'm sorry boss" the guy responded hanging his head.

"Apologized to her for your comment" Gio said to him angrily.

"I'm sorry for my offensive comment Lexi" the guy said to me which I just nodded before looking at Gio questioningly.

"Lexi, meet Trent,who decided to be an ass and act up today" Gio said to me. "Also known as Snakes".

"Snakes" I repeated nodding.


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