Chapter 62

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We were all having breakfast together and chatting this morning. Me mom, dad and Kathleen. We were having this strange discussion about zoos and circuses and their actions towards the animals. I'm not really sure how the conversation was brought up but I think I may have said something about bored and childhood activities and Kathleen said something about going to the zoo.
Apparently I was the only one who thought that these places were evil places.

"I never supported zoos and circuses ever growing up" I said before taking a sip out of my juice. "I just think its cruel".

"What do you mean by cruel exactly?" Dad asked raising a brow.

"Well for starters they are places that supports and promotes cruelty and sometimes prejudice towards animals" I said to them.

"How? The zoo and the circus are places where families go to see the different animals and stuff they can do" Kathleen tried to explain. "I've been before and I never thought or see any cruelty being displayed towards the animals".

"Just because you don't see them doesn't mean it doesn't happened" I replied taking a bite out of my sandwich. "Firstly... These animals are obviously kidnapped and taken from their natural habitat and wild life only to be put into captivity then to be subjected to all different forms of abuses and used for human entertainment. If that isn't cruelty enough I don't know what is".

"Wow, I never knew we had a animal rights activist on our hands" mom said clearly amused. "But on a serious level if it weren't for these zoos and circuses we wouldn't even know about or see some of the animals that we're aware of now. So the zoo and circus are often times the only way we get to see these things".

"I couldn't careless about actually seeing these animals as long as they would have been safe and left in they're natural habitats" I said to them. "Do you have any idea how some of these animals have to suffer some form of mental and emotional abuse? I mean most of them were kidnapped from their families. Just because they can't speak out doesn't mean they don't have feelings as well".

"Is this really coming from you?" Dad asked. "I never knew you felt this strongly about animals".

"I do. I have to speak out for those who don't have a voice for themselves" I replied.

"I still don't think zoos and circuses are that evil, people actually enjoying going to see these animals. These places helps us to appreciate each animal when we go to see them" Kathleen replied and the others agreed.

"Would any of y'all like to be taken away from your families only to be placed in cages and tanks, not being able to fully enjoy the life you were meant to be. Just so that you could be put on display where others come and view you as entertainment and making fun of you?" I raised a brow at them as I took another sip of my juice.

"Good point" Dad nodded as if seeing where I was coming from.

"I've never thought of it like that before" Mom responded.

"Actually that does sound kinda creepy" Kathleen said wrinkling her brows.

"My thoughts exactly. I know what its like to be kidnapped and taken against my will and trust me its no fun at all. I know how these animals feels at times" I said to them. "I don't care what anyone else thinks but animals don't deserve to be treated cruelly just because humans are so stupid and think animals are inferior to us.. Zoos and circuses are disgusting".

"You do feel strongly against them" Kathleen said in realization.

"I had no idea you feel that way about animals honestly" mom said to me.

"Hmm" I confirmed while chewing my food.

"There's cheese and eggs on your plate" Dad said with a mischievous smirk.

"Yeah I know I'm having grilled cheese sandwich, can't possible call it that without cheese can I?" I said confused at his antics. "And yeah omelette is eggs, so?"

"You do realized that cheese came from cows?" Dad pointed out. "And eggs are from chickens?"

"Technically no cheese was made from the milk and all not directly from the cow but what's your point?" I asked.

"Well technically as you put it, cheese was made my milk which came from cows. I'm not sure if you're aware of the process that takes place on the diary farm in order for these milk to be produced but if you're so strongly against cruelty to animals why are you eating it? In fact why do you even eat meat, you do know you're contradicting yourself and actually being a hypocrite now by doing that?" Dad said with a smug smile at leaving me speechless with his new point.

"You know what you're cruel Dad. You couldn't just let me live with the thought that I was totally against animal cruelty and killing?" I said frowning as the others laugh at my now baffled expression.

"Sorry, I just had to" Dad laughed.

"Never mind though I'll soon become an overbearing vegan then, once I find out how to look after vegan foods properly" I said to them. "But first let me just guiltily finish my breakfast".

"You're crazy Lexi" Kathleen and the others laughed.

"So you're going out today?" Mom said once I was ready to leave.

"Yeah, I've got some early errands to run today" I said getting up.

"I thought we were going to the shooting range today" Kathleen said. "Are we cancelling?"

"No, no we're going. I'll meet you there once I'm through" I said to her.

"Ok" she replied.

"While you're out on those errands try to come up with more ideas of vegan foods" Dad teased.

"I'm not answering that" I said walking off. "Bye guys, see y'all later".

I was here at Gio's penthouse suite curled up in bed beside him as we talked about experiences and things that has or hasn't happened to us before.

"I've never gotten shot before so I honestly don't know what it feels like. Not that I'd wanna know by the way" I said running my finger over a tiny scar Gio had on his shoulder courtesy of me shooting him that day to get away when he found out my involvement with the Luciano's.

"Good you shouldn't try to get shot either" Gio replied pulling me over more on his chest. "I won't lie and say that it was a walk in the park. I've been shot more than once yet thankfully I'm still alive but truth is, that shit hurts"

"Sorry about that time when I shot you" I said sheepishly before started laughing at the memory now.

"No, you're not" Gio replied. "You're here laughing at the memory, you clearly enjoyed doing it".

"I know its not funny but what was I supposed to do you had a gun pointed at my freaking head" I chuckled. "What I did was self defense... Sorta".

"Must you always scrape that back up?" Gio groaned.

"Do you mean bring it up again?" I asked chuckling.

"Yeah yeah same thing" Gio replied. "Its the past, must you always bring it up?"

"Yes I must. Its a past I'm never gonna forget" I said to him.

"Well maybe I'm just gonna have to make you forget" Gio said mischievously.

"Wh...Ow!" I was starting to ask what the hell he was talking about but didn't get a chance to finished as Gio's hand had came in contact with my bare butt, not in a gentle caressing way but a smack. "Gio! Did you just spank me!?"

"Maybe" Gio smirked. "See, I told you I could make you forget".

"You're gonna pay for that" I said to him before reaching down under the covers behind him to grab his ass.

"Hey! Hands off my gold!" Gio jumped grabbing my hand and bringing up my hand to his chest holding it there.

"Your gold huh?" I laughed at Gio's reference to his butt as his gold. "That's what happens when you smack mine"

Gio hated when I touched his butt and knowing he hated it makes me do it more, especially now.

"Yeah well I own it so I can smack it whenever I want" Gio said be slapping my butt once again.

"Ow! Gio!" I jumped slapping him on the chest before rubbing my now stinging bum.

"Alright, I'll stop" she laughed. "Just for now".

"What time is it anyway?" I asked picking up my phone from the nightstand and looking at the time. "11:07, okay I need to go get a shower now and then you gotta feed me before I leave".

"I wash your back you wash mine?" Gio asked.

"We'll see" I said getting up.

After our shower and Gio literally feeding me with whatever Italian food it is that he had cooked, I decided it was probably full time I left for the shooting range. It was now a minute to 12 and I'd be late if I don't leave now.

"You should just let me drop you off" Gio said as I took up my bag.

"And what would I do about my car? Thank you, but I'll be fine" I said giving him a small kiss on the lips before there was a knock on his door. "Were you expecting someone?"

"Not that I'm aware of" Gio said confused before both of us walked to the door.

The minute Gio opened the door, there was this girl standing there. I didn't even get a chance to see her face properly or anything because as soon as Gio had opened the door and she saw him, she just sprung right in and into his arms throwing her hands around his neck shouting his name. I couldn't help but raised my brows in surprised at this, and by the look on Gio's face he was clearly more surprised than I was.


So here it is guys, our new character introduced. Who is Emilia? Comment, comment, comment and let me know what you think. Is she gonna be trouble or what?

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