"This just seems so weird" I confessed to Kathleen as we pushed the trolley down the fruit aisle in the supermarket.
"What do you mean?" Kathleen wrinkled her brows in confusion.
"This" I gestured to our trolley. "What we're doing now".
"What? You've never gone grocery shopping before?"
"I can't tell the last time I have" I replied. "This was something I've done with my mom as a kid but since I've become apart of the Luciano family there wasn't a need for me to ever go grocery shopping, especially not for this much item in a public place. So now volunteering to do this now is just really all so strange to me"
"Its not even that much stuff" Kathleen said to me picking up some peaches.
So Kathleen and I were shopping after work. Why? Well normally everything is always already at home since Ella always make sure to stock the house but we were passing the supermarket and Kathleen decided she felt like getting some pomegranates because she's been craving them. Like seriously? Who the hell craves pomegranates? And I've decided what the hell let's go get your pomegranates and that's how we ended up here now doing a full on grocery shopping. We both obviously couldn't come out of the supermarket with just one bag of pomegranates so we decided to stock up on whatever else we saw and wanted.
"Still doesn't change the fact that being in here feels weird to me" I said before looking at some people we had past. "Great, now people are even starting to stare".
"Lexi I don't see anyone staring, everyone's doing their own thing"
"I must be losing my mind then" I shook my head before putting two bags of grapes in the trolley before leaving the fruits aisle.
"Aunt Eva's crunchy peanut and sugar cookies?" I heard Kathleen said as she picked up a box.
"What I've never heard of that" I said turning around to face her.
"Me neither" Kathleen said reading the words on the box. "Must be new".
I reached for one of the cookie boxes before turning it over and reading the ingredients.
"Why the hell would anyone eat that? Its literally all carbs and sugar. This thing is a recipe for diabetes" I shake my head putting back the box before turning around.
Just as I was about to turn around I collided with someone. Hands came up to immediately steady me.
"Excuse me I'm oww..." Strands of my hair was tangled with some accessory on the other person, most likely a watch.
"Oh shit, my bad let me fix that" the person said as he took his time to get the few strands off hair from his watch without having to break any.
"Thanks" I said smoothing back my curls before looking up at the person.
"You've got to be kidding me. Isn't there no escaping you guys?" I huffed in annoyance.
"Look who it is, Lexi right?" Paolo smiled in recognition.
"Yes and can't y'all like just crawl in a hole and die" I said rolling my eyes.
"Still ever so feisty and hostile I see" Paolo chuckled. "I wonder if this beauty you're hanging with is a spitfire like you, or you're being a bad influence".
"Excuse me?" Kathleen said looking between us.
"Kathleen, Paolo- one of Giovanni's goons" I flick my hand in Paolo's direction. "Now please let's just get the hell out of here. I'm suddenly starting to remember why I never went grocery shopping anymore. Supermarket isn't a very pleasant place I'm suddenly starting to feel sick".
"Nice meeting you Kathleen and nice seeing you again Lexi" Paolo chuckled as we stepped passed him. "You look good".
"Go to hell Paolo, you Giovanni and all your other hosts"
"I'll see you around Lexi!"
I decided too just continued on and ignore him as we went to the cashier area.
"I'm ever gonna get Gio out my system" I groaned starting the car.
"What?" Kathleen looked at me confused.
"Never mind" I sighed shaking my head. "Gio and his goons, they're everywhere".
"Hey sweetie" mom said as she came into the living room.
"Hey mom, you look pretty" I smiled at her. "Are you going out?"
"Yep, your father's taking me out for dinner" mom replied.
"That's awesome" I smiled. "What's the occasion?"
"A man doesn't need to have an occasion to spoil and take out his beautiful wife" Dad said joining us and slipping his arms around mom's waist.
"I didn't mean it like that. But you're right" I smile.
"I know" dad replied. "We'll see you later".
"Bye hun" mom waved at me as they headed out.
"Later guys. Have a good time" I called to them.
I sighed as I got up and headed to the kitchen to pour myself a glass of wine. I was the only one at home since Kathleen had also gone out earlier with Dominic and now mom and dad, so now I was a lonely bird. I poured my wine into the glass before heading back to the living room getting comfortable on the couch and picking up the television remote. Just then my phone started ringing, I picked it up and answering it without looking on the screen to see the caller's ID.
"Hello beautiful" Came the reply that shocked me.
"How the hell did you get my number?" I asked fuming.
"Bella, you should know me better by now" he chuckled. "I have my ways to getting what I want".
"What do you want Gio?" I rolled my eyes as I cocked a hand on my waist.
"You just rolled your eyes didn't you?" Gio asked with amusement clear in his voice.
"No!" I yelled in the phone before rolling my eyes again. "Look..."
"And you did it again" Gio chuckled. "Am I right?"
"I'm hanging up" I said annoyed.
"No, wait!" Gio stopped me.
"If you don't say what you want right now I'm hanging up" I said into the phone.
"Lexi, you already know what I want" Gio replied seriously. "I want you. I missed you".
"Whatever, I already told you that we're done, as in D-O-N-E. Have a good night Gio" I ended the call as I dropped the phone on the couch beside me smiling.
"Why the hell am I smiling?" I said to myself.
My phone then ping with a received message. Picking it up I slide my finger on the screen opening the message.
'That was rude princess'
Stop texting me 😤 I replied to his text.
'I'm afraid I can't do that' Gio responded within seconds.
You know you're being really annoying right now
'Can't help it😘😘'
Gio would you please grow up? You're acting like a child. Right now I find it really hard to believe that you're supposed to be a ruthless mafia boss
'See? That's effect you have on me Lexi. You've somehow lessened my ability to think straight and be mature, more over to act ruthless right now. But just wait and see, in due time you'll get to see how ruthless I can be'
What the hell are you talking about now?
'Patience piccolo patience'
Go to hell. Now please leave me alone!
After hitting send for that last message I put my phone face down and decided to ignore every other new messages that he had send. I'm trying to get Gio out of my system and there was no way I was gonna be successful in doing so if he kept trying to wriggle his way back in. If I was going to get him out and move on I was going to have to put in serious work.
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