"Don't. Move" Gio warned dangerously.
Holy shit.
"Baby what are you...?" I started looking over my shoulder but Gio cut me off.
"Shut up!" Gio shouted at me.
His voice was really scary when he was upset. I'd have to admit that. And I was also screwed right now. Gio had a gun pointed to the back of my head from across the room and he was also blocking the doorway. There was no way I could exit this place without having to go through him. If I was on that side of the room where the door was I could probably be lucky enough to run through the door but unfortunately I wasn't. There was only one way I could probably get out of here and its by bringing in the waterworks and hoping that he'd fall for it and let me go. If he love me like how he said he won't hurt me- at least I hope he won't.
"Gio I-I don't understand... w-hat are you d-doing?" I stuttered as I started tearing up hoping he'd bought the act.
"I said shut up!" Gio shouted angrily once more causing me to flinched at his voice. "You've been fooling me for months now, I'm not falling for your innocent act again".
"W-hat are you talking about? Why do you have a g-gun?" I cried innocently still hoping my plan would start working soon.
My phone was now ringing once again but I knew better than to answer. I ended the call by turning off the phone.
"I bet Luciano paid you good money to seduce me so that you could spy on me and bring back information about me and my group to him right" Gio laugh humorlessly. "And I was stupid enough to fall for you and you're innocent facade. No wonder I've been loosing those deals and Luciano has been a step ahead of us ever since you've came into the picture".
"Gio, baby I swear I don't know what you're talking about" I cried turning around slowly so that he'd see my face. "You have to believe me".
"I don't have to believe anything you say, you're nothing more than one of Luciano's bitches that he pay to do his little dirty work. To get use your body to get to men. You're just a stupid slut that I happened to take on interest in. But you're gonna pay for it" Gio said still pointing the gun at me.
I gasped at hearing those words. I wasn't gonna lie my tears were real right now unlike the fake ones earlier. Those words really hurt. Is this what he really think of me now or was it the anger speaking.
"Gio I don't know what you're talking about. You've seen and know that I run my own businesses. I didn't get paid by Luciano or anyone to seduce you or anything" I said to him.
"That's probably all apart if Luciano's plan. He gave you that restaurant to run, bought that other one and the building for you and gave you that house to stay in. Its all part of the cover isn't it!?" Gio shouted.
"What is wrong with you? I'm telling you I don't know what you're talking about. Where did all this come from? We were here perfectly fine and now you're calling me a slut and accusing me of being paid to seduce and spy on you by Luciano?" I cried.
"Because that's what you are! A lying cheating slut! You haven't denied knowing him yet and you can't can you!?" Gio shouted. "I have source that saw you, Luciano and Kathleen at the store earlier and based on what I've heard you guys seemed to have a very close relationship. So what are you two? His main bitches!?"
Ouch! Who would have thought that Gio could be this insulting. His insults were definitely hurtful. And the worst part was he didn't even know the whole truth. He doesn't know who I am to Dominic, he's thinking that I'm a prostitute paid by Dominic to get to him. Even though he was angry and being really insulting and pointing a gun at me now, I couldn't blame him. I mean what did I think was gonna be his reaction to finding out that I've been lying to him this whole time, even though he didn't have his facts straight. I was definitely not expecting roses and chocolate, I was lucky I'm even still alive this long.
"I'm not denying knowing him, we went to high school together. And he isn't paying me to do anything to you..." I was saying but he could me off again.
"I said shut up! I don't wanna hear another word from you! Lucas is coming over with proof. And you're gonna sit your ass down until he gets here. One more word or move from you and I sending a bullet straight through your brain" Gio said seriously.
I really didn't know if he was bluffing to scare me or he was really serious about carrying his threat. But I know I still had to try, I wasn't gonna stay here until Lucas came here with whatever so called proof.
"Gio, please you don't mean that..." I said taking a step towards his direction.
"I said don't move!" Gio said firing a shot to my left hitting the wall.
I screamed and ducked to the ground. I looked up at him wide eyes and my mouth wide opened with shock. Never in my wildest dreams had I thought that Gio would be firing a gun at me or to scare me. I was breathing hard from surprise as I stared at him.
"Try that again, and the second time I won't missed" Gio said seriously as his jaw clenched.
I guess my plans of trying to blackmail and softened him with my tears and innocent pleading wasn't going to work. I used my hands wiping off the tears from my face. I was done with this front. Gio had already taken off the mask he'd worn for me so I'm guessing it's now time for me to take off mine and reveal the real me as well. My bag was still in one hand and I put my hand in my bag pulling out my gun as well before standing up and pointing it at him as well.
"You try that again and I won't miss either" I said glaring at him.
"Wow, not really so innocent now are you" Gio laughed humorlessly before going serious again. "I guess I really don't know you. Its all been a lie, Luciano really knows how to choose his sluts"
"Gio stop!" I said firmly causing Gio to looked at me with surprised. "I never lied to you, I just kept some information from you just like you kept from me. Where the hell do you get off pretending to be all high and righteous when you did the exact same thing? And for the record I never knew who you were that first night I met you at your club. Dominic never paid me to seduce you, he can't even stand the thought of me being near you. I never spied or gave Dominic any information about you or you're group because I don't know anything else about you other than what you've told me and what I came to learn as a result of you hiding things from me and lying to me as well".
"Don't compare me with you, I lied to protect you, because I was stupid enough to fall for you but now it doesn't matter because I don't believe a word you say" Gio said to me. "From the beginning you've been lying and putting on this whole innocent facade am you expect me to believe you now. Luciano trained you well but its not gonna work. So sit your ass down and put that thing down, do you even know how to use that?"
Wow, so he still doesn't believed me. I guess I deserved that but there was no way I'm staying here any longer. And if he had knew me enough he would never be underestimating me by asking if I knew how to use my gun.
"I'm not staying staying here" I told him seriously.
"Take one step from where you are and it'll be the last step you take" Gio said aiming his gun at me.
I stare him in the eye to gauge how serious he was about his threat. He looked pretty serious to me but I wasn't sure. I don't know if I had put too much trust in him but I just don't know if Gio would really hurt me. I mean sure he had fired a shot earlier in my direction, but that was just to frightened me right?
"Gio..." I said trying to reason with him lowering my gun attempting to take another step but I saw his fingers grip tightened on the gun and I didn't know if I should underestimate him right now. I guess we were doing this the hard way then.
Just then I heard his phone started ringing and I watched as he let his guard slipped for a second as his eyes went to the phone in his hand. That was all I needed, I aimed at his left shoulder and fired.
"Ow!" Gio groaned dropping his gun and dropping to his knees clutching his shoulder.
I grabbed my bag and jumped on the bed running to the other side and past him.
"Figlio de Puttana!" Gio growled reaching for his gun but I fired another shot near the gun stopping him from reaching it.
(Son of a bitch!)
"I'm really sorry" I said quickly at the door. "And by the way I'm not one of Dominic's sluts, I'm his sister".
And with that I ran through the living room as fast as I could heading towards the door. I know that if Gio catch up with me now it wasn't gonna be pretty. Right now he thinks I've really betrayed him and I don't think whatever love he had towards me would be enough to save me. As I opened the door I came face to face with Lucas. He wasn't expecting me and I knew he was going to try and stop me so as he was about to speak I hit him across his face with my gun causing him to go down as I jumped over him running towards the exit.
Here goes I don't wanna make you guys wait any longer for this chapter. Anyway in order to get the other chapter as well you're gonna work for it as well 😂 I'm sure you remember the drill, vote and comment. Let me know what you think is gonna happen next.
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