Chapter 24

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So first thing on Sunday morning, Gio and I were driving out to his gym. I had slept over his last night. Immediately after breakfast Gio said we should leave before I decided to change my mind and chicken out. And he was right, if we had spend a minute more at his apartment I would totally changed my mind about going. I was the one who decided to humor him and go to the gym with him but when I thought about it, I didn't want him to figure me out.

I mean I was already well trained in this department. I had learned how to punch and kick punching bags, box and spar with another person as well as other self defense skills. I didn't want him to know I was good in that field as I was. He thought I'm an innocent girl who need to be taught self defense mechanisms and I decided to humor him, but if he figure out that I already know my way around the training ground, he's gonna be wondering how I learned all these things and I'd most likely have to lie again which I was trying not to do so much.

The gym was approximately ten minutes away from his apartment. Gio parked just outside the a private parking before leading us inside. Gio took me to a huge training hall with different types of punching bags and statues etc. One side of the room were mirrors that could show one's reflection. Four years ago when Dad had taken me to a training hall for the first time I was beyond nervous and worried that I wouldn't be any good at this thing, but surprisingly I had became quite good at fighting and after years of me taking classes I finally got the hand of it all. Even though I was already trained and used to areas like this being here now with Gio made me somewhat nervous knowing I'm supposed to be learning something I already knew.

"So what do you think?" Gio asked watching me intently.

"I think this was a bit unnecessary" I said to him as I tried poking one of the punching bags.

"I think this is totally necessary" Gio retorted.

"Yeah, maybe for you. But not for me, I think I already have enough self defence kills. I don't think I need to punch anyone that much" I whined.

"Well you're already here, so might as well get it over with" Gio said lifting his shirt over his head.

I couldn't help but feast my eyes on his sexy broad figure and those abs and his biceps woah. I've seen him shirtless a countless amount of times but I still had the same reaction each time. The man was hot.

"No, there's no time for that now. You get to see all this plenty of times" Gio said pointing to his body. "So you get rid of that pullover".

"Fine" I sighed taking off the pullover. I already had on my gym wear from home under my pullover. "Happy now?"

"Ecstatic" Gio grinned before walking nearer to me. "I'm gonna be teaching you the basics and such today but later I'm gonna let you have your own personal trainer Callum, so I can watch the progress".

"Great" I said sarcastically with a large grin on my face. "So where do we start?"

"We start with you warming up" Gio replied.

"Warming up?" I asked in disbelief. "You're kidding me".

"No, you're gonna stretch now and do a lap around the room" Gio said to me.

"Uh? Nope. Not happening, I mean yes I'll stretch but laps are out" I protest.

"Do you wanna end up with aching muscles and joints as well as flesh pain?" Gio raised a brow.

"I guess you're just gonna have to help me later get rid of those aches with a good massage then" I smiled at him.

"Gosh, Lexi why are you so stubborn?" Gio asked before sighing.
"Fine, your choice. Just stretch then".

"Gladly" I smirked at him before I started stretching.

I thought it would be funny to teased him while I stretched. So while he stood arms crossed watching me, I was stretching trying to look sexy. I was stretching my arms then bending over and touching my ankles and trying to be seductive. By the looks on Gio's face he was definitely enjoying my little show. He knew what I was doing and had a smirked on his face.

"Alright, I think that's enough stretching" Gio chuckled.

"What? Are you sure? I don't wanna risk getting a cramp or flesh pain later you know" I asked raising a brow.

"I think you did a lot of stretching already" Gio nodded.

"Alright, if you say so" I smiled at him. "So what's next?"

"I'm gonna wrap your hand and knuckles and you'll start practicing your punches" Gio said approaching me.

He took my hands in his and started wrapping my knuckles.

"So am I gonna punching those?" I asked nodding towards the punching bags. "Aren't I gonna be needing a gloves as well?"

"No" Gio said as he started wrapping my other hand.

"No?" I raised a brow confused . "You don't expect me to punch that without gloves do you?"

"No, because you aren't going to be punching the bags, you're gonna be punching me" Gio replied.

"What!?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yeah now give me your best shot" Gio smirked holding up his hand as he finished wrapping my hand.

"You sure about this?" I asked him.

"Yeah, show me what you got" Gio said.

"Alright, its your funeral" I smiled at him before throwing a punch.

"Don't think so" Gio smirked as he dodge my fist and grabbing my hand.

"If you punch with your fingers like that, you're gonna break your fingers and your hand" Gio said pulling out my fingers from the amateur fist I had made then fixing them how it should be fixed. "This is how you set your fingers to make a proper fist. Now try it again".

"Aye aye captain" I smiled throwing two more punches at him which he dodged and blocked.

"Keep them coming. See if you can hit me" Gio smirked.

I started throwing multiple amateur punches at him to which he dodged and blocked everyone. To him I was doing my best but in reality I was really holding back

"Alright you need to allow me to hit you even once" I said to him.

"You're gonna have to work for that if you wanna hit me that bad" Gio chuckled.

"Don't complain when I break your nose though" I said to him as I tried punching him again.

Even though I was holding back and being an amateur right now, I could tell that Gio was really good at this whole dodging and preventing punch thing. I decided to try put in a little more effort. I throw multiple punches at him trying to aim for his face, even though I really wouldn't wanna hit him, but he dodged and blocked all of them. I continued throwing punches at him studying his strategy. I noticed he was expecting me to solely aim for his face so I decided to outsmart him, I throw one fake jab towards his face and when he tried to block those I aim for his abdomen, gaining a direct hit.

"Yes!" I laughed triumphantly before flashing my fingers.

Punching this guy was a little big punishing considering how hard his body was.

"The art of deception, nice. You caught me there,  fake jab then aim below. You play dirty uh?" Gio chuckled.

"I don't think my hand is fit enough to punch you. It's like punching a brick wall buy be prepared for more". I smirked at him.

"Let's see you try" Gio replied.

I continued throwing punches at him as he continued dodging or blocking them. I aim for his stomach but Gio caught my right hand, I tried using the other hand but he caught and held that one too.

"I kinda need those" I chuckled.

"No you don't, try getting away" Gio said.

I tried pulling my hands but he held those tight do I tried using my knees but he managed to stopped those from colliding with any body member as he let go my hands. I tried punching him again but he was able to held both my hands and me from behind. My back was brushing against his chest as I panted kinda breathless from all my frantic punches.

So its like that uh?" I asked still panting.

I was kick my foot back hitting him in the shin as I throw my head back head butting him in the forehead. He let go slightly and I used that opportunity to throw multiple punches at him. Some of them caught him this time and now we were sorta wrestling as I was trying to put in a little bit more effort this time, showing him I wasn't completely hopeless like he thinks. Next thing I knew was that Gio had managed to pinned me to the ground on my back with either arms over my head with boths hands and him over me.

"That was impressive" Gio breathe against my lips. "But I still got you".

"Yeah" I smiled at him panting slightly heavy as I looked into his eyes.  "You do".

Gio had leaned down more and placed his lips on mine. He had let go off my hands as I started responding to his kiss. Our lips moved together in sync and I held on to his shoulders as I wrapped my legs around his waist. Gio's tongue was on my bottom lip asking for entry and I parted my lips slightly for him. Our tongues were dancing together and I used this opportunity to eased up causing us to turned and Gio was now on his back with me on top of him.

"Now I've got you" I smirked at him leaning up and looking down at him.

"That's unfair, that was cheating" Gio chuckled. "I'm gonna have to teach you a lesson about that".

"Oh really?" I challenged. "What are you gonna do?"

"This" Gio smirked before he started tickling me.

I started laughing uncontrollably as I tried getting off him but he wouldn't let me.

"No... Stop... Gio" I cried out in between laughs. "P-please..."

"Say you're sorry" Gio chuckled still holding me and tickling me.

"No... Never" I said laughing.

"Alright then suffer the consequence" Gio replied continuing to tickle me.

"Okay...okay... S-sorry I'm sorry... Stop p-please" I said hardly able to breathe from all the laughing.

"Good girl" Gio chuckled as he finally stopped tickling me.

"Oh God" I breathe out laying my head on his chest trying to calm down.

"You learned your lesson?" Gio chuckled in my ear.

"Yeah definitely" I chuckled turning my head to look at him with my head still on his chest.

"Well show me" Gio smirked topping his lips.

"There" I said giving him a small kiss on his lips.

"What was that?" Gio asked. "I want you to show me properly".

"Alright" I said easing up my head from his chest before placing back to lips to his.

We were there on the floor making out, Gio underneath me with his hands resting on my butt. When we heard a throat being cleared. I pulled back turning towards the source of the interruption. There was this tall handsome guy standing there with and amused expression on his face.

"I take it that I'm not gonna be needed to be a trainer today again since you guys are busy?" He chuckled.

"You shut up" Gio said pointing at him before sitting up, me still straddling his lap on the floor.

"Lexi this is Callum, your personal trainer".

Hey guys, I'm giving y'all this new chapter tonight because I'm super happy right now. I had a celebratory moment tonight so I'm giving you guys this chapter 😀😀

Next update on Monday or Tuesday

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