Giovanni's POV
We were at the club upstairs in the private lounge discussing matters on how we were gonna handle our Rostov situation when one of my guys that was monitoring security feed called saying he had something important to show us. Ever since the time when a guy was found dead in the restroom of my club I had security cameras installed inside every part of the club as well as the restrooms and constantly monitored.
A dead body in my club had caused issues before with the cops getting involved and questions being asked. Things like those could caused problem for us so I had to be aware of any actions happening in my business places.
I sent Lucas to go check out the problem assuming it wasn't much that couldn't be dealt with immediately. After I had dismissed the men and after about ten minutes Lucas returned with an expression I couldn't quite read.
"What was that about?" I asked looking at him intently.
"I think, this is something that you need to see" Lucas said putting a tablet towards me.
"Don't tell me that you couldn't handle whatever that was on your own?" I said to him.
"Oh no, I've handled it. I've sent your secretary to get medical attention by the way" Lucas said causing me to look at him confused.
"What the hell are you on about?" I asked him.
Lucas on tap the screen playing a video. At first all I saw was a woman in a tight black dress retouching her makeup in the mirror. There was something really familiar about her, upon zooming in the video feed I noticed that it was Lexi.
"What the hell is she doing here?" I said mostly to myself.
"That's not the best part" Lucas said to me as I continued watching the video.
I saw Stacey came in and leaned by one of the stalls.
"Oh look Gio's little Play toy" Stacey smirked leaning by one of the stalls.
Lexi just laughed shaking her head before taking out her lip stick out her purse then applying it to her lips.
"I don't get it, what does he see in you? Sure you're young and all probably just the only thing he sees in you, you're not all that sweetie" Stacey sneered. "He's gonna dump you when he's tired of you".
"Yeah probably, when I'm your age" Lexi smirked at her. "What are you now uhm 49? 50? I think you're a little to old for this?" She said turning to leave.
Hey, I'm not done talking to you!" Stacey said blocking her from leaving.
"Well I am done talking to you. If Gio wanted you, you would've been with him, now just get out of my way" Lexi replied sounding annoyed side stepping Stacey.
"You little bitch!" Stacey screeched before pulling back Lexi by her hair.
Lexi flung her elbow back hitting Stacey right in the face causing her to let go stumbling back but once again she was coming at Lexi and slap her across the face. I saw Lexi punched her right in the face causing her to stumbled slightly from the impact. I then saw Lexi slam her head against the counter causing Stacey to fall to the ground with a loud thud unconscious.
I couldn't believe what I saw, I've never seen this part of Lexi before and the worst part is she didn't seemed fazed by her actions any at all. I then saw her friend Kathleen rushed in.
"Lexi Omg, what did you do!?" Kathleen gasped.
"Opps" Lexi chuckled.
This is definitely not a normal behavior for someone who haven't done something like this before.
It was either Lexi had practice knocking other female out by crashing their heads against hard surfaces or she was too drunk to even realized what she had done.
"Opps!? Lexi Opps!? Are you crazy!? She could be dead!? Oh my God, oh my God!" Kathleen said putting her hands to her head freaking out.
I saw Lexi bent over Stacey feeling her neck for a pulse.
"Oh, relax I didn't kill her. She's just unconscious right now" Lexi said waving a hand. "She'll probably have a headache in the morning. Although I don't think Gio's gonna appreciate this much".
Lexi then looked back noticing the camera in the top corner of the bathroom. Her eyes widened with realization.
"Uh oh, Kathleen we gotta go. Now!" She said to Kathleen.
"What about her?" Kathleen asked frightened.
"Somebody will soon attend to her" Lexi said dragging her out the bathroom.
"I told you I don't trust that girl. She just knock your secretary out cold like it was the most normal thing ever. There is something not right about your girlfriend and you need to figure it out because something tells me this isn't the first time she's done something like this" Lucas said to me as the video end.
"Where's Stacey?" I asked expressionlessly.
"Georgio and Julian have taken her to get medical attention but I think she'll be fine she just crack the side of her head open but I think she'll live"Lucas replied.
"Good" I said.
"Good? That's it?" Lucas asked. "That's all you're gonna say?"
"It was self defence" I stated nonchalantly.
"You need to figure out your girlfriend before she slams your head on a hard surface" Lucas said taking the tablet from me.
I most definitely would have to talk to Lexi about this tomorrow.
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