Hello... um yes😫😩 and I hope y'all enjoy this uhhhhh chapter.
Man I'm out of the wattpad game huh?? But yeah wrapping this baby up here soon soooo thank you for sticking around for this hot mess!!
Also y'all real meeeaaannnn to meeeee, y'all really be coming for me about these updates lmaooo
Chapter 35: New Problems
We made it through the airport with ease, even through security. Jenna was pushing me along the way in a wheelchair. But I couldn't help looking around hoping to see Dante. A little part of me was hoping to see him... maybe waiting at the gate? After all this time and all the things he's said to me he wouldn't just let me go... he couldn't?
"Don't worry, we're promised a smooth flight. No bumps or anything." Jenna said smiling down at me. I took a sip of my water and smiled back at her. Apparently I've been out of it for a few days. I'm so tired and hungry. And the smells coming from the shops in the airport are making to worse. My hand instantly shot out to stopped Jenna when I saw my favorite fast food place.
"Jenna a need something light to eat.... maybe that 12 count nugget meal?" I said eyeing the Chick•La•Fa. She laughed and rolled her eyes heading straight for it.
"I have the app and your only getting an 8 count bc I don't know if your stomach can take it." She jokes but I pouted, oh I can down the 12 with the large fry no problem! That's how hungry I am!
Oop... yeah them nuggets and fries are like rocks in my empty stomach. But I regret nothing! But anyway me and Jenna are waiting at our gate and it looks like a pretty empty flight from what I can see. As time went on Jenna started to get nervous. She almost seemed paranoid, I placed my hand on her knee and smiled.
"I'm sure we'll have a safe flight." I said and she just laughed.
"I hope so... hungry? Need something to drink?" She said while getting her purse out.
"Um I'll take a juice and see if they have like jello or something in the convenience store." Jenna nodded and hurried across from us. I sat in the wheelchair and picked out my nails that seem to have grown a lot while I was resting. Even though so much has happened I miss Dante. I'm sad that I missed seeing Italy... I cold chill ran up my spine- Lorenzo? I quickly looked around and didn't see anyone... I hugged my blanket closely, he's gone Carney. I'm sure Dante took care of him, he's gone. Looking up I see Jenna still looking around in the store, at least she's still with me. My one true friend. While I was too busy in my own thoughts a warm hand touched my shoulder, scaring the mess out of me. I looked up to see piercing blue eyes.
"Sis you good?" I was shocked to see Damiano. He looked around and took the brakes off my wheels.
"Y-Yeah! What are you doing here?" I asked as he started to wheel me off. Um what da hell??
"Uh taking you home. What does it look like?" He asked and smiled down at me.
"Oh? Taking the jet back home? Why don't we tell Jenna?" I asked and he just made an awkward face, that I couldn't put my finger on.
"N-No, taking you back to the family home." He said and I was just so confused. Just what is happening? Am I getting my jello?
"Wait? But Jenna said-
- No one gives a damn what she said petardo." It was like something out of the movies. Dante stood there by his car, smirking at me and times slowed down. He reached out for me and I took his hand. My heart erupted and started to beat out of my chest. Dante instantly pulled me into him and I didn't even realize I was crying until my body gave up and he had to support me.
"I-I missed you so much Dante!" I cried and he carried me in the car. He held my face up and captured my lips, I gave in at soon as our lips met.
"You have no idea how much I missed you petardo." I could've sworn I saw those eyes water but I'll let him have this moment without teasing.
"W-Wait what about Jenna?" I asked looking out the tinted window. Dante grumbled, and now I know something is definitely up.
"Don't worry she'll with stay here and have to show her face at our family home or get on the flight by herself and wait for us to come back." He said and I was confused.
"Wait what?" I asked and he just sighed while rubbing my back. But his other fist balled.
"She basically ran off with you. But no one knew what to do because she is Jenna..." I held his baled fist trying to read him but he just looked pissed.
"Dante...?" I turned him to look at me and he just kissed my fingers.
"I'm so sorry petardo... I just keep failing at trying to protect you. I can't even keep you safe- what kind of man does that make me?" He said and I could see he was hurt and frustrated.
"Dante... all that matters is that you've got me back, I'm in one piece and I still love you." I kissed him and he sighed loudly.
"I'll spend the rest of my life making it up to you Carney... please give me that chance?" He said taking out the engagement ring.
"Of course Dante." He slipped it on and we kissed again. Too bad my tears made the little make out session salty but that didn't stop us. I was just so overwhelmed by everything I couldn't calm down any of my senses or emotions. Dante pulled away and embraced me.
"I love you so much... I love your crazy ass so much Carney." He said and I laughed.
"And I can't believe I love your crazy ass!" I joked as we drove back to the house.
Everyone was happy to see Carney up and walking around but I carried off to bed bc she was still weak. So we just sat in our room and she rested her head on my lad. Some checked on us here and there. Leaving snacks for her to eat that she devoured instantly but I wasn't surprised. But so far no updates on Jenna, and she never got on her flight some I'm curious what her plans are moving forward.
"Dante?" Carney said looking up at me.
"Yes?" I asked and she sat up.
"You're not going to hurt Jenna are you?" She asked seriously. And I was a bit surprised.
"Trust me she's no Lorenzo so I won't bother just a strong talking to." I said and she sighed.
"And about her... lifestyle..." She said nervously as she picked at the hem of my T-shirt.
"She doesn't have to do that kinda stuff anymore right? Even after school?" Well it's not she's been forced to do anything for three years now.
"That's up to her but I'm not gonna snatch her up and toss her in the whore house." I said blankly. And she slapped my chest.
"Good... I just don't want to see her get hurt you know?" I looked down t her like she was crazy.
"Nothing will. Now lay back down." And said and she crossed her arms. Oh what now?
"Snuggle with me. I miss feeling your arms wrap around me." She said with a cute pout and I gave in. I laid down next to her and she immediately crashed into my chest cheesing the whole time. I'll admit... I missed this too.
Slowly I escaped Dante's death grip and slipped into the bathroom. I almost jumped when I saw the face looking back at me. I was still a little pale and my body definitely needed more food asap! I'm already skinny enough! I sighed and did my business then took care of my hygiene. By the time I stepped out Dante was awake and on his laptop. When he saw me he smiled. I wrapped the towel tightly around me.
"Your clothes are still in the closet." He said and walked with me to grab some clothes.
"Thanks Dante." I said and he leaned against the sink and I gave him this look like go away. I'm about to drop this towel.
"I'm just standing by don't worry." He said with a smile and usually I would entertain this but my body is in no shape for his pervy eyes right now.
"Dante... please?" He sighed and turned around. I peeked to see if he was still not looking then changed into a night gown. I sighed and hugged him.
"Better Carney?" He asked and hugged me back.
"Yeah..." I got on my toes and kissed him. I guess by the way things were going Dante started to think with his other head and his hands found their way under the night gown. I quivered when I felt his hands rank over my small body and then chills took over and all I could picture was Lorenzo. I instantly tensed and pushed Dante away. I couldn't breath, I fell back on the sink and Date grabbed for me but I swatted him away. I didn't want to be touched. My legs grew weak and I could only see his sinister face and the smell of alcohol filled my senses and my breathing grew harsher.
"It's okay petardo. I'm right here." Dante hugged my tightly and I took deep breaths. Slowly... slowly... he's gone girl calm down... he's GONE Carney okay? What has he done to me?
*Shamelessly throws out new book*
It's about a sugar daddy😛😛😛😛😛😛😛😛
Take a look and tell me what y'all think!!!
Sooooooooo what you guys think?!?!!!!?!
Hope y'all enjoyed the chapter!!!!
(๑•́ ₃ •̀๑)
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