Chapter 34

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If I had to be honest with you guys.... I've thought about deleting my stories and my account Bc I'm just not active anymore. Like I still love my stories but I just never have time. And when I do I sit here looking at it like wtf am I doing anymore???? Plus I have stories up here from high school and they are just HORRIBLE and like I know they are lmaoo.... but I at least wanna finish the ones up now and then kinda be done with wattpad... until I can find my creativity again.


My head jerked up but she was still silent. Great... my mind is playing tricks on me. I rested my head back on the bed and sighed.

"Dante?" Great... I've gone mad. "Are you alright?" A hand touched my should and I spun around. Oh, it's just Red. She gave me and Dad smile as she walked around to the other side of the bed.

"Red I-

"This is fucked up Dante. I was so worried about her getting fucked up by you I totally forgot about the other fucks in the world. But out of all of them I thought you could protect her from... this!" She yelled with her face and chest red. Eyes brimmed with tears.


"MY NAME IS FUCKING JENNA AND IM PISSED DANTE! Look what happened?! How am I gonna explain this TO HER PARENTS! Yeah! Because I ACTUALLY TALK TO THEM! They KNOW ME!" Usually I would get super pissed off but everything she's says is right. Look at what I've done to her...

"I'll make this right Jenna, I promis-

"You know what will make this right? Never contacting her AGAIN. I already spoke to your mother. Carney is leaving TONIGHT." She leaned down and kissed her cheek. "I'm sorry girl. I'll fix everything I promise." Red walked passed me and out of instinct I grabbed her.

"She's not leaving my sight- not again." Red jerked but I didn't loosen my hold.

"If you truly loved Carney then you should let her leave with me. So she can be with people who actually care about her! People who WOULD NEVER want to see her like THAT! Now let ME GO!" I sighed and let go of Red and she stumbled back.

"I'll like to see you all try."

"You need to learn how to grow up Dante. This is someone's life." Red sighed and walked out the room. I turned back to Carney, I really need her to wake up.


I opened my eyes and I saw the most beautiful blue sky, and the fluffiest clouds I had ever seen. Where am I? I sit up and look around. Nothing but grass and mountains surrounded me. What happens to me? I small wind passed by and I took notice of my dress. A long flowing white grown. Then everything flawed before me. My first words, first steps, birthdays and graduations. Then my last memory, Dante. Lorenzo... my beatings.

"Oh god?!" I pinched myself to wake up. I can't be? I'm...dead? I warm hand touched mine and I jumped. No one was there? It's just me here... I'm just here.

"I'm so sorry. I should've tried harder and I know that." Dante?!

"Dante!" I kept hearing his voice but he was nowhere to be seen. I felt like a lunatic calling him over and over again.


"I promise when you wake up everything will be different." I kissed her hand and just watched her lifeless face. Life was so much easier when I was just sleeping around. I just had to shut my mom up huh? And fell in love... and got her hurt. Now I don't know if I'll ever hear her voice again. I sat down next to her again, holding her hand. I could even take a few swings from her right now. That would make me happy, or maybe a glare... something. I rested my head again.

"Sir?" I looked over and it was the doctor.

"Yeah,yeah." I got up and moved as him and some nurses checked on her and got her all cleaned up. Once they were done I sat down next to her again.

"Sir, she seems to be doing well. And because she's in this state she'll be a little smaller as you've noticed. But as soon as she's up and going I'm positive she'll put the weight back on." Him and his team smiled at me but it had no affect on me.

"Unless she wakes up and has depression over the whole situation and starves herself or hurt herself." The stood their shocked and shared worried looks. I waved them off. I'm not in the mood. But I can't help it. It's what I'm thinking about... I need to... I need to relax and get this stress of me. Sorry petardo. I got up and headed out the room. I need some air.


I sat in this meadow alone. I could no longer hear Dante. Maybe it's all in my head? Or I'm subconsciously hearing everything while in this state? I sighed, maybe he's finally sleeping? My meadow shook and I tried to brace myself on the ground then I heard another voice. I stood up and tried to listen carefully to who was talking to me.

"Don't worry girl I got you. We'll be home soon." I smiled hearing Jenna's voice. She came all the way to Italy for me! Then I crumbled if she knows then do my parents know? I had only told them I was going on a trip with Dante. Plus they don't know about his lifestyle. They can't see me like this! I gotta wake up. I gotta find someway out. Barefoot, I walked down the hill I was on, the further I went the more I could see. And the more familiar things started to look. I saw this small brick house, a river and a woman hunched over her garden.

"Grandma?!" She turned and around and smiled. I ran at full force into her arms. We both fell into her garden as the tears streamed down my face.

"What's wrong dear? What you doing here of all places?" She asked in that sweet voice of hers. One I haven't heard in years.

"Oh Grandma I don't know- so much has happened." She smiled and wiped my tears.

"Baby, I got time." She jokes and I laughed. Standing up she held my hand as we walked in her house. It was just how I remembered. The black porcelain dolls and statues graced her mantel, and corner shelf's. Coffee table full of old pictures of everyone.and the smell of food always cooking filled my nostrils. Man... coming here always felt like a special occasion. We walked into the dinning room and sat down.

"Grandma, we've missed you so much. Mom prays to you almost everyday." I said and she smiled.

"I know, and she always keeps me up to date. Unlike you, all I ever hear from you are the sad stuff. Tell me something good for once so I can continue to ready easy."

"Sorry... it's just been hard." She took my hand.

"Baby I know... I know."

"But I... I've started to love him but I can't go through this. I can't handle it." I said and she just kept her sane smile.

"So that's what you are choosing? When you wake up?" Doubt filled my mind. I don't know, I've felt his presence by my side this whole time. So I know he's waiting for me. And for what? For me to just leave?

"N-No... yes? Grandma what should I do?" She shrugged.

"That's not for me to decide. I care about you and your safety, happiness, and wellbeing. And I can feel it in your heart that you love him. Love is tricky, it's scary, and it hurts. But it also makes us feel good, like we are on top of the world. I always called it the worse and strongest drug of them all. Because we all need and want it. And it's different for many people. And depending on your answer depends on which path I send ya." She told me and I sighed.

"When I wake up... I'm not leaving him." She smiled and a door I never seen in her house before opened.

"Alright Baby, now I don't wanna see ya hear u til you're as old as me and I got 10 greatgrands!" She jokes and kissed my cheek. I started to head to the door but the mirror stoped me. And I teared up again. There I was at seven years old looking back at me and Grandma standing there looking younger, just how I had remembered her. I turn back to her older face.

"I love you."

"I love you more." I walked out the door and everything went black.


"Don't worry, I'll get us home safely." I jumped hearing a door slam shut. My eyes felt heavy, my back hurt from the position they placed me. I'm not where I was before. I felt so weak, how long was I out? Finally I got one eye open, I was? I was in a car? I muffled a noise and a curtain of red clouded my vision.

"Mhmm?" Cold hands help my face.

"Carney?!" It was Jenna, but where are we going?"

"J-Jenna...?" She squealed and hugged me.

"You're awake! Oh my god! Thank goodness!" She cried and my shoulder and I tilted my head onto hers. I had glanced about and it looked as if we were leavening and but I hadn't seen Dante.

"D-Dante?" She jerked but slowly got up.

"Don't worry about him anymore. I had already told him that I was taking you home."

"S-So he... didn't... want to see me off?" I asked and tears brimmed me eyes.

"It's Dante remember?" She pulled me closer and I snuggled into her warmth. Maybe I made the wrong decision Grandma.


"Hey." Some busted chick said as she brushed up on me. This is why I hate bars but I needed to get out the house. And away from everyone and their questions.

"Back the fuck up." I said as I down another drink. She looked annoyed.

"You don't have to be such a ass!" She lifted her land she was about to swing. But a hand caught it. It was Matteo. She looked frazzled and stomped off.

"What you doing here kid?" I said lifting my hand to the bartender for another one.

"More like what the fuck are you doing here!? And where is your phone!" He looked pissed and I could tell by his eyes. Those icy blue eyes he got from mom.

"Why?" I said grabbing my drink just for him to slam it down. This little fuck. I'm not in the mood and he should be able to tell.

"Because you're back to doing your old shit while Carney is gone!" I stood up. He's playing a dangerous game if he thinks that joke was funny.

"What the fuck did you just say?"

"Red came and said she's taking her back home! And you're in here drinking and shit!" I grabbed my coat and headed for the door. These fucking idiots!

"So y'all let her go!?" I knew I shouldn't have left! I just fucking knew it!

"She's not a fucking prisoner plus that's her best friend. And she's been talking to her parents bro! We didn't know that they didn't know about our Mafia shit! Can't really be hell naw to em! They have every right to her." I got to my car and fumbled in my pockets for the keys as he spoke. I don't have time for this, I gotta get to her.

"Fuck! Did they already leave?" I asked as I finally got in the car.

"No, they're flight leaves in two hours." I took and my phone and already started sending text. Imma get that shit delayed.

"Let's go." I'm coming petardo.


Me after writing this chapter:


Sooooooooo what you guys think?!?!!!!?!

Hope y'all enjoyed the chapter!!!!







(•́ ₃ •̀)

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