The sound of the wheels whirling as they spun around drifted through the air. A cinder block had been placed on the petal and the car was put into reverse and was jacked off the ground so that it didn't go anywhere. Outside of the garage, Cameron, ____, Sloane, and Ferris sat on some benches talking, waiting for Ferris' brilliant plan to take off the miles to be done.
"You know, that whole time I was just thinking things over," Cameron told them. "I was, like... I was, like, meditating. Then, I sort of watched myself from inside... I realized it was ridiculous," He scuffed a bit as the three looked at him, "being afraid, worrying about everything, wishing I was dead. All that shit. I'm tired of it." He looked at them. "It's the best day of my life."
Birds chirped in the background filling the silence as the others either smirked or smiled at Cameron's statement.
"I'm gonna miss you guys next year," Cameron was looking down at his feet again.
Silence filled the air between the four. After a minute or two, ____ and Sloane looked at each other, both realizing the same thing after thinking about what Cameron had said.
"Cameron? Can we ask you a question?" Sloane started off, grabbing Ferris' attention. The girls both tried to suppress a giggle at was about to come.
"Did you see us change out of our clothes by the jacuzzi?" ____ finished.
A small, slightly embarrassed smirk played its way on to Cameron's mouth while a slight amount of red began to dust his cheeks. He looked down again trying to hide it.
"Did you?" Sloane pushed.
Ferris began to smirk himself and snicker at his friends reaction.
"You saw us? I thought you were catatonic," Sloane told him.
Ferris' snickering grew louder and the sheepish grin on Cameron's face was large and told them the answer. He too started to snicker and glanced over at ____. Her mouth was slightly a gape with her disbelief. She reached over and lightly pushed him away.
"You cheeky little..." She trailed off.
"That's okay," Sloane looked over at Ferris, who quickly tried to hide the fact that he had just been snickering along with his friend. "I'm not embarrassed."
"I better check on the car," Cameron said with the sheepish smile still on his face, as he tried to avoid anymore awkwardness from this situation.
He got up and walked into the garage, leaving ____ alone on the bench they had been sitting on and Ferris and Sloane to start gazing into each others eyes.
Leaning over the car door, Cameron peered down at the odometer and his face grew annoyed once again as he leaned closer to make sure he was reading it correctly.
"Hey, Ferris!" He yelled out, dragging said man's attention away from his girlfriend's eyes.
"Yeah?" He got up cautiously and slowly began to walk into the garage, towards Cameron. The two girls got up and followed behind to see what was about to happen.
"The miles aren't coming off," Cameron annoyedly informed him. "The miles aren't coming off; going in reverse."
Ferris walked over and leaned down to look. There the numbers on the odometer sat, unmoving.
"Ah." Ferris spoke and glanced up and Cameron who had begun to pace along the opposite wall.
"Well, I thought that might be a problem. Just have to crack open the odometer, roll it back by hand."
Cameron looked at him with some disbelief before he swallowed and spoke. "No," his voice was a bit defeated. "Forget it."
Ferris began to motion his hands, about to say something but was cut off with another 'Forget it' from Cameron.
They all stood around the car for a moment before Cameron started up again.
"I gotta take a stand," His voice was a bit choked up. "I'm bullshit."
Watching and listening to the scene before her, ____ heart began to drop.
Tears formed in Cameron's eyes and his voice was more choked up than before when he continued. "I put up with everything..... My old man pushes me around. I never say anything!" He hit his chest with each of the last four words and began to walk around to the front of the car. "Well, he's not the problem; I'm the problem." A sigh escaped his lips as he supported himself on the hood of the car, shaking his head and trying to compose himself. "I gotta take a stand. I gotta take a stand against him. I am not gonna sit on my ass as the events that effect me unfold to determine the course of my life. I'm gonna take a stand. I'm gonna defend it. Right or wrong, I'm gonna defend it."
His three friends stared at him in disbelief as to what they were hearing, somewhat happy this was coming out but also worried about the aftermath of it all.
The noise sounded out as Cameron's foot connected with the front of the car, slightly denting it and causing the girls to jump. He got revved up to go and hit it again, making ____, the closest to him, take a step forwards, only to be held back by Sloane, who was held back by a Ferris.
"I'm so sick of his shit!" Cameron went on.
He began to continuously kick the car as he spoke.
"I can't stand him, and I hate this goddamn car. Who do you love?!" He began to continuously kick the car as he spoke.
"Who do you love?! Who do you love?! You love a car! You son of a bitch."
Sloane turned away as Cameron continued to kick it. The eyes of Ferris and ____ were wide. The glass of the light shattered as Cameron continued to kick the crap out of the car. The jack underneath it creaked as another blow hit. Cameron wound up to kick again but came to a stop just as the car was about to take the blow.
He paced for a second, sniffing from his earlier tears. Everyone was frozen as they simply watched what happened.
Cameron began to lightly laugh. "Shit,"He said looking a the car. Another laugh left his lips. "I dented the shit out of it."
He looked down, thinking.
"Good," He spoke almost happily. "My father will come home, he'll see what I did. I can't hide this."
Cameron looked at his friends staring at him, wide-eyed with shock. He wiped under his eye, glancing at ____ before averting his gaze downwards, not wanting her to see him shed anymore tears than he already had; not wanting to show anymore weakness.
"He'll come home, he'll see what I did. He'll have to deal with me."
Ferris slightly nodded in agreement, a far away look in his eyes.
"I don't care. I really don't. I'm just tired of being afraid," he looked back down at the car.
The corner of ____ lips turned upwards for a split moment when she heard those words.
"Hell with him," Cameron spoke with a smile. He looked down at the dents in the car and began to move his foot to rest on the hood of it as he continued to speak. "I can't wait to see the look on the bastards face-" Just then the jack gave out and tilted backwards, letting go of the car, allowing it to fly backwards and Cameron to stumble to the floor.
The tires screeched as it zoomed backwards through one of the windows that made up the walls of the garage. The glass completely shattered as the car sped through and crashed into the ground below.
Cameron's blue eyes went wide, his face expressionless as he realized what just happened. The sound of the engine dying could be heard from the ground below. Ferris and Sloane stared at what used to be the window that the car shattered. ____ stood wide eyed, glancing back and forth between Cameron and the glass the car had just gone through.
Sloane and Ferris glanced back at Cameron before rushing to the hole in the wall to see what the car now looked like. ____ went over and helped Cameron up.
"What'd I do?" He asked with a dazed voice.
Ferris and Sloane slowly looked back at the two, mouths agape.
"What'd I do?" Cameron asked again when he got no answer.
"You killed the car," Ferris responded. He then looked back down at what remained of the car.
Cameron began to walk over, ____ following close behind, holding his hand as her heart raced in her chest.
Glass crunched under their feet as they neared the edge. Down below they saw a slightly smoking, beat up red Ferrari that crashed into a fence.
"Oh... wow..." ____ mumbled under her breath, peaking out from behind Cameron to see the Ferrari.
Sloane glanced over at Cameron as he kicked a small piece of glass off the edge. Cameron moved his hand to rest on one of the supports as he stared guiltily at the Car he had just destroyed below them.
"Whoa," He finally spoke and glanced at his friends, his voice catching in his throat a bit. "Holy shit!" His hands moved to his hair as he assessed the situation.
Turning around, Cameron walked back in to the garage, his hand scratching the back of his head.
"Cameron, it's my fault," Ferris spoke pleadingly to him. "I'll take the heat for it," Ferris began to walk closer to Cameron, "We'll wait for your father to come home and when he gets here I'll tell him that I did it. He hates me anyway."
Cameron's brow was furrowed for a second before his face cleared as if he had just realized something.
"No, I'll take it," He said, turning around to look at Ferris.
Ferris violently shook his head.
"No, I'll take it."
"No," Ferris continued to shake his head, "No, you don't want this much heat."
"I want it. If I didn't want it I wouldn't have let you take the car out this morning."
"I made you take the car this morning," Ferris persisted.
"I could've stopped ya," Cameron spoke matter of factly.
Ferris gave him a 'Really?' look as Cameron said this.
"It is possible to stop Mr. Ferris Bueller, you know? No, I want it. I'm gonna take it. That's it."
Ferris lightly scoffed, barely believing his ears.
"When Morris comes home, he and I'll just have a little chat," A big smile blossomed on Cameron's face, everyone else smiled to with pride. "It's cool," he assured Ferris, "No, it's gonna be good. Thanks anyway," He spoke sincerely.
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