when hes sick

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Saturday morning, my alarm rung loudly disrupting my dream RIGHT WHEN IT WAS GETTING GOOD. (it was NOT a dirty dream get yall's mind outta the gutter) i was happy to be up though because i was going to breakfast with c/n. i checked my phone and my smile slowly faded into a concerned expression.

hey im so sorry im stupid sick right now, i think i caught a cold but i'm not making it to breakfast today.

alright, well if you can't get to breakfast i'll bring it to you, ill be there in like and hour and a half.

i got up and got dressed in a hoodie and some shorts did my makeup and head out the door. i stopped at our favorite breakfast place first and grabbed our food. we usually got the same thing, just a regular breakfast with toast, eggs, and bacon, with a sugar cookie latte. then i decided to make one last stop at the walgreens by his house to get some snacks for movies, tea, and lozenges.

time skip...
i rang the doorbell, a bag in one arm and two lattes in my hands. his younger brother opened the door and smiled politely.

"hey y/n, are those for me." he pointed towards the cup. i laughed.

"unfortunately no."

"agh that's too bad, c/n is upstairs in his room." i thanked him and headed up. my face scrunched up at the sight of his room, it was messy, with stuff all over the place and dust spinning around. c/n, was of course dead asleep, his face buried in a pillow. i set the food down and started to tidy up his room. i grabbed the clothes thrown around and put them in the basket. i also dusted and organized his desk space. i heard a grunt and rustling sheets behind me.

"y/n? i didn't know you were here." he pushed himself to a sitting position, rubbing his eyes.

"i texted you like an hour ago." i chuckled.

"oh, i fell asleep." he shrugged.

"alright move, im gonna change your bedding, it's probably not helping." he got up and sat on the floor, looking around his room.

"you did all this?" he asked.

"of course. the bag has your food in it by the way and the coffee is on the desk. you should eat it before it gets cold." he got his food and i joined him after changing his sheets and blankets out for clean ones. i sat down next to him and he dropped his head into my lap.

"thank you." his voice sounded choked up like he was about to cry. i brushed my hands through his hair slowly.

"of course any time baby." i felt a tear on my leg and looked down at his shoulders shaking. i made him sit up and put my hands on his face. "why are you crying?"

"i feel bad, we were supposed to have a nice day together but instead you came and cleaned up my room for me while i sat in bed doing nothing." i wiped his tears.

"i wanted to, trust me if i didn't i wouldn't be here right now.  the biggest thing you can do for me is eat, the stuff is going to get cold." i kissed his forehead then moved to get his remote. i turned on the new duck tales show we had been watching  and grabbed my food.

after we had finished we both got in his bed. his head slowly lulled onto my shoulder and i felt his breathing even out. i turned my head ever so slightly to see him fast asleep once again. i smiled then rested my cheek on the top of his head slowly falling asleep as well.

time skip...

i looked at my watch seeing that it would be dinner time soon. we must have been asleep for a while. i checked my phone and saw a couple messages from mine and c/n's mom. his mom's message had asked if i wanted to stay for dinner with the attachment of a photo of me and him dead asleep together. i replied with an eager 'yes please.' and texted my mom letting her know i would be here for dinner. seeing that c/n was still asleep i moved and made my way downstairs.

"hi honey." c/n's mom greeted me at the archway of the kitchen with a hug.

"hi mrs c/l/n is there anything i can help with?" i asked.

"oh no, you've already done enough by cleaning c/n's pigsty of a room. why don't you sit down and have some tea." she pointed to a cup and i sat down infront of it drinking in the sweet liquid. we talked for a while until i felt two long arms wrap around my shoulder.

"why'd you leave me." he spoke in a slightly raspy voice, his words not too clear due to the fact his face was buried in my neck.

"well hello to you too son." mrs. c/l/n rolled her eyes.

"hi mom." he smiled and hugged her. "what's for dinner?" he asked, his stomach involuntarily growling.

"chicken soup and it's already done so go sit, the both of you." she said setting down a bowl of soup  and a slice of bread for each of us. the rest of the family was out running errands or hanging out with their friends so it was just us for the evening. it was really nice, his mom teased us about how we looked asleep and i think we were both pretty embarrassed.

when it came time for me to leave c/n walked me to the door, engulfing me in a tight hug.

"thank you for today." he said and i smiled.

"anytime." and i meant it.

a/n: sorry this was so long and it's not even that good lol js wanna get this stuff down before the ideas decide to js leave my brain. also i love c/n's mom in this story, she's such like a sweet cool mom.

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