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song: gold rush-taylor swift šŸ˜­
a/n: listened to this for the first time today and this idea immediately popped into my head.

i rubbed my dress down with shaking hands. i was going to prom, with c/n, the boy who everybody wants.Ā  and i hated it, i hated the feeling of wanting to know him like i was more than a friend. but we both knew i wasn't. which is why i fought my feelings, i hated how my face flushed around him, i hated how i wanted to know what loving him was like, and i hated knowing other girls wanted him. i knew them too, stacy and, becca, both of them tall and blonde and very pretty. which is why i found it surprising c/n asked me to prom. the doorbell rang and i almost fainted on the spot.

"hello mrs y/l/n." i heard his voice in the hallway, my breathing speeding up.

"oh you look lovely c/n your so grown." oh did i mention we had known each other since childhood. i took a deep breath, pinned a piece of hair behind my ear and stepped down the stairs. our eyes immediately locked, his jaw dropped and he whispered.

"wow," i reached the foot of the stairs and smiled as best i could.


"you look...beautiful." he zoned out for a second then pulled something out of his pocked. it was a small box with a bracelet inside, white roses connected to it, he pulled it out and placed it on my wrist.

"it's perfect." after my mother insisting on pictures we finally got going to the dance.

"you ok?" he asked as we drove noticing my silence.

"yeah of course." he looked skeptical.

"y/n, i've known you since we were kids i know when something's wrong."

"just nervous i guess, i don't dance too well." i shrugged. although that was definitely not what was wrong i wouldn't say what really was.

"ok, still don't believe your telling me the whole truth but i won't force you." he parked and got out walking to my side, offering his arm once i got out. i gladly took it and entered the gym. it was decked out in streamers and multicolored lights. c/n greeted his friends whom luckily had girlfriends who i knew.

"hey y/n" lacy, one of the girlfriends said hugging me and smiling.

"ooh hey girl," the other one, lu, said. we all got into a conversation till we heard giggling and it wasn't from us. i looked over to see becca laughing and putting a wandering hand on his shoulder and slowly moving down his arm.

"watch your man girl." lu said sipping at her punch while looking at me with an amused expression.

"oh-uh-he's not-we're not a thing" i stuttered.

"judging by how fast you said that you definitely are." lacy smirked.

"so, did you come here with anyone." stacy asked while her and becca made goo goo eyes at him.

"i did actually, which reminds me i should be getting back to her." he walked away leaving them and their shocked expressions in the dust. he bent over slightly and touched my arm whispering in my ear.

"please save me i don't wanna talk to them."Ā  he moved him face a little farther to make eye contact with me, his eyes pleading for an escape.

"i got you." i tip toed to kiss him on the cheek and smiled at him. "that should do the trick." i watched as they scoffed and walked away.

"huh, how'd you know that would work." he looked impressed. i shrugged.

"girl math."

time skip...
the loud music shifted to a softer melody as couples lined up together. i watched as my friends grabbed their boyfriends and lead them to the floor, gently swaying. suddenly c/n sat up and held his hand out.

"may i?" he asked. i nodded and grabbed his hand, allowing him to lead me to the floor and place his hand on my hip, the other softly held my hand.

"just so you know i can't dance." i said while stepping on his foot. i felt his hand shift to my back and lift my feet to rest on his.

"is this better?" he smiled, my face flushed. i looked into his eyes noticing his pupils widen at the action.

( for those of you that don't know, your pupils widen when you look or think about someone you like/find attractive/love )

i caught my eyes flickering from his lips back to his eyes. he leaned in slowly, it felt as if it was in slow motion. my arms wrapped around his neck and his around my waist. our lips connected softly, i had dreamed of this moment since i was 4, my face flushed as i hear the cheers around us. i pulls away and smiled.

"i like you y/n, a lot. i would even go as far to say i love you, and i have for a long time."

"i love you too c/n"

"WHAT." becca screamed throwing her cup to the ground, and it shattered to a million pieces. her face red. "YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO LOVE ME!" she walked up to him and spoke harshly. i let go of him and stepped back.

"becca i never loved you and i never will." he said indifferently. i felt cold liquid pour down my shoulders. i whipped around and looked at stacy smiling and crossing her arms. i scoffed and grabbed my jacket heading to the bathroom to clean up. lu and lacy followed and helped me clean up.

"at least there wasn't that much punch in the cup." lacy shrugged. lacy wiped off the sticky mess on my shoulder.

"she'll get what's coming to her." lu said.Ā  my phone buzzed.

message from c/n šŸ’•

hey im waiting in the car, we're getting out of here.

i smiled at the message and typed back

sounds good, be right there.

i grabbed my jacket and said goodbye to my girls. walking out and getting in his car.

"where we going?" i asked him as he took off.

"a place very special to me." he pulled into a park area and i knew where we were. we were at the first spot we met. i laughed.

"of course" i darted toward the swings and sat down looking up at the sky.

"i'm sorry about tonight, i didn't want it to end like that, i wanted it to be...perfect."

"i think it was wonderful, up to the punch part." i laughed.

"i meant what i said y/n, i love you." his expression grew serious as he grabbed my hands and pulled me to a standing position.

"and i did too," i rested a hand on his cheek and pecked his lips. suddenly my phone buzzed and i checked it to see a video from lacy. it was of lu with two full cups of punch behind becca and stacy. she wasnt nice and poured it straight over their heads.

"oooouuuuhhhh." me and c/n both said in sync. in the video lu yelled in their faces,

"THATS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU MESS WITH MY FRIENDS." she walked out and left them crying.

"yikes." i said shutting my phone off and going back to swinging.

"they got what was coming to them." c/n shrugged and i agreed. looks like my biggest dream had ended in a sticky dress but i was happy about it in a sense.

a/n: i am on that GRIND with these imagines. i've never cranked this many out at a time. and i have more ideas in the works. love yall hope you enjoy even tho it kind of sucked

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