Chapter 6

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(Y/N) was currently staring at the board in his classroom, that had the words 'Midterm Exams' in large letters. 

"The midterms will begin next week. Just so you know, any scores below thirty will be deemed failing grades, as always. Be sure to revise, and revise well."

"..That time of year has come again, huh?" (Y/N) muttered as he side eyed at Nino, who was currently conversing with one of her friends. "She's not gonna take this serious at all, is she?"


(Y/N) was currently walking home from school, as he saw a certain mushroom and a girl with star pins in her hair, arguing with each other. From his distance, he couldn't hear anything, so he decided to get closer. 

"That's not good enough!" Fuutarou yelled at her. "If you fail these midterms, it's over! This is my job. Quit fussing and accept it."

"You're the one being fussy." She replied.

"Don't you want better grades? So just shut up and listen to me!"

"Oh my fucking god.." (Y/N) thought.

Fuutarou turned in instant regret.

"N-no, that was.."

Itsuki started to walk up the stairs. "I was starting to respect you a little. It looks like I shouldn't have. So you're doing it for the money."

"It's a fucking job, of course he's doing it for the money. That's literally what a job is for, so what's wrong with that?"

"What's so wrong about that?" He asked as he turned to her. "Who would care for a stubborn brat like you if it wasn't for work?"

"..." (Y/N) stayed silent as he deadpanned.

"You don't need to force yourself to teach me. I don't exist to make money for you."

"Then why did you hire a tutor then..?" 

"Oh, really? Don't blame me if you regret it."

"Sure. Even if it means getting expelled, I'm never having you teach me."

"I'm never teaching you!"

(Y/N)'s eyes widened when he heard Fuutarou's words. "IDIOT!"

Itsuki glanced over at (Y/N), and then left without saying a word.

"(Y/N)? How long have you been there?"

"A while now, but seriously.. why'd you say that?!"

"I don't know, I was just getting angry at how unreasonable she was being, and I couldn't help but say that! I'm regretting it right now!"

"*sigh* There's definitely more that was happening before that, so what happened exactly?"

Fuutarou explained that if the quints were to fail the midterms, he'd lose his job as a tutor.

"....Oh my fuck." (Y/N) blurted out.


(Y/N) and Fuutarou were at the quints apartment, and the four were playing a game.. while (Y/N) was playing Mario Kart on his switch.

"Uesugi-san!" (Y/N) and Fuutarou glanced at Yotsuba. "I got married! Gift money, please." 

"Oh, right." He handed her money. "Even in a game I'm poor." Fuutarou thought.

"Thank you!"

"I'm up next." Miku went to spin the wheel. 

"We don't have time for this!" Fuutarou yelled getting up.

"You're realizing this now?" 

"Break's over!" Fuutarou didn't care about his best friend's comment. "Let's get back to work."

"But we studied a lot today." Ichika replied.

"My head's about to explode." Yotsuba added.

"It's not good to overdo it." 

"That's true, but.."

"Fuutarou, you seem more desperate than usual. Are we really that far behind?" Miku asked.

"No, well.. Actually.."

Nino approached them. "Hey, you're not even studying, you're just playing games. I'm in." She looked at Fuutarou. "Switch with me."

"Fuutarou, 'Actually' what?" Miku questioned as Fuutarou was shaken up a bit.

"Oh, it's nothing."

"Jeez, you have almost no money." Nino picked up the money that Fuutarou had

"Just imagine what would happen if she found out. It's so obvious what she'd try to do."

"Want to join us?" Nino turned to Itsuki, who was right next to the two boys. The two boys looked over at her.

"Itsuki? About yesterday, I.."

"I have to study."

"She's really still not gonna let him apologize, just like what happened before. " (Y/N) thought. "Talk about stubborn." He said under his breath.

"H-hey." Fuutarou tried getting her attention but she walked off.

"Come on." Nino got up. "You're done tutoring for the day, aren't you? Go home." She started pushing Fuutarou out of the apartment.

"Hey, wait!"

"Get going. Leave already!"

"Nino." (Y/N) walked to the entrance. 

"You too, get out of here!"

"I'm surprised on how there's times she wants me here, and there's time's that she doesn't.." She walked up to (Y/N) and started trying to push him out as well, but she was struggling. "Why does she actually kinda look adorable right now? Wait... what?"

"Hold on, Fuutarou-kun." Ichika said. "That's not what you promised."


"You said you were going to stay overnight to help us study."

"What?" Nino and Fuutarou asked simultaneously. "WHAT?!"

"Wait.. when did you guys plan this?" (Y/N) questioned.

"You're staying over as well right?" Ichika asked.

"Well, I don't mind.. I need to get stuff from my house though." 

"Then it's settled!"

"I'll be back." (Y/N) put on his shoes and left the quints apartment. "I have to deal with my parents asking me multiple questions.."


"Hello." (Y/N) muttered as he entered his house and went into the kitchen.

"Oh, you're back?" Kazuki asked as he took a sip of coffee.

"Yeah.. where's mom?"

"She's seeing a few of her friends from high school. One of them just came back to Japan after seven years."

"Oh, that makes sense.." (Y/N) sat down at the dining table, across from his dad. "I'm actually staying over at the girls apartment for tonight. That's fine, right?"

Kazuki spit out the coffee in his mouth. 

"...What? There's nothing wrong with me doing that, right?" (Y/N) deadpanned.

"You, staying at a girls house for the night, alone? Are you getting laid or something?"

"I'm not gonna be alone, you idiot! I'm gonna be with Fuutarou obviously, and I'm not getting laid! We're tutoring! I'm not gonna do 'that' type of shit!"

"Damn, that's unfortunate. I thought my young boy was gonna finally become a man."

"*sigh* So, it's fine if I go, right?"

"Yeah, I don't got a problem with it."

"Okay, then." (Y/N) got up from his seat and went to his room. He packed up some clothes in a backpack and then got ready to leave. "Okay, I'll be heading out." He said in a loud voice that got his father's attention.

"See you, and don't do some dumb crap that'll get you in trouble!" Kazuki yelled back.

"That's some shit advice from someone who was asking me if I was gonna get laid tonight!"


(Y/N) entered the quints home, once again, as he walked up to the coffee table and placed his bag next to the couch.

"Where's the bathroom?" He asked, as Fuutarou descended down the stairs, sweating buckets. "And where is Fuutarou as well?"

"Right here.." Fuutarou said. He was wearing a yellow shirt that said 'Nyan' on it.


"The bathroom is upstairs, do you need a towel?" Ichika asked.

"Nah, I'm good, I brought my own." (Y/N) replied as he went to Fuutarou as he spoke in his ear quietly. "Bro, you're sweating buckets. What happened?"

"Nino knows that I'm gonna be fired if they fail.."

"And she's most likely not gonna study since she wants you to be fired, no wonder she has such a smug smile on her face." (Y/N) glanced at Nino who was sitting down at the dining table as he let out a sigh. 

"What a drag. She should probably realize that if Fuutarou get's fired, that father of theirs is gonna hire another tutor.

(Y/N) walked upstairs into the bathroom.

A few moments later...

(Y/N) exited the bathroom hearing a quiet voice ask that question.

"I want to learn... what kind of girls do you like?" Miku asked.

"..What?" (Y/N) thought out loud as he jumped down the staircase. When he looked at them, the whole room was silent.

"Does that really matter right now?" Fuutarou asked, as Miku looked at him.

"I have a comment!" Yotsuba raised her hand. "I'm kind of interested!"


"Oh, come on. We can't just study all night, right?" Ichika said looking over at (Y/N). "(Y/N)-kun, you should join us too!"

"Why me?" (Y/N) asked.

"Actually, I'll teach you then, if you really want to know. The top three qualities (Y/N) and I look for in a girl. But we're only revealing one for every page you fill." He lifted up a board out of nowhere.

"Oi, don't go deciding shit for me!"

The three started to write down on their papers.

"For fucks sake.." (Y/N) deadpanned. "I'll say mine after Fuutarou is done his then.."

"Good thing they're easy to manipulate." Fuutarou whispered to (Y/N).

"Yeah.. I guess."

After a few minutes, Yotsuba raised her hand.

"Okay, done!" 

"All right. Number three!" He started to rip off the tape covering the board he had. "Drumroll!"

"Dadadadadadada." (Y/N) said.

"Bam! Always cheerful!"

"Okay, done." Miku raised her hand.

"Number two, drumroll!"


"Good at cooking!"

"Okay, I'm done." Ichika raised her hand.

"Good. Number one.."


"Care's about their brother!"

"I'm none of those." Miku muttered, as (Y/N) raised a brow at what she said.

"Chotto matte! This is about Raiha, isn't it?" (Y/N) questioned.

"Well, yes. It's a girl I like."

"They mean romantically, you idiot!" Nino said.

"Oh.. well I'm not too interested in dating anyway."

"Gotta agree with him there." (Y/N) shrugged. "Anyway.. it's my turn to go now, right?"

"Yup!" Ichika said.

"I'm about to vent a lot of shit, but it's not just on things about a girl that I'd like, is that fine with you guys?"

Ichika and Yotsuba nodded.

"Alright, then.." He let out a breath.

"Can you just start talking already?" Nino asked.

"Why are you interested now all of a sudden?" (Y/N) thought. 

"In my eyes, I personally think that I'm cursed by my good looks. From what I know, most girls at our school just ask me out because of that trait alone. I'm always treated differently from other guys and stuff at our school because of it too. At the end of the day, I'm also a human who does everything that they do as well. Eat, sleep, et cetera, et cetera. So why do I get treated so differently? Just because I'm good looking? Bullshit. All of the guys at school besides Fuutarou, probably don't like me cause of the attention I get, all the time they look at me in jealousy, none of them bother even approaching me cause of that, so I never really had friends. I always get asked out by girls that I barely even know, nor do they know me, how are they so sure that since I'm a good looking guy, I probably have a great personality too? I've said this before, I'm not too sure that I'd be a great boyfriend. I'm probably the most boring guy I know besides Fuutarou." 

"Oi." Fuutarou took offense.

"Shut up and let me finish. How can I be sure that they aren't just using for popularity? Enough rambling anyway.. what I want in a partner, is someone who ACTUALLY likes me for who I am, not just my looks.. I don't even care about looks, they can be any body type.. fat.. skinny.. whatever, I don't care. I just.. want someone to truly see and love me for who I am as a person."

The whole room was silent.

"Sorry about that, I've been wanting to get that off my chest for a long while now." (Y/N) put his hand on his nape.

"I think that's the most I've heard (Y/N)-kun talk.." Ichika said in surprise.

"Yeah." Yotsuba and Miku agreed as they nodded.

"It probably is the most he's talked to someone besides me.. although, why are you apologizing?" Fuutarou asked.

"Huh?" (Y/N) asked.

Fuutarou slapped his back.


"You don't need to apologize over something like that, idiot."

"I'm surprised that you said you didn't know how to talk about it to anyone, but the first people you talk to about it is us. You must trust us, huh?" Ichika teased.

(Y/N) slightly blushed in embarrassment. "S-shut up. I really don't."

"Aw, he's blushing!"

"No, I'm not!"

"Well, it's a good thing you got it off your chest anyway." Fuutarou added.

"*sigh* Yeah.." He replied as Nino went upstairs without saying anything.

Ichika then went to look at Miku's papers. "Oh! Miku's already done her assignment. You have to praise people when they do well, Fuutarou-kun." She walked up to Fuutarou and grabbed his arm. "There, good job." She made him pat Miku's head.

"There, there, well? Did it get your heart racing?" She asked as Miku started to blush.

Fuutarou removed his hand. "Not really." 

Ichika pouted. "Yotsuba, check him!"

Yotsuba started chasing him.

"S-stop it! Yotsuba!"

"Stop running away!"

"Get lost! Don't come near me!"

"Oh, come on!"

"Knock it off already!"

Fuutarou turned as she clinged onto him.

"Wow!" Ichika said in surprise.

"Oh! Uesugi-san's heart is racing!" Yotsuba pointed at him

"Yeah, obviously! I was running, god damn it!" He said in an angered tone.

"You're so noisy." A voice interrupted them, the four looked at Itsuki who was coming down the stairs. "I thought a study group would be quieter."

Ichika clasped her hands together. "Sorry."

Fuutarou sweatdropped. "It's hard to apologize to her when I'm actually facing her."

"Miku, can I borrow your headphones?" Itsuki asked.

"Sure, but why?" Miku was confused as she handed her headphones.

"I want to focus by myself." She grabbed the headphones.

"This girl." Fuutarou thought. "Itsuki! Can I trust you?"

"I don't want to hold you back." She walked off.


They had all gotten ready for bed, Fuutarou was sleeping in Miku's room, Miku was sleeping in Ichika's.. (Y/N), was fine with sleeping in someone else's room, but he said that he'd sleep on the couch.

(Y/N) couldn't really sleep, he went on his switch and started to play a game that he wouldn't get pissed off at this time of night, the game was....

Animal Crossing.

He was playing for around ten to fifteen minutes, as he heard someone coming down the stairs.

"Who's there?" He asked as he paused his game and put his switch down.

"It's me." He saw Nino. "Judging by how you're playing video games this late, you can't sleep, right?"

"Well, you're not wrong." He said as he slightly turned the other way.

She sighed. "Come with me to my room, sleep in there. I have a futon."

"You're not really one to offer such a thing, you sure?" He said raising an eyebrow.

"What? Do you not want to?" she asked.

"Well, a futon is definitely gonna be more comfortable.. so sure." He got up and followed her to her room. He set up the futon as he lied down. "Thanks."

The two were silent for a few minutes.

"Hey." Nino said.

"Hm? What's up?" (Y/N) questioned. 

"About what you said earlier.."

The two got up and looked at each other.

"What about it?" (Y/N) realized what she was talking about.

"You know, it's not gonna be me, but I think there's gonna be one person-- Actually, no, scratch that. There has to be one person on earth who will love you for who the person you truly are."

(Y/N)'s eyes widened after he heard that before he chuckled a bit confusing her, as a smile formed on his face. "To hear you say that.. I don't know how to say it, but that makes me feel.. ah, uh.. damn. I honestly don't know how to explain it.. but thank you." 

"..No problem." She turned around with a slight blush on her face. 

A few hours later..

"Where the hell am I..?" (Y/N) muttered as he got up and looked around as he saw a bunch of teddy bears and dolls on a bed, a certain girl sleeping on that bed. "Oh.. I'm in Nino's room." He folded the futon and put it away, as he went to the door as he glanced at Nino, once again.

"She's actually, kinda adorable when she's sleeping..." He thought. "Wait, what the hell am I thinking?!"


(Y/N) was currently at the library, looking for a manga volume, and he ran into an odd group.. actually it's not that odd now thinking about it.

"Yo." He said as he walked up to Fuutarou, Ichika and Yotsuba.

"(Y/N)-kun? What're you doing here?" Ichika asked.

"Was looking for this." He showed a book that said 'Haikyuu' on it. "The volume released today, so I was here looking for it. I'm surprised they made a volleyball manga so interesting."

"Knowing you, that makes sense on why you're here." Fuutarou replied. 

"You don't seem like someone who watches that stuff though, (L/N)-san!" Yotsuba added.

"He has a bunch of anime and game posters in his room. You should see it--" He slapped Fuutarou's mouth.

"Shut the hell up."

"Anyway, could you go get my stuff?" Ichika turned to Fuutarou winking.

"All right. I'll be right back. Can you be a substitute for them today?" He looked over at (Y/N).

"Sure, I don't mind." (Y/N) said as he shrugged.

The three found a table and (Y/N) started to help them with what they obviously.. needed help with. After around an hour and a half of that..

"Say, (Y/N)-kun." Ichika got his attention.

"Yes, I am (Y/N)." He replied.

"What do you see yourself doing in the future?"

"What kind of question is that?"

"I'm talking about career wise."

"..Do I have to say?"

"I'm kind of interested too, (L/N)-san!" Yotsuba joined in.

"*sigh* Well, you guys are finished most of your work, so. I probably want to become a  freelancer animator since I'm good at that stuff, but it doesn't pay that much so I wouldn't want to have that as just my only job, so besides that something that involves video games, or voice acting."

"Freelancer in animating? What's that mean?" Yotsuba asked.

"It means self unemployed, but the freelancer does take on contract work from companies and organizations and stuff, but I'm still not working for that company if that makes any sense."

"Ah! I get it! I think.."

"Voice acting? Are you good at it?"

"I can try to imitate Fuutarou's voice, or one of you quints, if you want." (Y/N) said.

"Go for it!" The two say.

"*imitates Fuutarou's voice* Leave me alone, I'm trying to study."

"Wow, you're really good at this. You sounded just like him!" Ichika complimented.

"Hehe, thanks." 

"Pretty nice dreams that you got there."

"Yeah, but it's definitely not better then the future awards you're gonna get you future actress." He said with a grin on his

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