Chapter 6

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"Y-you knew about that?" She asked.

"Uh huh."

"Wait, but when did you find out, (L/N)-san?" Yotsuba questioned.

"I'm pretty sure us three all know who told me.." (Y/N) deadpanned as the two chuckled nervously. "Anyway, since you're both done, I guess we can go now. Although.. what do you guys plan on doing in the future? I already know Ichika's plan, but what about you other quints?"

"I haven't gave it too much thought." Yotsuba said putting her hand on her nape.

"I think Nino has said she wanted to own a bakery. I don't know about the other two though." Ichika put her hand on her chin.

"Owning a bakery, huh? That's a nice dream."


The two stayed over at the quints apartment once again, and they all were sleeping in the living room, besides Nino. Fuutarou was having a weird dream, that I the author don't want to write about.. so..

"It's almost like a dream!" Fuutarou yelled out excited. "Yeah, there's no way they'd be able to get any 100's."

"Man.." (Y/N) muttered as he got up and scratched his hair.

 "Can you be quiet?" He asked. "Well, I have to get up anyway.

"My bad." Fuutarou replied. "They really did work hard this week."

"Yeah, they did." 

 "And now it's exam day." Fuutarou looked out the window.

"You're up early, Uesugi-kun, (L/N)-kun." Itsuki said with a yawn as the two boys looked at the clock as their faces went pale.

"Itsuki.. just to be sure, our school's reporting time is 8:30, right?" Fuutarou asked.

"That's right. And the exams start fifteen minutes after that."

"Okay.. Any chance that clocks broken?" (Y/N) asked pointing at it.

"Oh..... my god!" Itsuki screamed.

All of them started to rush getting ready, they left the apartment as they all started running.

"Hurry up, everyone! We're leaving you behind, Uesugi-san, (L/N)-san!" Yotsuba was in front of them.

"Hurry up you say?" (Y/N) says as they saw a red flash instantly zoom past them. 

"What the hell?" Nino blurted out.

"That was (Y/N), he's probably the fastest in our grade." Fuutarou said.

"I'll race you, (L/N)-san!" Yotsuba shouted in the distance.

"Anyway, I thought you guys got a ride to school everyday!" 

"Ebata-san is our dad's secretary." Miku replied.

"If only he were home with dad." Ichika added.

"Y-yeah. What happens if we're late? What do I tell their father?" Fuutarou thought.


"I win!" (Y/N) said as he ran faster then Yotsuba. Although, she did surprisingly keep up with him at one point.

"I'll beat you next time!"

"I wasn't expecting you to keep up.. first time I've seen someone do that, actually. Anyway, now we gotta wait for those five."


~A few minutes later.. outside the school~

"We're late." Fuutarou raised his phone. "And the exam starts soon."

"I'm sorry. It's because I made a stop on the way." Itsuki apologized.

"Me too." Miku added.

"Do you think the guidance teacher will let us off?" Ichika asked.

Fuutarou looked down in thought. "I know. We have Yotsuba. Itsuki, call Yotsuba."

Itsuki gives him her phone. "Hello? Yotsuba? You're at school already, right? Oh, no, it's fine. Stay inside."

"Hey!" Nino yelled in a quiet voice. "What are you thinking?"

Fuutarou ended the call. "I call it Operation Doppelganger."


(Y/N) and Yotsuba walked over to the quintuplets who finally entered the school.

"I lied to a teacher. What disrespect! I can't believe it.." Itsuki was disappointed in herself.

"You're way too uptight." Nino deadpanned at her.

"Thank goodness!" Yotsuba approached them. "You all made it in."

"It's the real one." Miku said.

"Wait.. where's Fuutarou?" (Y/N) asked.

"Come to the guidance office!" They heard a voice. They look over at Fuutarou being dragged. Fuutarou looks over at them. 

"Fuutarou.." Miku muttered.

"Hurry up and go! You'll be fine without me! Believe in the effort you put in for yourselves!"

"What are you blabbering on about?" The guidance teacher asked.

"Well, I'm off." (Y/N) walked away.


Over with Miku..

"So many difficult questions." Miku thought looking at the Social Studies questions. "I can do history, though."

Over with Yotsuba.. she was very confused.

"I remember! For multiple choice questions that have five answers, the fourth one is often right."

Over with Nino and (Y/N)... she was also confused.. (Y/N), was fine.

"Synonym for argument. I don't know. Next."

"For argument..? Debate. De-ba-te." She recalled what (Y/N) had said the other day.

"I never asked you two to teach me.." She glanced at (Y/N) who was looking out the window, since he was almost done.

Over with Ichika..

"Done.." She put her head on her desk. "I think that about does it. Good night." She opened her eyes. "I guess I can check over my questions."

Over with Itsuki and Fuutarou...

"I won't let you quit." She remembered the conversation she had with her father. "This is for Raiha-chan's sake. Just to be clear." She glanced at Fuutarou, who was done his exam.

He had his hands clasped in a thinking position. "I'm counting on you, guys."


A few days later.. it was the day for the midterm results. The seven of them were in the library.

"Hey. Thanks for gathering here." Fuutarou said.

"What's wrong? Why so formal?" Ichika asked.

"The midterm results.." Miku started. "Can you teach us the parts we got wrong?" she asked.

"Yeah. But first, can you show us your results?"

"Sure thing." Ichika raised her hand.

"I would prefer not to." Itsuki interrupted her. "It's personal information. I absolutely refuse."


"You're forgetting that you stole his test the first day we--" Fuutarou slapped his mouth.

"Thanks. I'm prepared though. Tell me how it went."

"Ta-da." Yotsuba started. "I guessed right and got a 30 on Japanese! I've never gotten such grades before!"

"I got 68 in social studies. I just barely failed the rest. Sucks." Miku said.

"All I got was a 39 in math. I think that's the best I can do for now." Ichika said.

"I failed Japanese, math, science, and social studies. Just so you know, I was trying my best." Nino crossed her arms.

"Unfortunately, the science exam was the only one I passed, with 56." Itsuki added.

"Damn it all." Fuutarou slumped.

"Being reminded on how dumb you all are is depressing." (Y/N) also slumped.

"Shut up." Nino said in response. "But well, it's so like us to each pass a different subject."

"That's true."

"And compared to when we all scored a hundred combined.." Miku said.

"Yeah." Fuutarou said with a smile on his  face. "You've certainly made progress. Miku, getting a 68 on a test as this one is impressive, even your scores are lopsided."

Miku smiled after hearing that.

"You can be confident in teaching your sisters what you know. Yotsuba, you make a lot of careless mistakes. What a waste. Stay calm and don't rush things." 

She put her hand in a salute. "Yes, sir."

"Ichika, you need to spend more time on each problem. Don't give up until the end."

She looked down. "Fine."

(Y/N) sighed as he looked down at Nino. "Nino. You never listened to us till the very end, nor did you listen to what I had told you before, but it's whatever. Just don't slack off just because Fuutarou and I won't be coming anymore."

"Hmph." She turned around.

"(Y/N), Fuutarou. What do you mean by you two won't be coming anymore?" Miku questioned.

The two looked down. 


"Miku, let's hear them out." Itsuki said interrupting her.

"Itsuki.." Fuutarou started. "You're so... stupidly awkward!"


"You're so obsessed over each question so much, that you didn't even answer all of them."

She looks to the side. "That's something I'm working on."

"At least you're aware." (Y/N) said as Fuutarou nodded.

"Yeah, be careful from now on." Suddenly, her phone started ringing. She got it out of her pocket and when she looked at it, she handed it to Fuutarou.

"It's our father."

He answered it. "Hello? Uesugi here."

"You were with Itsuki-kun, huh? I thought I'd ask them individually, but let's hear it from you."

"All right."

"I'll know if you lie."

"I won't lie. But I'd like you to ask if you can find them a better tutor."

The four quints besides Nino looked surprised.

"So, in other words, the exam results.."

Fuutarou took a deep breath before speaking, but suddenly Nino grabbed the phone from him. 

"Dad? It's me, Nino. Can I ask you something? Why'd you give him such a condition?"

"I have my responsibilities as a father, in leaving you to him. I was just testing him to see if he's right for you."

"So it was for our sake?" She asked as she closed her eyes. "Thanks, dad. But we won't know whether he's right or not just from our grades."

"That's the primary metric.

"Fine." She opened her eyes. "Let me tell you, then. The five of us together avoided failing all five subjects." She made all of them shocked.

"Is that true?"

"I'm not lying."

"It must be true if you say so, Nino-kun. I expect you to keep up the work with Uesugi-kun."

She ended the phone call.

"Nino, you just.." Fuutarou started.

"The five of us each passed five subjects. So I wasn't lying."

"Seriously?" The two boys ask.

"We ended up deceiving dad. It probably won't work again. So the both of you better make it happen for real next time."

"Yeah, sure." (Y/N) shrugged it off.

"Watch me."

"Hey, what was that all about?" Ichika asked.

"I passed all five subjects?! Actually?" Yotsuba was shocked. "How?!"

"Calm down, we're in a library."

"Okay! Let's get to reviewing, then!"

"You aren't gonna listen to me are you.." (Y/N) deadpanned.

"I'd rather not." Nino said as Ichika put her hand on her shoulder.

"No running away."

"You're right." Fuutarou had his hand on his chin. "It's most important to study after you get your exam results back. But it doesn't have to be right after. A reward, was it? Something about parfaits?"

"Pf-" (Y/N) let out before dying of laughter. "Hahaha!"

"Fuutarou-kun just said parfaits!"

"That's so not his style!"

"In that case, I'll have an extra large."

Fuutarou sweatdropped. "That exists?" He thought out loud. "All right, the five of you passed five together, so just one serving." The seven started walking.

"What? You're so cheap?"

"Oh, what the hell." (Y/N) blurted out. "It's on me. I've got the cash to pay for you all."

"Thanks for the save.." Fuutarou said. 

"It's fine, man."

"By the way, how'd you do, Uesugi-san?" She grabbed his papers.

"Wait! Don't look!"

"Wh-what? All hundreds on all of them?!"

"Oh, man! That's so embarrassing!"

"Are you trying to make that your thing?" (Y/N) and Itsuki asked.

"What about you, (L/N)-kun?" Nino asked him.

"Do I have to tell you?" (Y/N) looked at her.

"Yes!" The quints said.

"87, 84, 82, 80, 87, add it up and you got 420." He said, as they clapped.

"Wait, you normally get higher. And why 420 of all things?!" Fuutarou asked.

"Coincidences can be freaky."


Hope you enjoyed! Wasn't expecting this chapter to be this long, but longer chapters are better then short ones, right?

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