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Jimin is early once again. It makes me happy that he isn't rushing himself for the bus anymore. He sits down on the bus stop bench today, leaving me to lean against the pole. I no longer stare at the sky or people or cars anymore; my attention is on him now.

"How was school?" he asks.

I sigh in boredom, leaning my head against the pole. "Nothing exciting, just like every day."

He stretches his small legs out while shaking his head. "I bet you that it isn't that bad."

"Trust me, school is hell to me," I say, sounding dramatic.

He pouts. "I wouldn't know. I don't go to a real school."

I cross my arms. "True," I say, twisting my mouth. "Maybe you can come to my school one day. Like a field trip!"

His mouth curved into a smile as he laughs. "One day."

The bus comes minutes later, and we board together. The bus is crowded. Jimin and I grab hold of one of the metal bars and look around the bus for some seats. Suddenly, surprising me, Jimin takes my hand in his. "Over here!" I bite my lip, holding back a sudden panic attack and try to calm down my heart rate speed. He leads us to an open two-seater and smiles. "We can sit here together."

Jimin sits down, taking the window seat, while I stand here, holding onto the metal bar, dumbfounded. He made it seem like holding my hand was the simplest thing in the world.

"Tae? Are you okay? Did you want to sit by the window?" he worries.

"U-Uh, n-no. I'm okay," I say, sitting next to Jimin.

I look down at the hand he held. His hand was soft and warm, they fit perfectly in mine. I know I held them yesterday when I was helping up when he fell, but right now, it felt different. I...I liked it.

"Ah, by the way, something came to mind," I say.

He hums in response, waiting for me to say something.

"How are you? I mean after you fell," I add in.

He shows me one hand, which has a bandage on it. "It wasn't that bad. My knees had some scratches too. I honestly didn't think it was bad, but, I wasn't allowed to dance today, so I sat out the entire day."

I look at him surprised. "You can dance?"

He nods with a smile. "Yep. I have dance practice every day in the afternoon. I'm heading home right now."

"Wow," I say in awe. "That's awesome. How good are you?"

"Well, Kookie says I'm perfect, but I don't know. I feel like he's just sweet," he says, giggling.

I cock my head to one side. "Uh, a cookie says your good?" I ask confused.

Jimin laughs. "No. It's K-O-O-K-I-E. Kookie. It's my boyfriend's nickname."

Suddenly, the bus comes to a stop, almost like how my heart feels after Jimin said, boyfriend.

I fake a laugh, trying so hard not to burst into other emotions when the bus starts again. "Ah, the guy who fell on me, right?"

Jimin scratches the back of his nervously and laughs awkwardly. "Yeah, that was Jungkook. I kind of hoped you forgot. It was so embarrassing."

"It's okay." I smile.

Next thing you know my stop is called and I'm standing up to leave. "How much farther do you go?"

He looks up at me, then at the window. "A couple more stops."

I start heading towards the front of the bus. "I'll see tomorrow, then?"

"Of course," he says in a cheerful tone.

I hurry to the front when my stop comes and get off. I don't turn back to look at Jimin who I assume is still looking out the window when the bus passes by. I can't look at him. The fact he's taken takes over my brain again.

I wish I could be in Jungkook's shoes...

•·.··.·• •·.··.·•

Wow, I'm in the best mood right now. (Not really)
But I'm alright.

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