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Corinne yawned, it has been two days since Charles told her to rest and for two days she barely even got to see Alex. She frowned before staring at Alex, he was having breakfast and talking to Sage and Hank, she sighed and laid her head on the counter sadly. Corinne closed her eyes and slowly breathed in and out, everything was going to be okay. Everything was going to be- "Cor? Corinne?" a voice said from above, Corinne blinked and looked up to see Hank who was grinning. "Hey, how'd you like my blue?" he asked, Corinne blinked again and noticed he was in his blue form. "Oh come on, get out of your slump, come hang out with us," he said quickly.

"Mhm," Corinne mumbled before lowering her head back down, "Maybe later," she muttered quietly. Hank sighed and walked away, she frowned and couldn't help but feel sad, why did Charles say this would be good for her? It was boring and frustrating, "Helloo Corinne," she heard a familiar voice say from behind, "Oh- man it's Alex again isn't it?" Corinne recognized Scott's voice and she didn't bother looking back. "Or are you just tired? Didn't you two clear things up?" he asked curiously. Corinne heard Scott opening the fridge and getting something before closing it again, she groaned, "We did," she mumbled.

Scott sighed and sat next to her, "Come on. Lighten up, your favorite guy is here." Scott said teasingly, Corinne looked up and stared at him blankly. He raised his eyebrows and covered his mouth quickly, "Oh you look terrible," Scott muttered, Corinne immediately wacked the back of his head hard making him yell out, "I'm sorry!" he cried. Corinne rolled her eyes and stood up before sighing, "I'm gonna go," she muttered angrily, Scott blinked and grabbed onto her arm dragging her back to her seat.

"I don't think so," Scott said sternly, Corinne raised her eyebrows surprised and he rolled his eyes, "Okay so what if Alex is avoiding you? I'm still here, your backup boyfriend remember?" he joked before laughing awkwardly. Corinne stared at him in disbelief, "Aren't you dating Jean?" she asked confused, Scott stared at Corinne and sighed. "Okay but you get the point don't you? Just talk to him if you're uncomfortable, he'll understand." Scott said quickly, "Won't you Alex?" he asked loudly making sure Alex heard. Alex looked at the two and stared at Scott oddly, "What?" he said confused.

Corinne blinked as Scott stood up and waved at Alex, "We were just talking about you Alex, you know? Your wife and I were talking?" Scott pressed as if there was something wrong. Alex blinked and stood up before walking towards Scott, "What's up with you?" he asked quietly before looking at Corinne. Corinne immediately looked away and Alex quickly followed her gaze, he placed his hand on the side of her face and frowned, "Hey, hey why is my Rinne upset?" he asked softly. Corinne's eyes widened and she bit her lip nervously, Alex sighed and kissed her forehead lightly, "We'll talk tonight okay?" he whispered gently, "I promise," their foreheads touched and Corinne slowly nodded.

Alex pulled away before looking at Scott, "You watch over her for me okay?" he asked seriously, Scott quickly nodded and patted Corinne's head lightly. "Yes sir," Scott muttered annoyed, "She can take care of herself you know?" he said as Alex left the kitchen with the others. Scott then sighed before looking back at Corinne, "Alex's been acting weird," he suddenly said. Corinne blinked and nodded quickly, "You noticed too?" she asked quickly, "I thought it was only me," she muttered. Scott sighed and frowned, "I have to go but if you need to talk, you can talk to Jean, she's not working today," Scott said quickly before heading out the kitchen.


Jean smiled and walked side by side beside Corinne as they walked by the lake, "You know, we're very similar in certain ways," she said quickly. "We both have telekinetic abilities, we can't really control them and we're both with a Summers," Jean added. Corinne reluctantly nodded, she was watching Alex and how he was talking to the Sage girl again, she frowned. "You know worrying about something that isn't even happening isn't really good," Jean said softly, Corinne looked at Jean and sighed before looking at the ground, "Sorry, I can't help thinking, we haven't really even talked much at all this week," she muttered.

"He does care, you know?" Jean whispered, Corinne blinked and felt tears in her eyes, she looked back at Jean who sighed, "How do you know?" Corinne muttered confused. Jean frowned and patted Corinne's shoulder lightly, "I don't need to read minds to know he cares about you," she grinned, "I have to go, Scott's expecting me to help him with some work," Jean said, "Go talk to Alex, it'll be okay,". Corinne watched as Jean walked away and she sighed before biting her lip nervously, Corinne played with her fingers before falling onto the ground. She laid in the grass and sighed, "Does he not love me anymore?" she whispered before closing her eyes.

She could feel tears fall from her face and she heard someone lay right next to her, she tried to look away but they pulled her back down, "Corinne are you crying?" Corinne heard Alex's voice and she immediately turned away from him. Alex grabbed onto her and pulled her towards his lap, "Please don't cry, what happened?" Alex whispered softly, Corinne shook her head and wiped the tears off her face. "I'm not crying," she stammered before looking away. Alex sighed and kissed the top of her head lightly, "Is it because we haven't had much time together?" he asked gently. Corinne frowned and stared at Alex, their foreheads touched and she lowered her head, "Rinne you're being silly," Alex muttered, "I love you, I'm sorry we haven't been together for a long time,"

Alex looked at Corinne before kissing her forehead gently, "Are you mad at me?" he asked slowly, Corinne didn't answer, she looked at the ground and Alex brought her head up, "Rinne, what is it?" he whispered, "I want you to tell me," he whispered. Corinne ignored him and looked away stubbornly, she stood up and shook her head before more tears fell from her face, "You don't love me anymore," she cried before running away. She heard a sudden siren noise and looked to her side to see Sage who seemed to be staring at her, Corinne frowned, "And stay out of my head you bitch!" Corinne snapped angrily.

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