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"No, no of course not," Corinne blinked as she heard Alex's voice, he was talking to someone, she turned to see he was on the phone. She then closed her eyes again, she suddenly remembered what happened last night and smiled to herself before burying her face into a pillow. Corinne noticed the fresh new clothes sitting next to her and she raised her eyebrows confused before looking at Alex who caught her gaze. Alex grinned and Corinne thanked him before getting dressed, "Okay, we'll visit you during Christmas then happy?" Alex said before hanging up.

Corinne gave him a curious look and he sighed, "It was my mother, she misses you," he said before rolling his eyes, Corinne laughed and sat up before stretching, "Sure she does," Corinne muttered. Alex gave her a serious look and Corinne nodded before trying to stand up, she stumbled over and caught herself just in time, her legs shaking. "Do you need help?" Alex asked teasingly, Corinne rolled her eyes as he walked towards her and grabbed her waist with his arm. "No, I'm fine Alex" she muttered annoyed, Alex raised his eyebrows and quickly nodded, Corinne sighed and stared at him softly.

"Come on, you can let me go," Corinne said confidently, as Alex let go she stood still and let out a sigh before walking into the bathroom. She felt her head spin and she held onto the door to help her stay up, "Are you okay?" Alex quickly whispered from behind, he wrapped his hands around Corinne's torso and pressed his body against her back, Corinne felt her heart racing. "I'm just tired, I'm fine," she stammered quickly before pulling away. Alex gave her a curious look and shrugged before watching her get ready for the day, "I'm fine, honestly Alex, you can leave now," Corinne said as she put on some make up.

Alex sighed, "You know you don't need make up to be pretty." he said softly, Corinne turned to face him as she put down her mascara. She rolled her eyes, "Thanks Alex," she said before patting his chest lightly. Alex laughed and followed her out of the room, "I'm being honest, you look great," he said quickly. Corinne walked through the hallway and soon reached the kitchen where a younger looking woman was standing, she had long beautiful golden hair and her green eyes gleamed as the sunlight faced her. "Oh! You must be Mrs. Summers," the woman said before walking towards Corinne.

The woman grabbed onto Corinne's hand making Corinne flinch confused, "I'm sorry," Corinne stammered before pulling her hand away. Corinne immediately grabbed onto Alex's hand and he held in a laugh before looking at the woman, "Who are you?" he asked curiously. The woman smiled and went to shake Alex's hand, "Sage Ellis," she said softly, "And you are?" she asked teasingly. Alex grinned, "Alex Summers, I'm surprised you don't know who I am," he said slowly, "I'm-"

"Oh I'm so dumb! You must be Corinne's brother!" Sage said before giggling, Corinne frowned and stared at Sage oddly, there was something about Sage that wasn't right. "No, no, I'm her husband," Alex said boldly, "Corinne's my wife, we've been married for about 5 years now, I'm not sure how you don't know," he muttered confused. Sage's eyes widened confused before she looked at Corinne in a certain disgusted way. Corinne nodded and looked away, she pulled away from Alex and went to open the fridge to grab an apple. "Sorry, hungry," she whispered with a small smile, Alex rolled his eyes and Corinne went to give him an apple too.

Sage fixed her blonde hair before looking at Corinne, "I'm so sorry to bother but Professor Xavier said to wait here for a Mrs. Summers which I assumed would be you," Sage said softly. Corinne blinked and sighed, "It is, what do you need?" she asked quickly before looking at Alex who seemed to be staring at Sage. Corinne couldn't help but feel jealous, why was Alex looking at her? Corinne felt her head suddenly ache with pain and she let out a small cry, Alex immediately headed towards her and wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her close, "Hey, are you alright?" he whispered softly. 

Corinne held her breath and breathed in and out slowly, "I'm fine, I don't know why I have a headache though, maybe it was your fault," she muttered, Alex grinned and rolled his eyes before kissing her cheek softly. Corinne smiled, "I love you," he whispered, "How about I give Sage the tour and you can rest?" Alex asked, his voice filled with concern. Corinne blinked and reluctantly nodded before looking at Sage who seemed to be rather excited. "Okay sure," Corinne whispered as Alex pulled away, he looked back at her and winked, "I love you Rinne," he said loudly. 

"I love you too Alex," she whispered as he walked away with Sage, Corinne breathed out and placed her hands on the table as she lowered her head. "You know, I don't mean to meddle into your business but it seems like you've been working too hard," Corinne turned to see Charles who came in from the other door. Corinne laughed awkwardly and shook her head, "Oh no, I'm fine," Corinne stammered quickly, Charles sighed and wheeled towards her. Corinne blinked and sat on a stool close by, "I can read your mind Corinne there's no point in trying to lie," he muttered. 

Charles then nodded, "You're tired, it's obvious. You can rest, I'll have a teacher supply for you." he said quickly, Corinne sighed and frowned. She opened her mouth to say something but closed it before looking at Charles thoughtfully, "I want to train the X-Men," she said confidently, "Like Raven," Corinne blinked as Charles stared at her surprised. "Just like for a bit," she said, her voice faltered. Charles sighed and slowly shook his head, "After you take a week off then yes," he said sternly, "You make sure you take care of yourself first though." 

Corinne nodded quickly, "Of course Charles," she muttered, she then grinned and looked at Charles with a sly smile, "Can you let Alex off for a week too?" she asked quickly. Charles' eyes widened and he rolled his eyes before patting Corinne's back lightly, "You wish," he muttered before heading out of the kitchen. Corinne laughed and followed him out of the kitchen, "I'll take that break Charles, I promise," she said as she headed back to her room. Charles nodded, I hope you do.

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