Chapter 4 "Jimin and Jhope

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After Jk and Jin left , each of Jhope and Jimin took a seat next to Yoongi and just sat there as no one dared to say a word , they both have already freshen up back at the dorm  and managed to catch a couple hours of rest . 

" Hey yoongi-hyung , i don't know if you can hear me or not but you have to wake up , for us ... for me " Jimin whispered as he held Suga's hand tightly in his . As for Jhope he rathered pray and plead silently to whoever was up there to give his hyung back and to let him wake up . Hours passed by and Jhope decided to go and get some coffee and food after all the whole accident drained their energy physically and emotionally but to his shock he came back to find a crying Jimin , quickly he put everything in his hand down and ran to him and hugged him ,  " he won't wake up, won't he hyung ? "  

"what are you talking about ? " Jhope asked

" he didn't make a single move for 4 hours hyung , and i read last night in the internet that the less they respond or don't make any movement the more they slip into deeper coma and could never wake up ! " jimin said practically shouting

"Oh jimin-ah , you know better then to read these kind of stuff in the net , it makes a small cold looks like a lung cancer " Jhope said " listen to me and listen carefully , you know how suga can be very stubborn and insisted on things , have you ever known yoongi to just give up and walk away  from a probleme ? " 

"uh .. no " jimin said with a small voice .

" exactly , he will wake up he just needs more time to recover that's all . " Jhope said it like it's a fact . jimin nodded and quickly apologized for crying like a baby and jhope just waved it away . 

They stayed for another 2 hours or so , jimin was already asleep in his chair and jhope was drifted in own cloud of thoughts , his head snapped to the direction of the noise he heard and when he looked up he saw tae and rm coming inside the chamber , he didn't realise it had been that long since they came so he got up and woke jimin up , both of them leaving as they gave small nodes to the other two , acknowledging their presence and they both made their way to their dorm hoping that Yoongi will wake up soon and be pain in the ass as always .

Author's note

hi everyone , i know i haven't updated this story in a long time but i was just so occupied with a lot of personal things in life ( i had finals , my father is sick , my brother had a car accident ...) anyways i'm sorry for that and i know it's a short chapter but i promise i will update the next chapter tomorrow , so stay tuned and if you want me to add somthing to the story just say it in a comment and i will see what i can do . ;)

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