Saint Moon Omega:Endgame
Habra esperanza para resturar la paz y revivir a los heroes caidos..Saint Seiya Omega *Masami Kurumada*Sailor Moon Cosmos *Naoko Takeuchi*Avengers:Endgame *Marvel, Anthony Russo & Joe Russo*…
Habra esperanza para resturar la paz y revivir a los heroes caidos..Saint Seiya Omega *Masami Kurumada*Sailor Moon Cosmos *Naoko Takeuchi*Avengers:Endgame *Marvel, Anthony Russo & Joe Russo*…
- Pensé que habías muerto pero no es así. - Pensé que sólo habían dos miraculous, pero me equivoqué, existen más.- Quien te tuvo bajo protección fue el Maestro Fu.- Él es Hawk Moth, tu mayor enemigo ¡derrotalo!"¿Por qué lo hizo? ¿para recuperarla? ¿por eso me dejo de lado?"- Ya no hay máscaras de por medio, solo somos tú y yo.- En la Batalla Final, ¿moriremos?"Yo haría cualquier cosa por ella, incluso moriría" ¿Que como sé todo esto? Fácil, todo fue gracias a un viaje.♤ Finalizada en el 2017 (solo toma como referencia la primera temporada).♤ Editada en el 2020.♤ Anteriormente publicada bajo el perfil de @yarumi27072004, ahora será publicada en esta cuenta.…
Tre shoqe te ngushta qe gjithcka e kalojne se bashku. Tregojne cdo sekret e njohin njera tjt me dhembe e dhemballe. Si do jene dashurite e para per to? Po jeta si do te vazhdoje per to? Dhe kjo mbetet per tu zbuluarDo not copy/ Mos kopjoniDo not get without my permissionFilluar me 19/12/2020Mbaruar me 05/06/2021…
Dimana setelah bertahun tahun lama-nya pemerintah jepang berusaha mengambil kembali Yokohama dari tangan pemerintah disana yang malah berujung kepada pembantaian masal oleh sekelompok orang penjaga kota tersebut. Pemerintah jepang tahu jika Yokohama mengisolasi diri dari dunia luar dan membangun pemerintahannya sendiri, tetapi mereka tidak tahu jika di dalam pemerintahan itu terdapat sekelompok orang yang memiliki kekuatan melebihi apa yang mereka perkirakan.mereka terpaksa meminta para pahlawan mencari jalan keluar dari permasalahan ini, walaupun mereka harus merebut wilayah itu secara paksa.mau bagaimanapun Yokohama tetaplah masih bagian dari jepang yang harus di ambil kembali.---------------------------------------------- baca ajalah- gak ada spoiler antara 2 cerita jadi ini dibuat2 sendiri- bsd x bnha- GAK. gak ada romance dalam cerita ini.- the character are belong to their author- happy reading…
"Do you love me?" Via asked out of nowhere.Jepoy chuckled. He guessed it was her time of the month again. He snuggled closer to her and nodded repeatedly on her neck, brushing his lips on her skin."Let me rephrase that. Gaano mo ba ako kamahal? Till death do us part?""Not even death could separate us, darling. I am willing to sell my soul just to take you back from Hades if things come to worse. I am willing to defy fate and change the course of time just to be by your side again."---Jepoy Salcedo has everything a man could ever wish for. A supportive and prestigious family, a loving girlfriend, and a bright future ahead of him. When he thought that his hands possessed every treasure of this world, they were stained by blood, death, and hopelessness when he was accused of killing his girlfriend on the night of their graduation.On the brink of surrendering, a mysterious, old woman he helped in the past became a catalyst for a miracle he never thought would be possible. He time-traveled six years ago when his life was still deemed perfect. His Via was alive and smiling, and as much as his body ached to hug her, he could not. His soul is trapped in another man's body, and all he can do is watch Via being happy in the arms of his past self. Can he unravel the mystery behind Via's death and make things right in the identity of Cedrick? Or would his new identity be the reason for his love and purpose to falter?…
¿Qué pasa si en lugar de aterrizar en la cabaña en medio del océano cuando los Dursley intentaron esconder a Harry, terminaron en una isla 'Desierta' donde todos tienen que estar activos para mantenerse con vida? Lea cómo Harry y los Dursley luchan por sus vidas contra las misteriosas fuerzas de la isla que, irónicamente, todavía esconde a Harry. ¡Barra oblicua! ¡Harry / criatura / harén! Mpreg. ¡Cambiado / Dursleys!…
Music🎧 is my life💕The Lyrics are my story📄Song Lyrics😍…
God kitsune! Jaemin x bullied high school student! renjun au (fantasy theme)kisah renjun yang tidak sengaja menemukan shrine bertema jepang dan menguak mysteri yang ada didalam nya terutama tentang seorang pemuda yang tinggal disana,shrine tersebut juga mengubah kehidupan renjun secara drastiswofu back again dengan work Renmin,di baca ya aja ya , wofu udah nggak tau mau kasih description apa lagihighest rank #7 in jaemren #80 in renmin#343 in markhyuck out of 3k…
#1 ne Hardlove Cover by @KalopssiiaFemra e vetme ku mashkulli me i pameshirshem gjeti qetesine e shpirtit, u detyra te perjetonte ferrin per te triumfuar dashurine e tyre!2 bisha qe shqyejnje njera tjetren.Njeri s'duron miresine,tjerta s'duron ligesine.Por polet e kunderta gjithmone terhiqen dhe plotesojne njera tjeteren.Ajo meson nga ai c'eshte ferri dhe ky meson nga ajo se c'eshte parajsa!Valle do mbijetoje engjelli ne ferr dhe djalli ne parajse?Dhe gjithcka nis nga nje bast... ...-Uhh ajo femer eshte kokforte!Asnje mashkull ska mundur ta beje per vete!Ve ne bast ter c'ka kam per te!S'ka mashkull sot qe e ben te tijen!Thone se ajo ska zemer!Ska ndjenja!Prandaj eshte e tille!-Atehere ajo qenka e imja-tha Antonio duke tymosur puron qe mbante nee dore dhe ktheu me fund goten e alkoolit.-Sdo e besh dot!Ajo ska qene e askujt me pare !Ajo sdi c'eshte dashuria!As ti se di!-Kush tha qe do dashurohem me te?Nuk jam femije!Ajo do te bjere per mua!Do i marr c'ka ka me te shtrenjte dhe me pas do jet e lire!-Ate qe kerkon ti vec me force se me deshire sdo qullosesh gje!E pa me nje shikin vrastar.Perplasi goten mbi tavoline ,vuri nje buzeqeshje djallzore ,tipike e tij dhe tha:-Ajo do te jete e imja!Dhe do te me jepet me deshire!Maje do me pergjerohet vec per nje nate!-Atehere do te biesh ne te !Me te dyja kembet!-Ska per te ndoshur!Ajo eshte femer si te tjerat!Te gjitha jane njelloj!-dhe syte i mbante ngulur tek ajo.Ne ate bar ajo ishte me e bukura.Ishte motra e mafiozit me te madh te Italise.Per Antonion duhet te ishte nje llastice qe do lutej ne kembet e tij vetem per 1 nate!Por a do e pranoje ai qe e ka gabim?…
He failed. Mitra may have been killed but he still managed to overload the reactor causing the complete and utter annihilation of Dharma. Yet as Jack thought he was killed in the explosion, a robot like body was found outside and brought into a space stationA/N: if the writing is in italics, then it means it's Rahu and Jack talking to each other through their minds and no one another than them can hear what they're saying…
Pjesa e dyte e librit "Parajsa e tij ferri im"Cover by @moonchild-01Shum pak e shohin shkelqimin dhe driten verbuese qe jep erresira...Vetem ata qe e kan mikeshe te ngushte ia dijne vleren.Per disa eshte e frikshme,per disa stil jetese e per disa lumturi shpirterore...Varet nga rrethanat qe jeta te sjell.Varet se sa e forte eshte erresira qe te pushton.A eshte e zbehte apo mbytese dhe sa mundesh ti ta perballosh ate.Ne erresiren qe te pushton ska asnje menyre te mbietosh pa u njellosur.Zgjidhja e vetme eshte te veshesh nje mantel te zi e ta iluzionosh ate .Te mendoje qe te perpiu dhe ty .Perdore veshjen tende te erret per te fshehur bardhesine e shpirtit nga kjo bote e zeze .Dhe ji nje pantere e shkathet ti besh balle asaj.Sepse syte e nje pantere jan te afte te shohin totalisht paster sado e thelle te jete erresira....…
This story is about a young woman, still learning about herself, who she is, and what she likes. She is still learning lot. Four years ago, she started on a boarding school, her and her family thought it was a normal boarding school. Now Olivia is waiting for her final exam results, to figure out what she should do then.She will soon find out that this boarding school, is not a normal boarding school, she will find out what this boarding school actually is about.Warning:Words and names may be used that some may feel are violent, offensive, or otherwise.There will be smut in some of the parts.…
Simpleng Babae , Para sa Prince Charming na InaAsam asam ng mga Babae !…
Cerita ini bukan fanfic karangan author, melainkan novel yang di karang sama sang penulis utama series Ex-Aid, Yuya Takahashi-sensei. Author disini hanya menerjemahkan seluruh isi cerita dari novel yang masih RAW alias bahasa jepang, karena sampai sekarang masih bisa dibilang sulit buat cari terjemahannya dalam bahasa inggris maupun bahasa indonesia, jadi author inisiatif untuk terjemahin semuanya sendiri.SUWANTO…
💔 - Pse po e ben kete? Pse nuk me le te qete? Syte e saj filluan te mbusheshin me lote.❤️ -Nuk mundem sepse je e imja. Une te kam blere dhe do te jesh perjete e imja.💔 -E shikon? E shikon sesi vazhdon serish te me shohesh si pronen tende? Une mund te ti kthej parate. Vetem me ler te qete.❤️ -Nuk mundesh te me kthesh borxhin. Tha me nje ton kategorik.💔 -Mundem. Vetem ma thuaj. Te betohem qe do te jap sa te duash. ❤️ -Do te me japesh mbrapsht ate qe kam paguar per ty. Deshiron te me japesh borxhin? Te paguash cmimin?💔 -Po, po.❤️ -Atehere me jep mbrapsht ate gjene e erret e te ftohte qe kam per zemer e qe e ke ne dore ti. Po e bere kete, te betohem qe do te te le te qete per jete te jeteve."…
Sadie Robertsons bestfriend, Brooke, is dating her brother John Luke. What happens when Brooke goes on a fishing trip with Jep and Jase and looses her memory?…
As Team Rwby and Qrow found out about Ozpin's secret as they were knocked out and brought in by a Person named Razor as he introduces them to the multiverse of different versions of themselves from good to bad and even neutral as let's get this show on the road.Authors note: This is my first time making a reaction fanfic soo I will try my best to meet all your expectations!!…
Submerged kingdoms, haunted temples, booby-trapped caves. Lara Croft has seen it all in her quest for ancient artefacts, which she sells to the highest bidder. But nothing prepares Lara for her latest, greatest discovery: a golden apple capable of bringing its bearer anything they desire. The only problem? The golden apple has also transported Diana, the beautiful warrior queen of the Amazons, straight from Ancient Greece's Olympian Realm and into Lara's world. Lara is determined to use the golden apple to get her gorgeous--and literally divine--guest safely home, but the apple is ripe with discord, tempting Lara with the chance to bury her demons and bring back all that she has lost. Darker forces in Lara's world also desire the golden apple: she and Diana are hunted by a corrupt tech company bent on using the apple as a weapon for world domination, and Lara's discovery awakens a vengeful supernatural entity determined to control the apple's power. Unable to fight her growing feelings for her demi-goddess companion, Lara finds herself torn between getting Diana home and wishing that she could stay forever. As a net closes around her, Lara must risk losing everything to realise that love is the greatest treasure of all.~~°~~°~~°Welcome to my ONC entry! I'm not sure if I can stick to the deadlines for long, but I'll try! I used the following two prompts:71. After discovering a precious but dangerous artefact you become an instant celebrity. But things begin to happen that make you wish you had never discovered it. 75. You inherit a family heirloom passed down for longer than anyone can remember. You discover its secret. This secret will twist your life and change it forever.----Cover art adapted from artwork by the amazing Stjepan Sejic. If you like sapphic comics, check out his series "Sunstone" and the incredible comic artwork as Nebezial on Deviantart and ArtStation, @stjepansejic on Twitter, and #nebezial on Insta and Tumblr…
Part 2 to My Female Face Claims…