Chapter Twenty Two: Misunderstood

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"It hurt me that I hurt you can't believe the way I did your
I really thought that we'll be married move away and have some children
And I can't even explain it, that shit be crazy"

"Man I left that street shit alone three years ago"

"I know, but I wouldn't ask ya if it wasn't important you the only nigga I trust fr."

Blowing the smoke out my mouth I sighed I haven't been in the streets since them nigga's took G. Izzy was family & was the only one who looked out fa me.

"Listen shit different I got a fiancé who's pregnant with my secondp daughta. I'm not getting my hands
dirty, but I'll check them nigga's out fa ya"

"Congrats bro & I gotta meet sis"

"Preciate it & yea ya gotta make that trip to Atlanta"

"Hell yea"

We chopped it up for a minute & then I hung up finishing my blunt. I felt rin wrap her arms around my waist. I licked my lips & asked her

"What ya doing up boo?"

"Bathroom" she said softly

"I love ya mommas" I say randomly

"I love ya too daddy" she smirked

"Don't start nothing"

She got up & waddled over to me I licked my lips even with her pregnant she was gorgeous asf. I couldn't wait to spend the rest of my life with her. I got plans fa us in due time shit gone start falling into place.

"I wanna ride it daddy" she say innocently

Kennedi Pov.....
Playing with my fingers as I sat quietly on the couch waiting on this therapist. After almost being raped, losing both my parents, & adjusting to almost a new life I felt overwhelmed. I wanted to talk to Rin about it, but she's pregnant & has a lot going on.

"Kennedi?" A guy said

Standing up I walked over & went in his office I took a seat on the couch. He sat down in his chair with a notepad in his hand.

"I'm Dr. Taylor how are you today?"

"Hi & I'm okay a little bit better than yesterday" I admit

"How was you feeling yesterday?"

"Depressed I've been dealing with a lot the last couple months"

"Would you care to elaborate?"

"Whew where do I start?" I laugh lightly

"The beginning is fine"

"Well I recently found out I have an older sista & brotha um the man who raised me wasn't my real father. My real dad was supposed to have been killed seven years ago he was in hiding. My mom was killed by the man who raised me then he killed himself. I was almost raped last week" I vented

Dr. Taylor looked at me briefly & then said

"Wow that's a lot to take on how do you feel about the situation with the man who raised you your whole life.?"

Morgan Pov....
"Who is she Khalil?" I asked

"What ya talking about mo?"

"The bitch that was blowing your phone the other morning. The reason you left outta here & left last week?"

"You tripping that was my sista she needed me" he say calmly

"You think I'm fucking stupid?"

"Ya want me to call her since ya think I'm lying?"

"So she could lie for you?"

He just shook his head & walked away, but I ran up on him & start hitting him. He turned around & tried to hold me, but I punched him in the mouth. Making him cuss me out.

"Yo what the fuck mo"

He touched his lip & it was bleeding

"I'm sorry Khalil"

"You out ya shits I'm gone leave for a few days so you can calm down"

He walked away before I could apologize for hitting him in the mouth. Sighing I went upstairs to our bedroom to see he was packing a few bags.

"Khalil I'm sorry I just had a moment" I say

"It's all good I'm gonna give ya time to cool down then we can talk."

Only had a few clients at the shop so I called it a day early. Before I went home I stopped & got food & went to the mall. I went a little overboard I was supposed to be shopping for the kids, but ended up getting Don & I a few things. Right now I finished my last order then closed my MacBook I was so excited because I'm starting an online shop. I'll be selling bundles, custom wigs, lashes, & Kai gonna make lip gloss. I'm gonna have some free time on my hand when I go on maternity leave next month. Grabbing my phone I posted on Instagram

@K.Rose: Splurged on me, my man @Don.Julio & our kids of course.

After posting those I posted pictures of Jax & Kai from this morning.

@ K.Rose: Baby Boy 💙

@K.Rose: Pooh 💜

Once I uploaded those I got up off the couch & went in the kitchen. I needed to take something out to cook for dinner. The past week we've been eating takeout because of Don schedule & me being too tired to cook. Whatever I decide to cook it's gonna be on point I make sure my kids & man eat good. I took out steak, corn on the cob, & lobster I was also gonna make fried fish, pop corn shrimp, salad, & baked potatoes. Just thinking about it making my mouth water.

Renzo Pov....
Leaning against my car as I waited fa Cj & his teacher to come out the building. I told him I'll pick him up from school today & take him to get food. Cj dad is around, but he put Paige through so much shit. If Paige & I have a kid together I'll never put her through none of that bullshit.

"Zo you came" Cj said running to me

"I told ya I was coming didn't I?" I say ruffling his curls


Cj gave me dap I told him to go ahead & get in the car while I talked to his teacher.

"Hey Mr. white how are you?" She flirted

"I'm good how was Cj?"

"He had a good day"

Nodding my head I walked around & got in my car & drove off. She wasn't about to flirt with me & have Paige coming up here fucking shit up.

"What ya wanna eat Cj?"

"Uhh, pizza"

"Aight, we can grab some pizza & head to the house"

"We see Jax & Kai?"

"I'll call Rin & see what they doing okay"


As I drove I glanced over at him while he just looked out the window. I love this boy like he was my own I don't see how nigga's lay down & make babies & say fuck them.

Khalil Pov.....
"Wassup bro I need to holla at ya about something"

"I'm at the lounge you can slide thru"

"Aight I'll be there in 20"


Ending the call, I grabbed a pre rolled blunt & sparked that bitch. I'm stressed the fuck out man mo think I'm cheating on her, I'm trying to find the nigga who almost raped my sister, & helping out the troubled teens at the center my hands is tied right now. Mo outta all people should know I'm not no grimey ass nigga. We was best friends before this romantic ass relationship. Blowing the smoke out my mouth I called Korey he picked up

"Wassup son?"

"Wassup pops did ya find the nigga who almost raped Ken?"

"Nah, not yet but we been watching his spots"

"Aight let me know what's up"

"I got you son"

"Preciate it pops have you been by to see her?"

"Kennedi yeah I told her she can stay with me for awhile"

"Cool, I'll be over tomorrow gotta talk to ya about something"

"Ya know where I'm at I'll talk to ya later I love ya"

"Love ya too pops"

Ending the call I finished up my blunt & walked out my office.

Elias Pov....
Just flew back from Cali checking on my business things is running smoothly. I'm considering a permanent move to Cali. This flying back & forth is tiring asf especially three to four days out the week.

"Elias have you heard a word I said?"

"No I didn't my fault" I chuckled lightly

"I was asking if you thought about considering the idea of moving to Cali?"

"Yea I have, but I gotta consider my relationship" I explained

"Of course & when are you going to bring her to meet me Elias"

"Soon ma I promise"

"Mhm, how's the business so far?"

"It's good this line is selling it's wild"

"That's good I'm proud of you son"

"Thanks ma that means a lot coming from you"

"You're my baby boy momma always got your back"

"Can I ask ya something?"


"Do ya think I'd be selfish if I ask Janelle to move to Cali with me?"

"What does she do?"

"She has her own business she's an event planner, but I suggested she do something else too"


"Being a stylist I was thinking she could style the models for the shoots it's a lot of opportunities out in Cali"

"I get what you saying son, but she has a business & family here as well. Maybe y'all could compromise on some type of agreement."

Later That Night.....
"A nigga tired as fuck man" Rez said

"Hell yeah a nigga about to go to the crib smoke & chill" I say

"Same thing I'm on"

We had just finished our last clients it was a little after 8:00. All a nigga be looking forward to is going home to my woman & my kids. Breaking my thoughts was the vibration of my phone. Rin sent me a picture I opened it & read the message underneath it.

Jax said he's waiting on him daddy to get home

Smiling at the picture of my lil man I text her back asking where Kai & telling her I'm on my way. She sent another picture message.

My Pooh is tired

Chuckling at the picture I slipped my phone back in my pocket. Rez had walked out the shop & I was right behind him. Once I locked up the shop I walked towards my car hitting the locks. Getting in I didn't pull off until Rez pulled off we always looked out fa each other. A blunt, shower, food, & loving on my woman was needed not in that order. I gotta let Rin know that I gotta handle business out of town. I know she ain't gonna want me to go hell I ain't wanna go only reason I'm going is fa Izzy.  Once I make that trip & come back that's it I'm not getting back involved.

Morgan Pov....
"Everything alright Mo you don't seem like yourself?" Omari asked

"I'm good" I say giving a weak smile

"I don't believe that" he say

Shrugging my shoulders I gathered up my things & was about to leave. My thoughts have been all over the place since this morning. I had a flash back & blacked out I didn't mean to put my hands on Khalil.

"See ya I'm heading home"

"Wait can I take ya to get a drink or something to eat?"

Thinking about it the offer does sound good I could use a distraction & drink.

"Okay one drink & I'm going home"

"Aight, I know this one spot we can come back & get your car"

Agreeing I told him I was going to put my things in the car while he locked up. I sit in my car for a minute & decided to call Khalil he picked up on the last ring.

"Fuck man, Wassup?"

"I wanted to apologize & let you know that I'm going to have a drink with a coworker."

"Yooo chill, you grown mo you ain't gotta check in with me."

Sighing I hated how he was being nonchalant, but this was my fault.

"I love you"

"Ya wildin aight mo I'll hit ya back"

He hung up & didn't even tell me he loved me sounds like he was with another bitch.

"You ready?" O asked

"Huh yea let's go"

Smiling I got out the car & got my locks since Khalil wanna hang with other bitches I could entertain guys. At the end of the day I know where we stand & we are going to be this rough patch of ours is gonna pass. I know not to disrespect our relationship & he know the same.

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