Chapter Twenty One: Grindin

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"I've been on my hustle
It ain't too many people I look up to
I've been grinding, I've been grinding
I've been grinding, I've been grinding
I've been grinding"
-Dej Loaf "Been on my grind

Going over my work schedule with my assistant & I booked up for the next two months. Business has picked up tremendously & I'm excited. Think it's time to expand the business & team. Elias has been telling me to think beyond event planning. I think he's right I gave so many ideas & think it's time my talent be seen.

"So, we have two events this month four next month & four in March"

"Whew this is going to be a busy two months, but I'm ready for it"

"I am too I'm so proud of you boss I've watched you build this company from the ground up"

"I appreciate that a lot Raiya, I was actually thinking about dabbing into the fashion world"

"As far as what a designer, stylist what you have in mind?"

"A stylist I think I'd be pretty good at it piecing together outfits for other people"

"I say go for it I actually know people who's looking for a stylist hair & Fashion you think Rin would do something like that?"

"I'm not sure, but I'd definitely run it by her"

"Okay, once you let me know I can call & tell them I found somebody. Question for you tho"

"Great & shoot"

"What made you want to do more than just event planning?"

"Honestly Elias he asked me something & I hadn't really thought about it until after he brought it up"

"Well I like him & I haven't even met him I feel like you'll be an amazing stylist"

"Thank you, could you email everybody our new schedule & a reminder about our company brunch & upcoming meeting"

"Yes ma'am"

Khalil Pov.....
"Babe get up your phone ringing" mo say shaking me

Groaning I grabbed my phone and answered it.


"Khalil I-I-I n-need you" Ken sniffled

Hearing her cry I sat up on the side of the bed

"What's wrong?"

"H-h-he t-t-tried to rape me"

"Where ya at I'm on the way?"

"My apartment"

"Be there in ten"

Ending the call I got up tossed on a sweater & my boots.

"Babe what's wrong who was that?"

"Go back to sleep mo I'll be back"

Going downstairs I grabbed mo keys & headed out the door. A nigga blood was boiling I went thru this shit with moo I ain't gonna go thru this shit with Ken. I'm bodying a nigga today on my moms spending thru traffic I got to Ken apartment police & shit behind me.

"Sir you're in violation of the law"

"Fuck the law"

I jogged to Ken floor & went to the apartment the door was knocked broke down.

"Ken where you at yo Ken it's me"

Nothing going in the bathroom I see her head under water. Pulling her out I started cpr on her she got to coughing & spitting out water.

"Y-y-y-you saved me"

"Ken what the fuck was you thinking?"

"I wanna be with mommy" she said before she started to shake

"Aye somebody call the ambulance" I yelled

Adonis Pov....
Trying to finish up shawty tattoo, but she kept moving & shit. How the hell you wanna dope piece & ya keep moving. Shit was real annoying bruh I won't be doing no more of her tats

"Yo you gotta stop moving" I say

"Sorry I didn't think it would like this" she said

Not saying nothing I put my attention back on the last part of the tat.

"Yo Don ya lady on the phone"

"Tell her I'll call her back soon as I'm done with my client"


Twenty minutes later I finally finished her tattoo I put ointment on it & cleaned up my mess.

"How much again?"


She went in her purse and handed me two crispy hundred dollar bills. She got up & was about to head out but stopped her.

"Hol up gotta give you ya change back"

"Keep it as a tip"

"Aight preciate it"

Getting up I grabbed my phone & called Rin back she ain't answer. I waited until my next client came in which wasn't long after that. I grabbed new needles & shit & got to work on his tat.

Laying back on the table I couldn't help the fact I was hearing my baby heart beat for the first time. Don was supposed to be here, but he wasn't my feelings are hurt. We created this baby together we are supposed to experience these things together. Breaking my thoughts was Dr. Muller putting the cold gel on my stomach

"Will you be able to determine what I'm having today?" I asked

"If the baby act right I'll be able to let you know"

Focusing my eyes on the screen I watched as Dr. Muller moved the probe around my stomach. I felt a tear slide down my cheek

"There's baby heart beat nice & strong"

"Wow" I say in amazement

"And you're having a girl congratulations"

"Thank you could I have a print out?"


She wiped the gel off my stomach & helped me sit up and pulled my sweater down. I was officially 5 months pregnant & couldn't wait to meet my lil princess. She's gonna be so spoiled & I know Kai is gonna be happy because she asked if it was a girl.

"Here you are stop at the front desk to get your next appointment"

"Okay thank you"

Getting off the table I stopped at the front desk & got my next appointment & left. The mall is my next stop I've been waiting to find out what I was having so I could go shopping. When I got in the car I took a picture & uploaded it to Instagram making sure to tag my girls.

@K.Rose: Four months left before I get to hold my princess. @Pretty.Nelle @Ken.doll @Pretty.Paige & @Tatted.Mo IT'S A GIRL!!

After uploading my phone rung it was my daddy


"Hey baby girl your sista is in the hospital"

"Omg what happened is she okay which one I'm on my way"

"Calm down & Emory"

"Okay daddy I'm on my way now"

Korey Pov.....
"I just got off the phone with Rin she's on her way now" I say

"Alright" Khalil blew out a breathe

I could tell he was frustrated he damn near watched her die in her own apartment. On top of him just talking to her minutes before all this.

"Did she tell you who it was?"

"No she just kept saying he"

"Calm down son I know ya stressed"

"She almost died in my arms pop I can't unsee that shit. I can't lose her or anybody else close to me y'all all I got" he say breaking down

Going over there I grabbed him & pulled my son into a hug. After his mom died he's been on even more protective of his siblings than before.

"Is this Kennedi Ellis room?" The cop asked

"It is what can I do for you?"

Khalil & I was now mugging the cops trying to figure out what the hell they wanted.

"Just wanted to ask Ms. Ellis a couple of questions"

"She's resting right now come back some other time" Khalil said

Soon as he said that Ken started yelling & screaming I went over to calm her down.

"It's okay ken it's daddy I'm not gonna let him hurt you"

"Daddy I'm scared"

"You ain't gotta be scared we got you"

Auntie V Pov.....
"Tori it's been a long time since I saw you how you been?"

"Not long enough"

He chuckled & took a seat giving me that same side smile he gave me back in the day. I was head over heels for this man, but now I couldn't stand the sight of him.

"Don't be like that I missed you"

"Whatever, are you going to order something because I'm a little busy here"

"Yea let me get a slice of Carmel cake & a glass of milk"

Scoffing I went cut him a slice of cake & pour a glass of milk. I was curious to the hell he was doing here back in town after he left.

"Thanks love"

"Don't call me that"

"Tori don't give me the cold shoulder I would like to have a conversation with you"

"For what so you can lie again?"

"I didn't lie to you, we was broken up at the time only reason I left because she took my son away from me. Everybody knew I loved you Tori I wanted you, but I was forced to choose"

"I needed you Brandon I lost our child" I say above a whisper

"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you"

Later that night
Morgan Pov....
Starting to really question this relationship with Khalil he's been acting so distant lately. Every time I try to talk to him it's like his mind is somewhere else. Maybe he's cheating on me the signs is clearly here I just don't know what to do at this point. Before we even gotten into a relationship we was best friends first. Now it's like we strangers & I don't like that maybe this relationship was a mistake.

"You're here late" O said

"Yea just sketching I thought you was gone?"

"I was came back for my phone, you wanna go grab something to eat?"

"Um sure I guess"

Closing my sketch book I grabbed that along with my bag & then headed out.

"We can go to that lil spot around the corner I know you don't wanna leave ya car"

Smiling I hit the locks to my car put my sketch book in the back seat & closed the door back. Hitting the locks O & I walked around the corner it was a nice lil quiet diner. Food is really good too Khalil & I went here a few times on my lunch. Just thinking about him made me get a lil upset all over again.  It didn't take us long to walk around the corner we went in got a table put our drink orders in & made small talk

"What's on ya mind?"

"Nothing what makes you think something is on my mind?"

"You was quieter than usual at the shop & you'd normally go out & get lunch with ya guy. Y'all having problems?"

"I don't wanna talk about me & my relationship right now"

Adonis Pov.....
Blowing out smoke from my blunt I rubbed one hand down my face. I know Rin was gonna cuss me out I missed the appointment we was supposed to find out what we having. Putting the blunt out I hit the locks on my car & went in the house. All the lights was off downstairs which meant the kids was sleep & rin was probably already laying down. Going upstairs I went peeked in on the kids they both was knocked out. Pushing the door open to our room the tv was playing low rin had headphones on her belly. She did this every night since the baby developed ears. I went took a shower & put on a pair of boxers, basketball shorts & some socks. Getting in the bed I turned the tv off & kissed Rin belly.


"Leave me alone Adonis I'm tired & don't wanna hear ya excuse" she said softly

"Mommas we promised we won't go to bed mad at each other"

"I'm not mad I'm exhausted your food is in the microwave. Just please let me sleep" she mumbled

Not saying anything else I got up grabbed my phone & went downstairs. I fucked up & knew it I knew how much this appointment meant to her & I missed it. Going in the kitchen I opened the microwave took the foil off & heated up my food. Sitting at the island I grabbed the envelope & opened it there was pictures of our baby. We was having a girl a nigga was happy as hell I'm  gonna spoil her. A small piece of paper fell on the counter I picked it up & it reads

"Reign Dior Brewster"

Smiling at the name I took a picture of the sonogram & posted on the gram.

@Don.Julio: Daddy can't wait to meet you Princess R

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