Chapter Twenty Nine: Celebration

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"It's a celebration every time we link up
We done did everything they can think of
Greatness is what we on the brink of"
     -Nicki Minaj "Moment for life"

"Fuck mommas ride it just like that" I grunt

"Mmm daddy I'm gonna cum" she moaned throwing her head back

She started bouncing on my shit all wild I had to hold her waist down.

"Chill out ya gone make me nut"

She didn't say shit just continued to bounce it's taking everything in me not to nut, but my baby got that tsunami.

"Fuck" I breathe out

Rin released her juices on my dick & then stop rocking & got up a nigga leaned up quick asf to see what made her stop. I felt her lips around my piece & moaned lowly Rin took almost my whole length in her mouth.

"Mmm" she hummed on my dick

"Ahh shhit mommas"

She sucked my dick while one hand was playing with my balls, & the other playing with herself. This shit drove me wild I felt my toes curl I was about to nut.

"Get up I'm about to nut"

She ain't move I wrapped one of my hands in her hair & fucked her mouth. Few strokes later I released in her mouth she swallowed ever last drop of my kids. Unwrapping my hand out her hair she crawled on top of me & laid on my chest & said

"I love ya daddy"

"Love ya wild ass too" I chuckled

"Mm, don't forget we have to set up the house for the gathering"

"I ain't mommas I got a few clients this morning & pick up my boy from the airport. I shouldn't be gone long"

"Okay Janelle is gonna be over helping me set up the backyard & I'm gonna call Ken & Pai to see if they can help"

"Do y'all thang mommas"

Leaning down I kissed her & tapped her naked ass so she could up so we could go shower.

Kennedi Pov....
Turning the shower off I stepped out & wrapped my body in a towel & went in my room. I didn't have classes today, but I'll be out doing order deliveries for our online store. Sitting on the edge of my bed I grabbed my oil & oiled up my legs & arms. Getting up I went slipped on a pair of panties & a bra before grabbing something out my closet to wear. I wanted to look cute, but yet be completely comfortable at the same time. Once I grabbed an outfit I set my camera up so I could take a picture. After getting one to my liking I grabbed my phone & posted on Instagram.

@Pretty.Ken: it's the smile fa me

After posting I grabbed my wallet & headed downstairs. I went grabbed my keys & picked up the two boxes by the door & headed out. I'm so glad Rin trust me & gave me this opportunity to help out. Sitting the boxes down on the ground I hit the locks on my car & then popped the trunk. I carefully placed the boxes inside closed it & then went back to lock the door. My phone started ringing I answered it


"Wassup boo?"

"About to start delivering these packages"

"Ya want some company I miss ya"

"Miss ya too & yea you can come keep me company"

We talked some more before I ended the call & went got in my car.

Janelle Pov.....
"Ne-ne I'm so happy for you" my sista says hugging me

"Thanks at least someone cares about my happiness" I mumbled

Soon as I said that I felt my mom pop me & say

"Don't even try that Janelle you know all I wanted was for you to be happy"

"The pressure ya always put on me said otherwise look I don't even wanna talk about it because it's just gonna piss me off"

Scoffing she got up & went in the kitchen I don't know why she acting like it's not true. Since I was first born all the pressure was put on me. I wasn't happy because of it now that I'm an adult & can truly voice my opinion it feels good.

"Ne-Ne why you gotta be so blunt?" Taylor asked me

Shrugging my shoulders I said

"That's just how I am & you know that"

"True, but it's not what ya say it's how ya say it you should go talk to mommy"

Huffing I got up & went in the kitchen mom was sitting at the table drinking a glass of wine. I went over & sat down we sat in silence for a minute then I finally spoke up & said

"I'm not apologizing for what I said because it's true I'm apologizing for how I said it. Ever since I was in grade school you always wanted me to do what made you happy not once did you ask me what made me happy. Just because I was young I knew what made me happy & that was just being a kid. I had to grow up before my time I felt like you was living your dreams through me. I love you ma, but you need to live out your dreams through ya own self. It's not too late for it"

She took a sip of her wine & said

"I sacrificed everything for you Janelle my hopes & dreams just to be a good mother. You're gonna sit up here & try to talk to me about being happy. Your father & I was living our best life before you was born. Soon as you entered the world we drifted apart, but he always made sure he took care of you I've been miserable ever since you was born" she say

Chuckling bitterly I stood up & said

"You don't have to worry about me making you miserable any more."

Walking out the kitchen I stormed out the front door she act like I asked to be here I didn't. Right now I'm heated I needed to cool down & it was only one way to do that.

Been in the shop fa about two hours now I was waiting on my last client before I dipped out. Gotta few errands I need to run before I headed to the crib to get ready fa this lil kick back. I couldn't wait to see my kids man I be missing they spoiled asses when I'm gone fr.

"Aye yo Don ya baby mommas out her tripping I tried to get her to leave" Rick said

"Aight bruh I'll handle it"

Blowing out a breath I got up & went in the front of the shop.

"Millie what ya doing here?"

"To see my daughter you keeping her away from me because of ya big nose bitch"

"Watch ya mf'n mouth talking about my wife & Kai good where she at"

"You married that bitch"

Before I could tell her to watch her mouth Mo came outta nowhere & smacked her in the mouth & said

"My sis ain't gonna be too many more bitches. She ain't here to fuck ya up but I sure don't have a problem with beating ya ass"

"Fuck you & ya sista I'll beat both y'all asses"

Mo was pulling her hair in a ponytail she dragged Millie outside & start giving her the works. These niggas was recording I had to go out & break that shit up.

"Mo chill" I say grabbing her off Millie

"I'm good just let me go Don"

"Nah ya ass gonna try & fight her again"

"I'm not Don"

Believing her word I let her go & she went back in the shop. Millie was still on the ground she looked at me & said

"You ain't gonna help me up?"

"Nah & don't bring ya ass around here no more or I'm gonna let my wife beat ya ass again"

With that I walked off in the shop & went in the back to check on Mo.

Ava Pov....
Decided to be low key & pop out with Ace  because he been asking me out. He's nothing like I expected it's more to him than the streets. As of right now we was leaving wahlburger where we was going next I don't know & honestly didn't mind. Ace was trying to take me to an expensive restaurant when I told him he can just take me to get a burger. He thought I was playing, but I was so serious he didn't have to take me nowhere expensive. We're not dating so expensive restaurant aren't expected.

"Can't believe ya ass wanted a burger" he laughed while driving off

"We're not dating so I don't see the need of going to an expensive restaurant." I shrugged

"I guess ya right any other female would have been tripping. I knew ya was different girl"

"What can I say I'm a rare jewel"

"Heard ju, ya trying to go back home or ya down to ride?"

"Down to ride" I smiled

He nodded his head I pulled my phone out got on the gram & posted.

@Lovely.Ava: it's you that I adore

After posting I scrolled down my feed commented on a few pictures then exit out the app.

"How long you & Ken been best friends?"

"Since we was five" I say proudly

"That's what's up I fucks with her she cool peoples"

"Yea until you fuck over her"

"Heard ju you know how to roll?"

"Yea why?"

"Can ya roll me a blunt?"

"I guess I could"

He took one hand off the wheel & reached in his arm rest handing me the weed, blunt wraps, lighter, grinder, & a lil tray. I could get used to these kind of car rides & rolling up think I'm gonna like it here.

Khalil Pov....
"She wasn't here to defend herself so I defended her its girl code" Mo said

"Fuck that girl code shit ya pregnant with my seed did ya forget that? ya ass shouldn't even be fighting dead ass" I snapped

"I'm sorry babe, but ya know I'm gonna step fa mines no matter what"

Sighing I rubbed my hands down my face because this was true.

"Aight, but don't do that shit no more I ain't playing with ya"

"Okay" she pouted

Shaking my head I kissed her lips & asked her

"She ain't hit ya stomach did she?"

"Bruh she didn't even touch her" T said

We all laughed I knew that mo had them hands way before we started kicking it. She used to get bullied when we was kids & one day she beat up the girl so bad she had to her stitches.

"That's my baby" I say

"I'm hungry can ya go get me something to eat?"

"What ya want & what time ya leaving ya know we gotta get ready for tonight?"

"I have two more clients & then I'll be ready"

"She can roll with me so ya don't have to come back" Don said

"Good looks ill just bring ya clothes over to the house"

"Thanks babe"

Dapping up Don I stood up & left after telling mo to text me what she wanted to eat.

Mook Pov.....
Pulled up to Nia momma house couple minutes ago so I can get my daughter. These little ass games Nia playing is really pissing me off. All I'm trying to do is be a good father & be in my daughter life.

"Daddy" Cali cheesed running for me

I scooped her up in my arms & kissed her forehead

"Wassup princess ya wanna go with daddy?"

"Mhm, but we we go?"

"To meet ya cousins"


Tickling her I put her down & told her go finish playing until we left. She ran out & I went over to hung moma Hunter.

"How ya been?" I asked

"Good I can't complain how ya doing ya don't come see me like ya used to"

"I'm alright besides all this bs with ya daughter"

"She told me that ya don't come see Cali"

"That's a lie I stay in New York now, but I'm flying out damn near all month just to spend time with her. Nia don't let me keep her for more than a night Moma I'm trying to be in Cali life cause I know she needs her daddy. I miss my daughter every time I'm away from her that's why I'm wrapping things up in New York so I can make that move here to be closer to her"

"That daughter of mines didn't tell me none of that she just said you don't call or come see her I didn't know you lived in New York"

Rubbing my hands down my face I sighed & said

"I wouldn't lie to ya I'm trying. I know what's it like to grow up without a father & I vowed to myself if or when I had kids I wouldn't be nothing like him. Nia making it seem like I don't love my daughter, but I love her whole heartedly. I would kill fa her this shit is really stressing me out fr."

"Don't stress about it I promise god is going to make sure it works out in ya favor."

"Preciate that momma I'm gonna bring Cali back in a couple days I want her to meet her cousins on my side of the family if that's alright with ya"

"That's fine Messiah you spend as much time with her. She be missing you"

After talking to momma hunter Cali & I left I was gonna take her back to my place that I was staying at & get her all changed & head over to Don & Rin crib.

Later that night.....
"Neph got sis together that ass poking" mo says gassing me

"Period I just told her that earlier" Nelle said

"If ya know ya know" I say sticking my tongue out

We all laughed & that's when the music got changed & played lowly. Looking up I see Don walking down the pathway to where I was at. By now everybody was watching his every move & well as I. He got down on one knee & said

"When I first laid eyes on you I knew that you was broken I saw it all in ya face. Ya still kept that beautiful smile on ya face. It was that moment I knew I wanted to make ya whole again. Yea I went about it the wrong way, which made ya didn't want deal with my rude ass. I just want to say thank ya for allowing me a chance to love ya even though you kept turning me down. Thank ya for loving my daughter as your own we appreciate everything ya do. Thank ya fa being the loving & caring woman ya are. Thank ya fa loving me the way ya do. Thank you for giving me my first son I was ready to say  fuck the whole settling down, but you made me a better man in more ways than ya can think of .  Karin Rose' ya make a nigga heart beat will ya make me the happiest man & share my last name with me?" He spoke

By now I was in full blown tears face covered

"Talk ya shit bro" Khalil said

"Patchy ya better come thru" Nelle yelled

"Grown man shit" Renzo yelled

I felt somebody hugging my legs I moved my hands off my face & saw it was Kai.

"Mommy please marry daddy we love it here" she smiles

Laughing I wiped my face & said

"Yes I'll marry daddy I love it here too" I smiled

Don stood up dusted his pants off slid the ring on my finger. We shared a deep passionate kiss almost forgetting that our loved ones was here. Everybody cheered for us he wiped my face & said

"I love ya mommas"

"I love ya too daddy" I smirked

"Keep playing & I'll take ya in the house & bend ya over" he whispers in my ear

Biting my lip I said

"You can have ya way with me daddy soon as everybody leave"

Before he could respond maw-maw came over & pushed don out the way making me giggle.

"Congratulations baby I'm so happy for the both of y'all" she say hugging me

"Thank ya maw-maw"

"Congratulations sis let me see the ring" Mo said

"I'm so happy fa ya big sis" ken say

The remainder of the night we enjoyed our family well at least until don got high. He put everybody out even our babies let's just say that we made some memories last night 😉

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