Chapter Thirty: One month later

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Staring at the third test I shook my head & sighed this couldn't happen to me right now. I'm so close with being done with school & now I pop up pregnant. I know they gonna be disappointed in me how could I be so stupid & even let this happen. Tossing the test in the trash I tied the bag up & went to throw the bag away in the kitchen. Just as I turned around I bumped into Ace hard ass chest.

"Damn my fault" he said

"Okay" I say

Before he could say anything else I hurried up & walked out the kitchen. Going up to my room I shut & locked my door grabbing my phone I got on my bed. Looking at my phone I see that I had a few messages I replied to them & got on Instagram. I liked a few pictures & then uploaded a picture I took the other morning.

@Pretty.Ken: sweeter than honey

After posting I exit off the app & called my sista Rin the only person I wanted to talk to right now. She picked up on the third ring.

"Lil sis I miss you"

"Miss ya too sis are you busy?"

"No what's wrong?"

"I-I'm pregnant please don't be mad or disappointed"

"Aww Ken I'm not disappointed or mad how could I be. I got pregnant with Jax at the same age & I didn't have nobody. You have me to be there for you"

"That mean a lot to me"

"Have you told anybody else?"

"No you're the only one"

"Okay, you & Q need to sit down & talk & when I get back home later we can figure out the rest"

"Thank you sis"

"Ya welcome I love ya Ken"

"I love ya too"

Ending the call I sent Q a message telling him we need to talk.

Janelle Pov.....
"How long have ya known about this & why ya didn't tell me?"

"Eight months & I didn't tell ya because I don't need ya worrying about me nelle"

"That's selfish of you"

"No it's not if I told ya then you would have changed your mind about moving to Cali."

Letting out a sigh of frustration I sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Why couldn't that be my decision?"

"Because I want you to achieve all your dreams I know you would put them on hold for me, but baby girl I'm good"

"But the doctors said it's not looking good" I sniffled

"Them do them doctors don't have the last say so god does. I'm gonna fight until I'm tired baby girl promise me something"


"Ya make me proud by achieving everything you want & more"

"I promise daddy"

He wiped my face leaned up & kissed my forehead I cuddled up next to him. I didn't want to leave his side nor was I ready for him to leave me.

"I love you baby girl"

"I love ya too daddy"

Adonis Pov....
"Wassup Duda what ya talking about man?"

He just rambled kicking his lil legs I grabbed my phone & took a picture. I posted to the gram

@Don.Julio: Duda man chilling with daddy 🖤🤍

Once I uploaded I liked & commented a few pictures & put my phone on the nightstand. Just as I did that Jax & Kai came running into the room & jumped on the bed.

"Aye what I tell y'all about jumping on the bed"

"No jumping" Jax said

"Sorry daddy we just wanted to play" Kai pouted

"It's alright y'all just gotta be careful ya brotha still small" I explained

"Okay we be careful"

"Is mommy coming home today we miss her"

"Yea I gotta pick her up later"

"We come with ya?"

"Yea lil butt y'all hungry?"

"Mhm we get Waffle House"

"Get ya spoiled ass out & go get dressed"

He laughed and slides down the bed Kai puckered her lips & gave Kash a kiss.

"Damn it's forget about daddy?"

She giggles & gives me a kiss then slides off the bed & left out the room. I looked down at Duda & said

"Ya sista & brotha is something else"

He got hyped & kicked his legs & smirked my kids was a different breed, but I love all of em.

Last day in Houston I'm gonna miss it, but I can always come back & visit. I can't wait to get home to my babies & my man I missed them so much. While I was out here I saw a few spots where Don & I could expand our business. Breaking me out my thoughts was the ringing of my phone reaching in my purse I pulled it out & answered it.


"Sis I got some tea" mo said

"About what?"

"Ya car accident last month"

"What about it the police ruled it as a hit & run"

"Don baby momma set that up I just overheard her talking to her lil friend."

Sitting there for a minute I thought about back to that morning.

"I didn't tell ya to hurt the kids I said kill her"

"Oh my god I'm so sorry Millie I didn't know they was in the car"

"Whatever I'm gonna make her pay for taking Don away from me & trying to steal my daughter"

Flashback Over

"Rin ya good?"

"I'm going to kill that bitch my babies got hurt because of this bitter ass bitch"

"Whatever ya need me to do let me know"

"Tell Don what ya just told me"

Khalil Pov....
"Wassup D where my nephew at?"

"He's in the kitchen eating what ya doing here?"

"Came to get nephew fa the day"

Before she could say anything nephew came running out the kitchen.

"Mommy I'm done"

I picked him up & flipped him over my shoulder & said

"Ya gone walk pass ya uncle?"

"No sorry uncle let me down" he laughed

Chuckling I put him down & said

"Go grab ya shoes ya rolling with me"


He took off running & I pulled some money out my pocket & peeled off a band & gave it to D.

"What's this for?"

"Go get pampered on me have some fun with ya friends I got nephew fa the night"

She hugged me & said

"I do need to get pampered thanks brotha"

"Ya welcome D & if ya need anything call me"

"I will, how is mo?"

"She good she at work I'm about to slide thru & take her something to eat"

"Look at you in love head ass" she teased

"Yea I am" I smirked

Lori Pov....
My brotha was released from prison today & I couldn't be more happy. Kami finally gets to be reunited with one of her parents. Ciara up & left when she was eight months & my brotha took care of her up until she was two. My brotha caught a charge because of me & I feel bad about it.

"This why ya been curving me?" Gio said

"Yo Lori who is this nigga?" My brotha said

I didn't say nothing but Gio spoke up & said

"That ain't ya business play boy"

My brotha stood up pulling his pants up he was about to punch Gio.

"Zahir please don't let me talk to him"

"Ya lucky"

Zahir walked off & I turned to Gio & pushed him

"That's my brotha Giovanni & no that's not why I haven't responded to you. I haven't responded because I've been dealing with shit of my own you wouldn't understand. I'm dealing with a lot & not looking to entertain nobody right now." I yelled

He rubbed his hands down his face I was about to walk off, but he grabbed my arm & said

"Lori I'm sorry"

"Don't I'm not trying to hear that"

Snatching my arm away from him I walked away & went over where my brotha & niece was. The fact that Gio tried to check me as if I was business blew me.

Later that night.....
"Bitch what you doing at my house?"

"It's one thing to try hurt me, but my kids is another I'm about to beat ya ass"

"You not going to do shit"

After she said that I swung on her hitting her in the jaw. She stumbled back a little & tried to swing & missed I gave her a right hook to the face then a left. I pushed her down getting on top giving her blow for blow.

"Bitch my kids could have died because you want to be a bitter ass bitch"

"Fuck you & them kids" she spat

When those words came out her mouth I made her eat them words by punching her hard as hell in the mouth.

"Don't ever disrespect my kids bitch"

I felt my body getting pulled off her I started kicking & swinging

"Moo calm down"

"My babies could of died because of her" I yelled

"I know moo but they good chill out"

Turning my body into my brotha started crying because I was just that pissed off.

"My fucking babies boobie"

He put his arms around me & held me

"Sis I think ya killed her" Renzo said

"That bitch ain't dead she's unconscious Fasho"

"We gone have to call the people to take her to the hospital" Rico said

"Sis she definitely might press charges ya fucked her up"

"I'm not worry about this bitch"

Korey Pov.....
"You just going to treat me like some hoe?"

"Nah ya know it ain't even like that stop tripping I been busy"

"You sure you not entertaining other females"

"Even if I was we ain't together but I'm not so stop fucking tripping Cyn"

"I'm not them other bitches Korey & ya know that so stop trying to play me"

Grabbing her by the waist I sat her on my lap & said

"Look I never gave ya a reason to think other wise so stop tripping girl"

She pouted & pokes her lips out I chuckled & kissed her lips.

"Spoiled ass woman" I say shaking my head

My phone rung I grabbed it & answered it.


"Aye pops ya gotta get down to the station" Don voice boomed

Tapping Cyn thigh she got up & so did I

"What's going on?"

"Man they arrested Rin"

"For what?"

"Aggravated assault"

"Assault on who?"

"I'll explain when ya get here I'll send ya the addy"

Hanging up the phone I slipped it into my pants & grabbed my shirt.

"Everything okay babe?"

"Nah I gotta go get my daughter I'll be back"


Grabbing my keys I headed out the house they always said rin had my temper.

Janelle Pov....
Spent my entire day down at the hospital with my daddy. I did call Elias & told him what was going on told him I'll be home in a couple days. He told me to call if I needed him to fly out here that man is so good to me. I've grown to love him more & more each day.

"Ne-Ne your phone" my sis said

Grabbing my phone out my purse I answered it


"You have a collect call from "Rin" a inmate at Fulton county jail do you accept the charges"



"Rin what the fuck you doing in jail?"

"Assault on Millie she's the reason the kids & I was in that accident last month."

"I should kill her myself"

"Listen to me I know Khalil & them called Don I need ya to bail me out my bond is 3,000 I'll give it to ya soon as ya get me out. I don't want to deal with Don & them right now. I told the officer only person that's gonna bail me out is you so give them ya name when ya get here"

"On my way"

Ending the call I got up & was about to head out when my sista asked

"Where ya going?"

"Get Rin outta jail I'll be back"

With that I left got in my car & headed to get my best friend.

Don & Rin house at 2:30am
Warning ⚠️ sexual content

Rin moaned loudly as Don gripped his hand around her neck while hitting her spot. Don was pissed at the whole situation at hand & decided to take it out on Rin body.

"Aahh fuck daddy slow down" Rin pleaded

"Take this dick Rin"

"Mmm, I-I-I-I can't" she whined

Don pulled out & slowly entered back in her six times just to tease her a little & then bent down & sucked harshly on Rin neck. She was gonna have all types of love marks on her body.

"You too fucking pretty to be fighting" Don say speeding up his pace

"I-I-I'm gonna c-c-cum daddy"

"Cum all on daddy dick mommas"

Don slowed down his strokes he was close to bussing his nut. Don leaned down & took Rin left nipple in his mouth while playing with the right one.

"Oooohhhh" she squealed

"You gone stop fighting hmm mommas?"


"Yes what?"

"Y-y-yes d-d-daaddyyy"

Don looked down & saw Rin juices glistening on his dick. His dick swelled up & he pulled out & said

"Face down ass up"

Doing as she was told Don smacked both of her ass cheeks twice after he slide right in.

"Ohhh godddd" Rin cried out

"Fuucck" Don groaned

Rin clutched at the sheets as she tried to keep up with Don sloppy strokes.

"Fuck me back just like that mommas" Don say smacking her ass again

Rin started to throw her ass back on Don he was enjoying the view of Rin ass bouncing back on his dick. He felt himself twitch inside her & wrapped his hand inside her hair

"I just got my hair done" she whined

"Daddy will pay fa ya to get it done" he groaned

"Ahhh fuck mommas I love ya ass"

"I love ya too daddy"

Three strokes later Rin tighten her pussy walls around Don dick making him shoot up her club. He grunted & his body shook as he released the last of his nut. He clasped on the side of her & said

"That pussy is a lethal weapon"

"So is ya dick daddy"

Don pulled Rin on top of him & asked

"Ya gone let daddy sleep in it?"


Rin laid her head on Don naked sweaty chest & closed her eyes. Don has wore her out for the night, but little did she know Don didn't plan on sleeping. Don was gonna punish Rin until the sun came up.

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