≫ Chapter 2

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(Newt's POV)

As I step towards the school, I put away my earbuds and look around. There's a few people walking around outside, talking and laughing in groups.

I look at the different groups and try to guess each one. I identify the goths, skaters, stoners, and obviously, the jocks, wearing their jerseys, and their cheerleader girlfriends, in their cheerleading outfits. There must be a game tonight.

Sucks that it's the middle of the school year, everyone knows each other by now and I have no idea who anyone is.

As I'm looking around, a young and slightly chubby boy starts walking towards me. I doubt he's any older than 14, with brown hair and big brown eyes that remind me of my mom's.

"Hey! I don't think I've seen you around here before, are you new?" He asks.

"Um- I-  yeah." I look around uncomfortably.

"Great! The name's Chuck, and I'll show you around, no thanks needed. So, you got a name?" The boy, Chuck, says.

No, I don't have a name.

"Um, yeah, it's Newton, but people just call me Newt."

"Well then Newt, follow me." He says and starts to walk away.

I start to follow Chuck, but feel eyes watching me. I turn my head and see boy that's lean, brown haired, and tall but not too tall. I also notice that he's hot. Very hot. I also notice there's a girl practically glued to his side. He scowls at me so I quickly look away.

I jog back to Chuck, and ask, "Hey um, Chuck? Who is that?" I say and point over to the boy that was looking at me a few seconds before.

"Him? Oh, he's Thomas Green. You don't want to mess with him. He's kind of a dick, and no one's brave enough to stick up to him, so they join him instead." Chuck explains.

"Okay, I'll watch out. And Chuck, if you don't mind me asking, how old are you?"

"13, but 14 in April. Technically I'm supposed to still be in middle school, but apparently I'm a "13 year old genius" or whatever. It kinda sucks."

"Why would bring a genius suck?" I ask.

"Homework." He grumbles.

I laugh at that.

"So, what's your locker number and homeroom?" Chuck asks after we step inside.

"Um..." I take out my schedule. "My locker number is 385, and my homeroom is the biology room with Mrs. Florence." I tell him.

"Oh, I have her 5th period, too bad. She's really nice though, you'll like her."

After Chuck shows me where my locker and homeroom is, he leaves to go to the bathroom.

As I'm putting all of my school books in my locker someone shoves into me, causing me to fall, and all books to tumble everywhere. I look up and see Thomas, laughing, and his henchmen, laughing along.

"Stay out of my way. Get it?" He snarls, but he seems to look almost nervous. But that's impossible, and I quickly shake away the thought.

I nod my head once, glaring at him. Even now, while glaring at him, I notice how beautiful his eyes are. Brown, almost gold, in the middle, and seem to get darker around the edges.

Too bad such beauty is wasted on a horrible person like him.

"Asshole." I mutter after they leave.

Two people rush over and start to help me pick up my books.

"Thanks." I mumble, and look at them.

Both are boys, but one seems to be a very muscular Asian, and the other one is also muscled, but dark skinned.

"No problem man." The Asian on slaps me on the back. I wince. "My name's Minho, and this idiot here is Alby." He motions to the dark skinned boy.

"What's up with Thomas?" I ask.

"Well, just so you know," Minho explains, "he wasn't always like this. He used to be that guy that everyone liked, always smiling and being positive. But one day, he just changed, and we would know. We were his best friends before the day he turned into a horrible, fucking, dic-"

Alby puts his hand on Minho's chest, and interrupts him. "Calm down there Minho. Don't want to scare..." Alby then turns to me. "You got a name?"

"Um, yeah. Newton Parks, but I go by Newt." I answer for the second time today, and still uncomfortably.

"Well, nice to meet ya Newt. But we've really got to go to class. See you around?" Alby asks.

"Sure. See you around." I answer, and then they walk off.

I then check my phone, and realize there's still 10 minutes until class starts, to my surprise. I grab my biology books, and walk my way to class. When I enter, there is only the teacher in the room. She looks up, and smiles at me.

"Hello young man, are you Newton Parks?"

"Um, yes ma'am." I say nervously.

"Great! I heard you were going to be in my class. I'm Mrs. Florence, and I'll have you sit by one of my best students, Thomas Green. Sound good?" She smiles at me.

No. Not good. Oh fuck please no.

I nod my head.

Why did I just do that??

"Okay great! Your seat is right over there." She points to a seat near the back of the room and smiles at me again.

I walk over to my seat and set my stuff down.

Oh man I this is going to be a long hour.

Just then kids start to file into the classroom, a certain person that shall not be named walks in and finds me sitting in the seat next to his. At first, once again, nervousness flashes across his face. But is quickly covered up with another scowl.

Why would he be nervous? I'm the only one who's supposed to be nervous here.

He walks over to his seat, but before he can do anything, I quickly say,

"The teacher put me here. Believe me, I want to be somewhere else just as much as you want me too."

He gives me a suspicious look then sits down, and turns to me.

"Listen here faggot. One, don't touch me. Two, don't look at me. And most importantly, don't talk to me. Cross any of these rules, I'll cross my fist into your face. Okay?" He glares at me.

I nod my head, still looking at him. He then grabs my face, with surprisingly soft hands, that make me want to grab them and rub them all over my body.

But obviously, I don't, and he just roughly turns my face towards the front of the room.

"Okay class," the teacher starts. "We have a new student today, Newton Parks." She motions me to stand up.

I slowly get up.

"So where did you come from?" She asks.

"London." I say, nervously.

Some of the girls start to whisper, after hearing my British accent.

"Ohh London! Sounds nice!" She says enthusiastically.

I nod and sit back down, and she starts the lesson. The whole hour I just sit with my head down, drawing in my notebook, hoping to just disappear.

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