≫ Chapter 1

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(Newt's POV)

I wake up to the screeching beeps of my alarm, and look at it- 6:45am. I slam my fist on the top, and my room becomes silent again.

ughh why am I up this early? but then I remember. First day of high school. Shit.

Where are my manners? My name is Newton Parks, but I go by Newt. I'm 17, and my mom and I just moved to America from London because- um- reasons. And today I'm going to a new highschool, Glade High. And for me, a new school only means more bullies and bruises.

Why would a British boy like me get bullied you ask, besides the fact that I'm scrawny, quiet, and basically a nerd? Well, I'm gay. Yes, I'm gay, and if you've got a problem, you can kindly leave, thanks.

I roll out of bed, and trudge over to the bathroom to take a quick shower. I stand in the shower, letting the warm water run over my body. I sigh, look down at the fading scars on my wrists, and think, how am I going to survive today?

After I get out and dry off, I walk over to my closet to pick something decent out. As I go through my closet, I settle on a red plaid shirt, black skinny jeans, and my black vans.

After I get dressed, I walk back to the bathroom, grab some gel, and attempt to tame my wild hair. After about 10 minutes of styling and frustration, I give up and walk downstairs.

"Good morning sweetheart, ready for your first day at Glade High?" My mom says enthusiastically, while setting out a plate of pancakes, with a smiley face made out of fruits on top.

"Sure.." I mutter. I sit down and start to devour my pancakes. My mom sighs and walks over and sits down newt to me.

"I know it's hard, moving, new school, new people, but we'll get through this together. Okay?"

"Okay." (a/n tfios af😂)

She leans over and gives me a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Better get going, you don't want to be late on your first day." She says with her elbows on the table, sipping her coffee, looking at me with her big brown eyes.

"Right, thanks mum." I give her a warm smile.
I grab my stuff, but before I can step out, my mom stops me.

"Promise me you'll try to make some friends. At least try."

"I'll try. I love you." I give her another warm smile.

She gives me one last hug and I walk out. As I'm walking towards the school, I put in my earbuds to listen to some Fall Out Boy and Amber Run at a noise level that's probably not safe.

I also fish around my bag for my cigarette pack and lighter. I take them out, stick a cigarette in my mouth and light it. The route I'm walking takes about 10 minutes, so I'll have plenty time to finish my cigarette.

After about 5 minutes, it's burnt down to my fingers, and I toss the cigarette end on the ground and step on it. I decide against lighting another one. Damn, I probably really need that extra cigarette too.

As I walk for a few more minutes, and get nearer and nearer to the horrible place people call school, there's only one feeling circling my body;

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