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Zayn's P.O.V.

The sexual tension between Harry and I is too obvious after what happened last night,I can tell he wants me I'm not blind but this can't happen, My job is on the line.

"Zayn..I'm going for a swim,wanna join?"Harry asked as he woke downstairs in a robe.

"No, you go ahead."Zayn said.

"Aren't you supposed to keep an eye on me though?"Harry said.

"I am, I'll be there in a minute, I have to make a phone call first."Zayn explained, Harry nodded before he went to the indoor pool.

Zayn went over there after his phone call and Harry was in the water.

"Come join me, It's boring alone."Harry pouts looking up at zayn with those gorgeous green eyes.

"I'm doing my job, I'm not allowed to do anything else."Zayn said.

"Fine..can you atleast give me a hand so I could get out."Harry said.

Zayn gave him and hand and Harry tried to pull him into the water but zayn was stronger than him, Zayn pulled Harry into him wrapping his arms around Harry's waist making Harry gasp.

"I know what you're trying to do."Zayn said.

"what?"Harry asked looking all innocent.

"Do you think I could be a model?"Harry asked attempting to change the topic.

"look my waist got slimmer."Harry said as he placed Zayn's hands on his waist.

"And my butt got bigger."Harry said as he guided Zayn's hand to his butt.

"Fuck this."Zayn mumbled before he crash his lips onto Harry's as Harry began kissing back.

Zayn slide his hand down to the back of Harry's thigh giving him a tap to tell him to jump and Harry did as zayn keep his hand in place for support.

Zayn walked to the pool chairs without breaking the kiss as he layed Harry down on the chair.

They pull away leaving both of then breathless, hard and wanting more.

"Let me help you with this."Harry said as he rubbed Zayn's hard on through his pants.

He pushed zayn back on the chair, swapping position before getting on his knees.

Harry unzipped Zayn's pants and pull it down along with his boxers revealing his hard on.

Harry's eyes widened at the size of it.He took it into his mouth gaining a moan from zayn as he started bobbing his head.

Zayn just couldn't help but drag his tongue over his bottom lip and curse when he glances down to see Harry bobbing his head between his legs, or let out low whine at how wet Harry's mouth is.

"Fuck yes.."Zayn moaned as he lace his fingers through Harry's wet curls grabbing his hair to get it out of the way as Harry's hair was long.

"Fuck, I'm coming,"Zayn warned and let himself spill into Harry's throat. Harry respondingly swallows before pulling away.

Zayn was out of breath,his eyes barely opening but as soon as he saw Harry stand up he pulled him onto the pool chair.

"I'm the one supposed to be taking care of you Babes."Zayn said.

"Today was your lucky day."Harry smiled.

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