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"I'm on it Nini but he's always so serious and professional he doesn't even react to anything I do."Harry complained over the phone.

"But he'll eventually fold..Dad is leaving for Singapore tonight for business..and we'll be alone."Harry said.

After Dinner..

"Goodbye Princess,I'll see you in a few days."Harry's Dad said as he was about to leave for the airport.

"Goodbye Dad,Have a safe flight,I love you."Harry said.

"I love you too Princess."He said before leaving.

"Come let's hang out in my room."Harry suggested.

"Okay."Zayn agreed they wrnt into Harry's room and zayn sat on the bed.

"Let me just change into something more comfortable first."Harry said.

"Yeah I think I should do that too, I'll be right back."Zayn said.

A few minutes later Harry came out of the attached bathroom to see zayn on his bed in a pair of gray sweatpants and a white tee.

Zayn eyed Harry up and down as he walk into the room with a pink silk pyjamas on.

"So what should we do?"Harry asked as ge plopped down on the bed next to zayn.

"You pick.."Zayn said.

"Your tattoos look cool..I wanna see what's underneath.."Harry said running his finger down Zayn's chest referring to his shirt.

"Well here you go."Zayn said as he removed his t-shirt.

"I like the gun tattoo."Harry said suggestively tracing the tattoo with the tip of his index finger.

"yeah?"zayn said.

"hmm it's hot."Harry said bitting his bottom lip.

Zayn pulled Harry's bottom lip down with his thumb, Running his thumb across Harry's soft pink lip as he watch Harry close his eyes shut, melting into his touch.

Zayn leaned in but his lips hovered over Harry's, So close but yet so far, Have was getting impatient as he felt Zayn's breath on him, His lips rubbing against his.

"Good Night..Princess."Zayn whispered into Harry's ear before pulling away making Harry whined in frustration,Zayn was such a tease.

Zayn left the room and now Harry was mad,He was not used of being rejected, He always got everything he ever wanted Wether it was clothes, money or boys, He got it all.

Boys were crazy after him and here he was trying to seduce his bodyguard and Now this bet with Niall just got personal, he's gonna make zayn fall for him and he was sure about that.

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