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"Zayn what did you do to Harry?"Louis asked as he barged into the house.

"Nothing."Zayn said.

"He's been miserable for a week,Niall is worried and Harry told him that you two met the other day."Louis said.

"I told him that Naynay was my daughter.."Zayn explained.

"Why would you say that?"Louis questioned.

"So he doesn't get the chance to hurt me anymore."Zayn stated.

"He's truly sorry you know..just give him another chance."Louis tried to convinced him but just then his phone started ringing.

"Hi babe."He said into the phone.

After disconnecting the phone Louis was in shock.

"What happened?"Zayn asked.

"Someone tried to shoot Harry,Liam took the bullet instead,he'sin the hospital..Harry is traumatised...Looks like you need to get back to your job zayn."Louis said.

"I'll go see Liam in the hospital first, Tell Niall to look after Harry."Zayn told louis.

Harry was traumatised,He sat on his bed with Niall beside him trying to comfort him but non of it was working.

One hour later and Harry didn't move from his spot untill zayn walked through his bedroom door, He wrapped his arms around zayn and started crying and shaking in fear.

zayn sign Niall and Louis to leave the toom and they did.

"It's okay Harry, I'm here now."Zayn reassured him stroking Harry's hair.

"it was so scary Zee.."Harry cried.

"Hey hey..you're okay yeah..you're safe."zayn tried to calm him down.

"But Liam..I feel bad for him..he's hurt because of me."Harry sobbed.

"He's fine Hazz, I went to see him, your dad made sure he gets good care."Zayn reassured him.

"Can we go see him Tomorrow."Harry asked.

"Sure Love."Zayn said as he wiped away Harry's tears.

"I'm sorry for what I did Zayn."Harry apologized.

"I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have left..I should've talk to you about it."Zayn apologized.

"And About your daughter."Harry began, zayn chuckled stopping him mid sentence.

"I'm sorry, Naynay is not my daughter, she's my niece."Zayn explained.

"I would still like to meet her again."Harry said.

They were then interrupted by a knock on the door.

"we didn't interrupt anything,did we?"Niall jokes.

"No you're good."Zayn said.

"Zee so how's your girlfriend?"Louis asked.

"My girl- oh you mean my fiancée."Zayn played along as he caught on what louis was doing.

"You finally proposed?"Louis gasped.

"What fiancée now?"Harry asked.

"yeah..she met my parents and they loved her."Zayn continued as he noticed Harry looking like a mad kitten.

"Guys is it just me or is something burning over here?"Niall teased.

"it's just Harry getting jealous."Louis added.

"Who is louis referring too?"Harry asked zayn.

"No one..he was just joking."Zayn reassured harry.

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