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One Month Later..

"No Nini you don't get it I miss him so much."Harry cried.

"But we're you Happy with Elijah?"Niall asked.

"No..all The time I was with him I kept thinking about zayn.."Harry confessed.

"Harry it's been a month he's not even in London..how will you find him?"Naill said.

"Liam."Harry gasped as he remembered Liam and Zayn were friends.

"Yeah zayn..I know..yes."Harry heard Liam said on the phone as he walked in his room.

"Liam."Harry interrupted.

"I'll call you back."Liam said before putting his phone down.

"You were talking to zayn right, can tell me where he is please."Harry begged.

"He doesn't wanna meet you."Liam stated.

"why? it's been a month Liam."Harry said.

"Exactly..it's been a month and you didn't think about him in a month so why now?

Listen Harry zayn doesn't take betrayal very well..It might have been a simple joke to you but you don't know what he has been through before so please stay away from him."Liam lectured him.

Harry left the room, disappointed.He walked out of the house with no idea of where he was heading to he walked at a slow pace until it started to rain.

Harry didn't want to get sick so he went inside the nearby park under the gazebo.

"Quick Zaynie..we hide."A small voice said and Harry turned around on hearing that nickname.

Harry gasped in shock,It was indeed him,It was Zayn, he was still in london.

Zayn picked up the little girl in his arms and finally look up and saw me.

"Hi.."I said.

"Who is that Dada?"the toddler asked.


"who is that zayn?"Harry asked.

"My daughter."Zayn said in all seriousness.

"Y-you have a daughter..why didn't you tell me?"Harry said.

"Would you look at that..we're both liars now."Zayn spat.

"Zayn I'm sorry for what I did okay I regret it..I miss you."Harry cried.

"Fine..I forgive you, doesn't mean I'll be back in your life."Zayn said.

"Rain stop..let's go find mommy "The toddler said.

"Yes Baby..I bet mommy is waiting for us at home."Zayn said before walking away without looking back at Harry.

Zayn's P.O.V

"Uncle zee love you naynay."Zayn kisses his niece on the cheek.

"Naynay loves you too..let's go home now."Zaneyah said.

"Now zee have to get naynay a puppy."Zaneyah said.

"I don't think mommy is gonna like that."Zayn explained.

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