Gonna use some characters from the BNHA book that's also published! :P
(Y/n) your name
(H/c) hair colour
(H/l) hair length
(H/s) hair style
(E/c) eye colour
Okay, so thousands of fans are here...multiple bands are performing today and mine was one of them, VGS. (Vanguard squad). We're an all girl band, the band members being Ashley, Rina, Toga and Me. Rina, Ashley and I are the same age, around 17-18 while Toga was only 16. What instruments did we play? Well for one, we all sang at some point durning a song but other than that, Toga played bass or Acoustic while Rina had an electric so did I and Ashley was on drums. We climbed out of the car and pushed our way through the crowd of teenagers in front of us. Being the amazing teenagers we are, we managed to get through and into the building quite quickly and without any hassle. Although we did trip a couple of times. As soon as we were I the concert building, we were guided towards our dressing room(s). Ours was right next to Toga's favourite band because one of them was 'really cute and she would kill for him.' Which makes us all worry about her, so she was the first to be shoved into the room. Unfortunately she spotted her desired boy as he and his group neared their room.
"Get her in the room, God damnit!" I shouted as the three of us tried to force the crazed girl into the room. Ashley was inside the room trying to pull our youngest into it too, while I was pushing my back against Toga's in an attempt to get her in and Rina was helping Ashley.
"She's too distracted!" Ashley heaved, almost out of breath.
"How can such a small girl be so strong?!" Rina yelled, tugging harder. I realised that our drum kit/guitar cases were just in front of me, giving me an idea. I planted both of my feet against them and pushed as hard as I could, launching the four of us onto the floor, inside the room. Toga was beneath me and Ashley while Rina was getting up.
"Lock the door!" I screamed as the 16 year old got free, Rina did so as quickly as humanly possible and screamed as Toga tackled her to the ground.
"Why would you guys do that?! He was right there!!!" The blonde whined, almost crying.
"Because whenever you see anything even linked to him-" Ashley began.
"You go insane!" I shouted, pulling her off of our navy haired friend. She had finally calmed down and there was a knock at the door followed by a masculine voice.
"Uh...are you guys okay?" We saw Toga perk up.
"Restrain the bitch!" I ordered, Rina and Ashley pinning her to the couch. I unlocked the door and opened it.
"Heeeyy." I answered awkwardly, realising who it was. "What's up?" The door was open just enough so I could slip though and shut it behind me. As I did so, I kept ahold of the handle.
"Uh...are you guys okay?" I chuckled awkwardly and nodded.
"Yeah— we're fine...just restraining our bandmate." The green haired boy looked at me strangely. I was pulled backwards quite a bit as the door was yanked open, only for me to slam it shut. "Speak of the devil..." I muttered as I felt it do it again. "Toga! Sit on your fucking ass right now or I will send you back to Tomura!" I snapped, kicking the door with the heel of my shoe. Tomura was our manager, he was strict and according to Toga, mean, because he made her do her homework and all school stuff before she could practice with us. I felt the door stop moving and slowly released it, nervous that she may go for it. After hearing it lock and something block it, I was happy enough to step away.
"Sorry about that..." my apology was sincere and was joined by an awkward smile as I slowly messed up the back of my hair, crinkling it into a messy ponytail and tying it up.
"Why are you restraining her?" He asked, slightly amused but slightly scared.
"Oh...uh....she is obsessed with this guy from this one band and she saw him..." I trailed off, averting my gaze to a random spot on the wall.
"It's me isn't it?" He asked, ruffling his hair nervously.
"Yes, Midoriya, it is." I laughed, awkwardly, getting used to his company once again.
"Haven't heard you call me that in awhile..." he commented, also getting used to being around me again.
"Hey, so the rest of the band consists off Kacchan, Shouto and Kirishima. Wanna come say hi?" My mood perked up.
"I'm sorry, see three other guys I haven't seen since the first year of high school? Hhhhmmmmmm....I don't know Midoriya..." I 'thought' sarcastically, he just chuckled and opened his dressing room door. Once it was pushed open, the three boys sat on a couch looked up from their phones.
"What's it been? 3 maybe 4 years?" I awkwardly giggled, soon being tackled to the floor by Kirishima in a hug. "Hey dude." I laughed, hugging back as I struggled to sit up.
"You have a crazy bandmate, so do we." Midoriya explained. I chuckled and sat up, crossing my legs and gently patting the boys slightly damp hair.
"Ew, sweaty...get oooofffff!!" I laughed, pushing him off me. Eijiro chuckled and shook his head like a wet dog. "Ew! Dude! No!" He pulled me up and went over to a table, leaning against it with his hands as support.
"So this is what you lot were up to after I left?" They nodded.
"What was with all the fucking yelling and throwing yourself around?" Bakugou asked, I sighed.
"Crazy fangirl of Midoriya's is part of our band..."
"Gotta suck." My attention was brought over to Todoroki.
"It does. Rina and Ashley have locked the door and put some furniture to block it, stopping Toga to get out."
"So what kind of a band are you? You like every other girl band? Just lip sync and dance?" Todoroki asked and I giggled, nodding slightly.
"You could say that." I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and pulled it out.
"Yo, what's up?" I asked, bringing my phone up to my ear.
"You've got 10 minutes to get ready and then your performing. After you is a group of boys called 'Alliance 1' or better known as A1" I groaned and left the room, ending the call. Not even bothering to knock, I rammed the door to the girls down because they had blocked it.
"Toga! YOU HAVE 10 MINUTES! IF YOU'RE NOT FUCKING READY, I'M SENDING YOU TO TOMURA AND GETTING A RESTRAINING ORDER FOR MIDORIYA AGAINST YOU, YOU SHIT!!" I heard her whimper as she scampered off towards her clothes needed for this show. After I finished screaming and shouting, I heard a mocking and teasing tone next door.
"Hey Bakugou, I think we just found you a girlfriend." I recognised the voice as Todoroki's.
"Shut it, shit-face." The ash blonde retorted before I threw a shoe at their wall, causing them to go quiet. At the moment I was wearing running bottoms, a loose t-shirt and converse. I walked over to the hangers and grabbed a black dress hoodie that went to mid thigh, along with this cute leather bra sort of thing. (Media)
I grabbed a pair of heeled boots and tied them on. Rina emerged from her area, not in leggings and a crop top but a grey tank top, black jeans red converse and a denim over shirt.
Toga was the next to appear and she wore a dark pink skirt, black leather jacket, knee high boots and a black T-shirt.
Finally Ashley showed herself, revealing a well dressed drummer. Red flannel, white jeans and red converse. Edgy but simple. I pulled my hood up, once my (h/c) hair was in a (h/s). My (e/c) eyes were highlighted due to the black mascara I wore while my hood covered most of my hair. Toga has let her blonde hair down and Ashley had plaited one side of her own onto her head as it lead into a neat and perfect ponytail while Rina had cut her hair a couple weeks ago, so it was as short as Shoto's...maybe shorter. One side was shaved while the rest was short. She had it back-brushed a bit to give it a little bit more volume. We walked out of our room, grabbing our guitars, bass and Ash grabbed her drumsticks. We kept our eyes straight as we walked passed other bands, managers, staff and mainly...fans.
The screaming of crazed fans was overwhelming as we walked onto the stage, Ashley taking a seat at the drums while Toga, Rina and I stood towards the front, slinging the straps over our shoulders and plugging them into the amps. I walked up to the mic and everyone started cheering and screaming.
"Okay, so I know you all know this song, so sing along and clap with the beat. Kay?" I smiled and literally everyone screamed. Once it died down, Ashley began with the basic beat, the crowd clapping when needed.
*play song*
I started singing and the crowd chanted and sang along when it came to 'some, some how' or one of those parts.
Every time I played a fun bit on the guitar, my legs would just naturally part so they were shoulder width apart. My feet would skid every so often as well as Rina and Toga's because we were enjoying this far too much. You could tell Ash was having her fun as well because her ponytail had come out so her hair was now falling past her shoulders, still in a couple of cornrows.
As the song came to an end, the massive group of students and their younger siblings were screaming at us to do more but we denied, needing to stick to the schedule of this place. The four of us were panting and smiling as we left the stage.
"You've gotta get ready and quickly, the boys A1 are performing and then you have a fan meet almost 5 minutes after. So overall, you have 10 minutes to sort yourselves out." Nodding, the four of us started sprinting down the corridors, bumping into a couple people on the way. A1 being one of them.
"Midoriya, run!" I shouted to the green haired boy as Toga turned around a stared at him. He noticed the crazed fangirl look in her eyes and took my suggestion. As she was about to pass me, I grabbed her waist as well as her hair.
"What did I say, Toga?!" She froze up and looked at me, not daring to meet my gaze. "Go get ready...they'll be performing soon, so we have around 7 minutes." She turned slowly as Eijiro followed after his bandmate, leaving Shoto and Bakugou with me. The blonde walked away slowly, hoping that the freckled boy would return. "NOW!" I snapped, she jumped and slipped, picking herself back up almost immediately and bolting towards the room. "I'm sorry about her...she's...crazy." I apologised to the two, Bakugou coming up to me and saying something to me.
"When you get the chance, come by our room. I think those shits could actually meet and not try to kill for the other." I smiled and nodded.
"Sure, she'll be in a straight jacket though." I heard him chuckle as he walked away with Shouto.
After the four of us were ready, we headed over to the stage to listen to the boys. Turned out their band was set up just the same as ours. Shouto was on drums while Midoriya had bass and Eijiro and Bakugou had electric guitars. As they started playing and singing, Bakugou and Kirishima noticed us, waving us to join them. Some staff handed Toga, Ash (yes Ash can play guitar) and Rina guitars while I got a mic. We happily joined the boys on stage. Ashley took a seat beside Shouto as she had an electro-acoustic and she found it easier to sit down to play. Rina went to Eijiro and Toga obviously went to Izuku while I stood by Bakugou.
Midoriya has just finished singing and instantly I joined Kirishima, knowing the lyrics.
"I want you to Rock me! Rock me! Rock me! Yeah! I want you to Rock me! Rock me! Rock me! Yeah!" I smiled as I sang with the red haired boy and continued to subtly jump around to the tune and beat as he sang the next line.
"I want you to hit the pedal heavy metal, show me you care. I want you to Rock me! Rock me! Rock me! Yeah!" Now it was Bakugou's turn to sing and boy, was I surprised. I had never heard him sing before now, not even at the high school dorms.
"We we're together summer '09, wanna role back like pressing rewind. You were mine and we never said goodbye." As he sang into the mic, still playing guitar, he kept turning his head slightly, looking at me as I smiled brightly.
"I used to think I was better alone." Izuku trailed on.
"Better alone.." Todoroki added.
"Why did I ever want to let you go?"
"Let you go.."
"Under the moonlight as we stared at the sea."
"Stared at the sea..."
"The words you whispered I will always believe."
"I want you to Rock me! Rock me! Rock me! Yeah! I want you to Rock me! Rock me! Rock me! Yeah!"
"I want you to hit the pedal heavy metal! Show me you care! I want you to Rock me! Rock me! Rock me! Yeah!" I joined in with Eijiro Kirishima as he, too, sang.
"R-O-C-K me again. R-O-C-K me again. R-O-C-K me a-again, yeah!" Bakugou had now joined the verse? Chorus? I don't know, but he joined in.
"I want you to..." I added so they could catch their breath.
"R-O-C-K me again. R-O-C-K me a-again, yeah!"
"I want you to Rock me! Rock me! Rock me! Yeah! I want you to Rock me! Rock me! Rock me! Yeah!" The other two members of their band now singing too, only the drums being played as the crowd and they clapped with the beat.
"I want you to hit the pedal heavy metal! Show me you care!" We neared the end of the song as I sang my favourite lines.
"I want you to Rock me! Rock me! Rock me! Yeah!! I want you to Rock me! Rock me! Rock me! Yeah! I want you to Rock me! Rock me! Rock me! Yeah!"
"I want you to hit the pedal heavy metal! Show me you care! I want you to Rock me! Rock me! Rock me! Yeah!" I trailed of a certain word each time, hitting high notes only Midoriya could hit...with him of course. The crowd was still cheering as the eight of us stopped strumming, drumming and singing. I lowered my mic as Bakugou took a couple steps back.
"'Under the moonlight as we stared at the sea?' Never thought you'd use that in a song." I commented, laughing slightly. He rolled his eyes.
"'Don't care about your make up? You like it better with your jeans all ripped up?' Never expected to hear that again." He retorted with a chuckle, looking at the ground for a moment.
"'Ain't ever gonna cover up that tattoo' I got it when I was completely wasted, but I still remember everything. You should too." I added, lifting my shirt the tiniest bit to reveal black on my skin.
"The fans don't know we've met before." He smirked, I turned to face the staff.
"We can fit one more song in...right?" The adults beamed and nodded, turning the amps back on along with the lights. I brought the mic back up to my lips.
"One more song!" I smiled, the whole crowd screamed in glee. I looked to everyone on the stage, trying to decide what song to do. When I heard the first few chords of a familiar song being played by Toga, I turned to face her...Ashley and Rina had started playing too. The boys had no idea on what was happening. I had taught the girls this song once we became a band, we haven't played it for anyone though. As soon as I started singing, I could tell Bakugou recognised it.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
As he started to sing, he also started playing the right chords. I gave him an impresses look as the crowd began moving, jumping and cheering with the song, it's lyrics and it's beat.
At the first 'hot damn!', the girls shouted it, making sure to be heard. Kirishima, Shouto and Midoriya were now joining with the actual music, getting the gist of it. Surprising us all, Ashley knew how to play the saxophone. So as soon as one of those started spouting out notes, we all turned to face her, not messing up our notes or lyrics. I gave her a
'Why you no tell us this?' look and she just shrugged. Rina has also switched over to a trumpet seeing as the electric guitars were sorted. I gave her the same look and she just laughed, shrugging too. I rolled my eyes and continued.
We finally finished and I was almost laughing.
"4 years. I'm impressed you still remember that." I said, turning to face Bakugou.
"To be honest, so am I." He laughed, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.
"So...about that tattoo..." the mic was near enough to my mouth for the crowd to hear it. I could tell they were all just looking at each other and mumbling something about not knowing about tattoos. The staff went down to the crowd due to so many questions being thrown at us. A brown haired woman held a mic in front of one girl and she stated angrily.
"Bakugou-Senpai doesn't have any tattoos!" I turned away from the girl and faced the ash blonde male.
"Senpai...?" I laughed. He rolled his eyes, handing his guitar to Kirishima.
"Fucking wrong." He announced into the mic, the girl from before staring at him confused. Bakugou turned his back to the crowd and pulled his T-shirt over his head to reveal the black ink decorating his skin in the shape of a bird.
"Damn, this boy ain't shy." Rina scoffed, laughing slightly. The boy in front of me looked at me expectantly. I shook my head and began to walk away. He chuckled and pulled my back over by my waist.
"They've seen mine. Might as well see yours." I groaned at his point and turned my back to them, facing my dear bandmates as well as his. I grabbed the back of my shirt and pulled it over my head, leaving it to sit on my arms. The three boys in front of me blushed, I rolled my eyes and put my shirt on after another moment.
We were now at the fan meet and I was sat beside Demi and Bakugou, Toga and Rina to their other sides.
The light blue haired boy stood in front of me asked a very specific question.
"Did you guys ever date? I
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