Part VI - Conviction

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"You're kidding!" Ian shouts. When he realizes his voice naturally skyrocketed in volume, he says again in a whisper, "you're kidding."

You shake your head, looking over to Lopunny. "Not kidding. I have a Pokémon."

"How? Your parents are like crazy-psycho-haters against them."

You smile and nod. It's true that your parents still heavily protest against Pokémon, always spewing their lies about how the creatures will take over the world or end up taking innocent lives or... whatever else they come up with on a daily basis.

But you're not afraid of your parents' rules anymore. You saved a Pokémon, earned its trust, now there's no way you're giving it up. Lopunny will be your partner forever, and telling by how happy she is around you, you think she knows that as well.

"I told them I'm done following their rules," you say. "They don't get to choose what's right and wrong for me anymore."

Ian grins, his eyes flicking back and forth from you to Lopunny. "Good for you, I guess. As long as you're cool with dancing, you can come."

"Lopunny's definitely cool with that." You rest a hand on the tall bunny's head, to which she responds with a soft coo. "She's the one who's been teaching me how to dance."

"Really?" Ian cocks an eyebrow. He mutters, "Must be one smart Pokémon..."

But you couldn't quite hear him.

"Anyway, we should be leaving in about a half hour or so. You shouldn't need to bring anything but yourself..." Ian pauses, his eyes slowly shifting over to Lopunny. The Pokémon stares back at him, smiling hard. Her expression is unmoving, glued on her face like she'd been staring for all too long. "Yourselves," Ian corrects himself.

* * *

A little more than a half hour goes by before the three of you are headed for the Pokémon school. It's the only one in town, and it's quite big, easily capable of holding a great amount of students and Pokémon within.

Lopunny walks by your side the whole time. Out of the corner of your eye you see her frequently glance at you, watching you with those big ruby eyes, an unbreakable smile on her face. If she were a random Pokémon, you might be afraid of it. But you know her. She's not dangerous or creepy. She just loves you.

Upon arrival, the halls of the school building are empty. All that remains is the smell of paper and pencils, and faintly the aroma of food.

"They must've started," Ian says, pulling out his phone and checking for the time. "We're only fifteen minutes late. Come on, I think the ceremony is in the gymnasium."

Ian takes the lead, bringing you through the maze that is this school. A million doors, a million lockers, a million missing people. It's ominous for a school to be so quiet... so barren...

As if Lopunny senses what you're thinking, she hugs up against you, holding onto your shoulder the way a clingy girlfriend would. It comes as a surprise but it's a welcome one nonetheless. You smile at her.

"Hey! Where are you going?!" Ian's voice startles you, but you no longer see him in front of you. You blink a few times to clear your mind and look around for him. A second later, a hand grabs your shoulder. You spin around with Lopunny still attached to you.

"If you wanted to leave, you could have just said so," Ian says.

"What?" you say. "I wasn't trying to leave..."

"Then why were you heading for the door?"

You look back over your shoulder, finding the long hallway you just walked through with Ian, and at the end of it, the door you came in.

"I swear I wasn't—"

"Nevermind." Ian takes you by your wrist, leading you back up the hallway. Lopunny breaks off your shoulder, silently following the two of you again. "I found the gym. The ceremony's over. You sure you can dance?"

Again you glance over your shoulder at the door you were walking toward. It felt so strange. You don't remember turning around and straying away from Ian at all...

"Dance?" you say, still looking at the door. "Yeah... I think so."

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