Part V - A Phantom, A Wilting Rose

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You're preparing to leave for your friend's house, taking into account that he might actually forget about snacks, so you're grabbing them yourself. Ian's just like that.

Lopunny watches you dart from room to room. She sits in the living room with her hands on her knees and a smile on her face, not bothered at all. While waiting, she fiddles with the tufts of fluff on her ears like a fashionista who wants to look her best. In no time at all, she looks like she'd gone to a spa, and you're finally ready to head out.

"We're gonna surprise him real good," you say to her, standing in the doorway joining the hall to the living space. Lopunny stands up and comes to your side. You rub her head gently. She coos.

"How about this?" you add, taking a single Pokéball from your back pocket. You point it toward the tall bunny. "You wanna get in your ball until we get there? Then I'll let you out and Ian will—!"

Lopunny shakes her head quickly, clinging to your side, brushing her cheek on yours. She seems desperate in a way.

You laugh, not knowing what else to do. "Okay, okay, no ball. But stay out of sight when we get to his door."

* * *

Soon enough you arrive at Ian's home. It's a cute little house, adorned by nature's greens and beautiful stony ornaments. Long vines stretch up and down the outside walls, peeking in and out of crevices and hanging over glossy windows. It feels woodsy.

You turn to make sure Lopunny is behind you, and to your surprise, she's not only hiding behind you like you wanted—she's crouched because she's just as tall as you otherwise. She's a smart cookie, you think. Are all Pokémon this intelligent?

You knock on the door, stifling laughter. After a short wait, from the other side of the doors comes footsteps. And then what sounds like bolts unlatching from the door.

Ian opens the door and immediately raises his thin eyebrows. "You look happy. Didn't know I was so likable."

It's been awhile since you've seen him in person, you almost forgot how blonde he is. Back in the day everyone used to call him Prince Charming for his bright blonde hair and his strong jaw and his sparkly blue eyes.

And since you were the only one who tended to hang out with him, most people thought you two would become a couple.

If only they'd remember he has a gorgeous sister whom you've had your eye on for some time.

"Change of plans, though." Ian pulls out his phone to check the time, still standing in the doorway. "My sister's Pokémon school graduation is today, and I need to be there, so..."

"I'll come!" you say, suddenly intensely intrigued at the idea of bringing along Lopunny. "Your sister knows me. I'm like a special guest."

Ian cocks a brow suspiciously. "It's a dance thing. Don't you hate dancing?"

You shrug. "I don't hate it. But I know someone who's a pretty big fan of it. She's taught me a thing or two."

Ian only looks more curious, glaring at you as though you're just a psycho. "She?"

Just then, Lopunny's ears poke up behind you, tall and fluffy. She rises like a phantom, her crystalline red irises hidden behind the cover of you until she pokes her face out entirely and locks eyes with your childhood friend.

She puts her hands on your shoulders gently, still peeking out from behind your head, and Ian screams.

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