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Continuation of Nish's thoughts...


I snickered at the next flash, observing your grimace. You stayed terrified by scanning my pup. When you witnessed me, you commenced to blabber and scold.

Really scold... Did I look like  who could anyone yell? Wasn't I the monster to you, like my employees see me?

Do you know Diya? No one dares to yell at me. But you ……you are really unlikely. I feel like laughing yet... now, cherishing that day.

Then I had considered taunting you again. So I black-mailed you with it. I preferred to watch your expression. But I felt too bad when I watched tears in your eyes.

It was you. You aggravated me with your words, saying that you never cried before marrying me. All that made me furious.

I was not at blame on the wedding day. You came to me to quit it. And do you think that was the best time?

I thought if you were a considerate girl. I would leave you to live on your own and not disturb you with the term marriage. I list out those rules, which I didn't take it seriously but for fun.

But, you like to stimulate me. So I was supported and pulled you out of bed. You fell on me. I had a feeling like I had a soft pillow on my top, but you are really a silly billy.

You like to argue with me always. You say that you are right and do all things against my words which always irritated me.

At the next second, I recognize the call ringtone. I don’t like that kind of song. But you always keep songs that irritate me. I was so tired. So, I went and slept.

But when I felt that you were trying to extract something from my bottom. Your perfume smell... This same smell. It's like some flavor. I didn’t know I loved that smell.

It's like some... strawberry flavor. I didn’t know I loved that smell. Still, I had you near me all time. I knew I would lose control. So I yelled, "Get out. I won’t be responsible for what happens after that".

Words were really not from my mouth; It was my feeling. You ran away. After that, I got up thinking, what I am doing? Why is my heart fluttering? I slept for some time and got out again.

When I was in the car, I saw playing with Meenu. I knew I could get back the color of my home. But I didn't realise that you will be the rainbow of my life.

You know Diya... you are really the light of my life. I felt that moment and drove the car. I returned mansion and saw my mom with a tense face.

Diya, I haven't seen her that tense in the recent period. My anger seethed. I asked her the reason when I knew it was you and you were not in the mansion. My temper was at its peak. I wanted to know... what you were doing at that time when my mom was tensed for you.

I reached the place where you were. You were leisurely relishing  icecream with your friends. I saw you planning how to provoke me and get a divorce. This tiny mouth of yours was scolding me nonstop.

At that time, my anger burst out, and as I knew, you love your friends. I used them to threaten you to be on time.

How can you make plenty of friends and have so many people who love you and take care of you?

The ice-cream seller woman, she too knows about you and stands for you. I was really impressed on that second.

I knew you were afraid of what I was going to do to you. I thought it was good so you would be in time in the mansion. My mom needs not worry about you.

In the mansion when you searched for my mom to help you. I thought does she think I am a ghost and I am planning to eat her.

I chuckled, but I controlled it and planned to make you understand that you should be on time. So I asked you to follow me.

Again you objected to me saying that you won’t come. I assumed the way to let you beg me. So I used Ferro to threaten you. I added that rule.

My morning began when I opened my eyes and saw the sleeping beauty. I knew Diya, you like to sleep a lot. I remember that kind words.

I got up and walked to you and removed the hair strands which were on your face. Damn that sunlight, it fell on your face, and yours... that small lips twitched. So I stopped it by closing the curtains.

My eyes finally landed on the laptop. I saw the scene on it and was shocked. I then watched you for a while before I left.

In the evening, when I returned... I saw my mom was waiting for me. So she can go to Tirupathi. And, you... my wifey, I can’t forget that salty coffee till now.

I knew you have added something to it because you were tensed and fidgeting the chain. But I couldn’t avoid it. When I asked about the CCTV and your expression of that day. That was cute. My wifey, I love to tease you all the time.

The rules opposite which you had written and the way you tried to snatch the paper and our closeness. I loved that minute.

But, I cursed myself. "Nishanth, this girl is planning to act opposite of your rules... where are you lost?" I regained my senses and remembered your salt coffee too at that second and planned to punish.

You really have a brain. You escaped from Ferro. But, when I saw you laughing, I felt like I had lost and acted stupidly. So I want to see you in tears. I planned to hurt you and scare you.

I hit the wall and griped your wrist tightly. But as I was too close to you and your lips were tempting me, I kissed you. It was my first kiss, wifey. I said it was your punishment and left.

My heart started to beat fast. I was thinking, what am I doing? I was telling myself that I should not feel for her. This is wrong. I should try to control myself.

The next day, really... you had guts. You cheated me by buying the dishes. I knew no one can prepare many dishes... on time just to make you worried and work, I said that.

But when I came to know that you lied, my anger rose. You know, wifey? I don’t like people who lie, but you loved to do.

At the beginning of your every lie, I get irritated. But seeing your cuteness, I planned to tease you. I loved seeing your work for me. I felt like a normal... family where the wife works for her husband with just care.

I knew you were tired. But what to do? My wifey, If you lie to me, you must be punished. That’s your husband’s character.

Punishment. People fear getting punished. But my wifey you….. You were playing with bubbles. I loved watching it. But when I realized I was falling for you to control myself, I threw you into the swimming pool.

When I lifted you, my eyes watched your clothes that stick close to your skin and water droplets on your face, lips.

My eyes met with that eyes of yours. My body and heart started to react against my wishes. So I left you and walked to the washroom to cool myself and walked to the study.

In the study, my mind was filled with you. The scene of you playing with bubbles, Your wet hair, face, and body. Your sleepy face is everything. My gaze landed on the clock, which struck ten. I got up and walked out of the study and searched for you.

Finally, I saw you in the garden. My sleeping beauty. My heart skipped a beat. The dress of yours. I had thought if anyone dares to gaze at you expect me, that day will be the death of him.

But to all men's luck, no one was there. So I lifted you and finally placed you on the bed. I knew you were tired of doing all chores. So I didn’t utter a sound. You started murmuring. I kissed you on your forehead.

The next second I again thought, what am I doing. I felt like you were precious to me. I really didn’t understand what to do and walked back to study.

I tried to distract, but again you were filled in my thoughts. My gaze landed on the photo on the wall.

I felt like the smiling photo saying to me that, "See... Dhruv. I told you long back that you will like her. She is different, right? You are falling for her, right?"

Nooooooooo…….I said to myself and called rishab and enquired do I have any business meeting. He said no and to avoid you I stayed in a hotel. For the first time, I lied to Rani, saying I am going on to business trip and take care of you.

In the hotel, I didn’t have a good sleep. I knew the reason was you. I kept myself busy and finally to distract myself I had a meeting with my foreign friend in a party hall which I bought recently.

But he too questioned about you. My second lie my wife is too homely. Damn it... when did I start to lie? I thought I should change you. But your effect was more on me.

When we were ground stairs, I saw Rishab’s tense face. I turned and saw there, my wife... dancing wearing sexy party wear.

All men's eyes were on you... even my friend’s. I really had an urge to blast the party hall with them in it. Let they lose their life for watching my wife in that dress.

That idiot... I have seen him somewhere. He was holding you in his arms. I just want to rip him with my bare hands and bury him under my feet. But why Diya? What were you for me then? What are you to me, now?

I was soo enraged that I threatened you with tricky words and left. I really planned to not let you in. My workers were also at your side.

Each and every second eye of all men which were on you were disturbing me. But my sneaky cat you got and was again punished. My heart hurt when I saw you crying, my wifey.

You again provoked me by going out and your words, who am I to question you? Hurt me a lot.

I saw you who was having the ice cream and enjoy it. The five men who were around you, really my wifey. You are too stubborn.

When you were in danger too... you didn’t want to accept me as your husband. I felt like my heart is bleeding. So I acted like walking out. There come the words of my wife, who then accepted me.

Each time when I carry you, I love it. I really love to always... hold you in my arms like that.

You know, wifey? I like to spend time with you. But I don’t like when you don’t accept my words. I don’t know what's difficult to... say that you are mine.


One month passed in a blink of an eye in Mrs. Dhuruvan’s life. She felt her life was peaceful yet tedious. Even for fights, they didn't talk to each other. There were no arguments. She felt that something was missed out.

Though she spent most of the time with Meenu, working with Rani and watching Korean series, she missed her parents and something or maybe someone else. The month was neither filled with happiness nor sadness.

On the other side, Nishanth Dhuruvan was always busy with his work. So he went out early in the morning and returned late at night.

Now, both slept on the same bed. But his heart or mind was not supporting. He never wants to show her that her presence was disturbing him.

But he couldn't be without at least looking at her. He couldn't stop himself. It has become a habit for him to stare at her until he falls asleep.

He never knew she could take his time by just making him look at her. But there was a barrier as they both ignored each other's presence and led their life inoffensively.

Diya one day planned to sleep in Parvathi's room. But she saw that Rani was secretly reporting everything that was happening in the mansion to Parvathi.

Though she knew Parvathi would help her, she never wanted to lead her into her personal life. To avoid Parvathi's suspicion, she slept in the same room with Nishanth as before.

In these few days, they didn't want to look at each other after the party. For Diya, it was to keep him away because of her hatred. Nishanth found it hard to stay away from her. He fails whenever he wants to ignore her.

Parvathi returned back from the US by evening. Diya felt too happy to see Parvathi back and chatted with her. Seeing Diya’s attitude, Parvathi knew that she had been missing her parents.

When Parvathi was about to ask her why she has not gone to meet her parents, Parvathi saw Nishanth entering the living room with a big smile.

They both hugged each other and shared their love. Nishanth was relieved to see his mom returned back safely.

Parvathi then questioned Diya, "Did my workaholic son take care of you or tease you, Diya?”

Diya stared at Nishanth and replied, "You have a reply in your words itself, maa.”

Parvathi thought of her words and laughed out loud, "Diya, you mean my son was too busy in his work that he had no time to tease you?”

Nishanth stared at Diya with a sly smile on his face. Parvathi took hold of Nishanth’s and Diya's hands and answered, "My last wish is to see you both be happy. I am also waiting eagerly to see my grandchildren.”

Diya and Nishanth both looked at each other while hearing Parvathi's words.

Diya could see him smile a little. But, she was perplexed to see him in that reaction.

Diya was mulled up. Why is he smiling now? That to... a genuine smile. He must have been like a fire that is about to burn me alive. But No. I couldn't see anything else than a... smirk? Is he smirking? Why? Ayoo, Krishna... I'm looking at him for a long time now...

Diya muttered, "Idiot".

Nishanth reflected. She's confused. What is she thinking? Is it because I'm smiling at her or anything else. You will be puzzled most of the time from now, Diya. Wait and watch...

Diwakar Nishanth’s friend entered the living room of the mansion with an angry face. As both of them were looking at each other. They didn't notice Diwakar entering the living room.

Parvathi was the first to see Diwakar and welcomed him with a smile on her face. Diwakar smiled at Parvathi and stared at Nishanth.

All four sat on the sofa and chatted. Diya spoke with him casually, calling him brother. Diwakar also liked the way she addressed him. So, they had a good chat.

"Hey, Diwa. It's been many days. How are you?" Parvathi enquired.

Diwakar answered with a smile, "I'm fine, aunty. Yup, we met at Nishanth's wedding. And... you know what? I'm leaving for the Philippines for some months with Sakshi and Sadhana. It's actually for business work. But still, how I will be without my daughter and wife."

Parvathi inquired, "Then why didn't you bring both of them. I want to see Sadhana and Sakshi. How are they?"

Diwakar looked at Nishanth and averted his gaze. He returned to Parvathi, "They are fine, aunty. I'll bring them here or else you can come too. Sakshi also wanted to see you. She missed her mom".

Parvathi's eyes glistened. She watched Diwakar, who didn’t talk with Nishanth and had an angry face while facing him.

Parvathi expectorated out, "What’s wrong with you both? You guys don't seem good today. Have I missed anything?”

Nishanth remarked, "I don’t know, mom. Why Diwa is angry with me?”

Diwakar yelled at Nishanth shaking his head and questioning him, "Still, you don’t remember. Oh My God!!!!!!. Mom, your work alcoholic son didn’t attend my daughter’s 1st birthday party yesterday. I invited him by saying to come with you and Diya.”

Nishanth now remembered that and patted on Diwakar’s shoulder, "Oh... I forgot it, Diwa. I will come to your mansion one day and wish your daughter a big gift from her uncle.”

Diwakar faced Parvathi and announced, "Mom, I don’t believe him. I have not even invited him for lunch after his marriage to my mansion because I know he won't like these formalities. But my wife Sakshi is angry this time. So, she told me to invite him for lunch tomorrow. You and Diya are responsible for bringing him.”

Parvathi nodded her head with a smile and replied, "So sweet of my daughter, Diwakar. I will send them both for sure. Just now, I have returned from the US. I have to take a rest. So…..”

Diwakar accepted her reason and responded, "Fine, mom. You take a rest. But they both should come tomorrow. Sakshi will be waiting.”

Parvathi replied by saying, "They will.” Diwakar left after that. It was already night.

Hiiiii all!!!!! 👋👋👋

So Nish's thoughts are over. It was a bit difficult to write the male protagonist's thoughts😜😜. Do tell us frankly about your views. Just LIKE A BIT OF RECAP... 😁

If you would have noticed... While reading, there will be many things that relate to the turning points of the story. 😜😜😜😉

You can expect new things to the story... good or bad!!!!!! 😋😋😋

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