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"Diya, bring the bag from upstairs. I have something to give you", Parvathi stated.

Nishanth murmured, "Don't I have anything to get? I think someone forgot me."

Parvathi replied with a smile, "I didn't forget you. But I think you don't remember me... anymore?" and winked at him. Nishanth sat erectly on the sofa. Parvathi beamed at his reaction.

Diya, who was sitting with them, asked with a puzzle. "Why are you both laughing? We missed you so much. We didn't forget you. Yes na, Nishanth? What's the reason you are beaming like this?".

Parvathi instantly returned, "I didn't tell you, Diya. Someone else doesn't remember me. And, our cause for the smile is you, dear. Stay blessed." Parvathi kissed Diya's forehead.

Nishanth, who saw them affectionately, remembered something. His eyelashes started to get wet. Am I dreaming? Is everything coming back to me? I can see them full of love. I'm getting my life back. Did mom get her daughter? Is our happiness back to us? Will this happiness stay forever, now? Please don't take it back as a dream. Let this stay... till the end of our lives. Oh shit, I'm crying.

Diya claimed confusedly, "What? Why me, maa? Tell me properly...".

Nishanth cleared his eyes and interrupted, "Now stop this love showering thing and bring the food. I'm famished. Let's check the gifts later."

Diya giggled and rejoined, "Maa, don't you think someone is jealous?".

She stood up from and announced, "I'll inform Rani aunty to set the table and be back."

When Diya left, Nishanth hugged his mother. She felt her son hugging her tight, telling her that he is fine and everything will be good from now on. Parvathi saw his face and nodded.

Three of them had their dinner with much laughing and giggling. After that, Parvathi took a watch from her luggage and gave it to Nishanth.

Parvathi then took a large cover and placed it in Diya's hands. Diya opened it and saw inside the bag.

She was astounded to see branded girl's watch, diamond earring with hangings, a branded bag, and few western wears.

Diya was overjoyed by looking at the gifts. "Maa, I love you so much. These are my favorite brand. These western wear are too cute. They are just awesome an.. and... fashionable. You... don't mind me wearing it?"

"Why would I, Diya? You aren't old to wear sarees all time. Oh, come on. It doesn't have any age to wear western clothes. Wear them whenever you like. I know you only wear modest things", Parvathi cleared.

Diya tapped her chin, looking at Nishanth, and urged, "Maa, Is he really your son?"

Parvathi looked at Diya to know clearly, what she asked. Diya continued, "Just kidding, Maa. But I'll tell you... he's just your opposite".

She hugged Parvathi and kissed her on the cheeks. She thanked her for the gifts Parvathi gave her. She then responded, "Good night, maa”, and ran to her room.

Nishanth, who was watching Diya’s reaction throughout... smiled. Parvathi heard a chuckle and moved her gaze from Diya to Nishanth.

She questioned him, "Haan haan... Now, what makes my moody son smile? Why are you smiling, Nish?”

Nishanth answered, "Mom, she is behaving like a child. I don’t know how to deal with her. One more thing, I have heard that we can make girls happy by buying them the things you have bought for her. I thought girls won’t be satisfied with what they get especially, Diya. But today, she has proved me wrong.”

Parvathi said, "I think my son is jealous that he has got only one gift from me.”

Nishanth replied, "If it's one or more. I can feel your love for me.”

Parvathi said, "Yes, it’s the same reason she is happy too. She may miss her parents a lot. She was a grown-up has a single girl like a princess to her dad. He may have bought her many gifts when she was with him. It shows his love, not the rate or how much he has bought for her. I think your wife misses her parents a lot, my son. Take good care of her.”

Nishanth nodded his head and was lost in the thought of thinking about Diya’s smiling face.

He spoke to himself, "Day by Day, I am falling for her. I thought I can’t have anyone in my heart. But Diya, she is different.”

He went with his mother to drop her at her room. He came back to his room and saw Diya placing her things in the wardrobe.

He stated, "So... someone is happy to get different gifts from mom."

Diya peeped out from her wardrobe and tsked, "You are so dumb, D. Did you see how happy she was... when she was giving me the gifts? She is just like my parents. I love maa as much as I love my parents. Ohh... now leave it. Now the point is though these things are in the object form, it shows us, love. It is Maa's immense love towards me."

Diya is just as mom said. I've taken many days to understand. Maybe this is why they wanted me to marry Diya. You are giving me new reasons to like you every day. Nishanth thought to himself and entered the restroom.

Diya hopped into the bed and got inside the duvet. When she felt Nishanth on his side of the bed.

She removed the duvet and saw him. Her eyes opened wide as saucers when she saw him staring at her and covered herself again.

Nishanth directed her in a sleepy voice, "What's it, Diya?"

Diya replied, still covering her head inside the duvet, "Mom, gave me western wears... am I allowed to wear it?"

"Yes, but only when you are with me. Now sleep. It's already late." He stated.

Diya murmured under the duvet, "Then, I'm not going to wear it, I guess. Anyway, he's not going to take me anywhere".

Nishanth heard it and smiled to himself. He waited until she slept. So he could look at her serene face until his eyes close to sleep.

Nishanth mulled up. How many days do I have to see you like this? Will the time come when I can gawk at you even before you sleep? For that, I have to find the reason for you to hate me? I'll find it soon!!!

When there was no movement from her, he lowered the duvet to her chin and watched her. He whispered, "Good night, wifey." He kissed her forehead and smiled at her.

The next day morning, Diya got up and saw that Nishanth was not in the room. It was already 10.

She got ready and climbed downstairs to have breakfast. Diya had her breakfast and sat on the sofa with Parvathi.

A man entered the living room and showed many designer saree. Parvathi told Diya to choose the sarees which she liked.

Diya politely rejected, "Mom, I have many sarees already".

Parvathi spat out, "Diya, do what Mom says. Otherwise, I won’t speak with you.”

Diya laughed and chose three sarees of her taste. Parvathi smiled and paid for the sarees. When Diya was about to climb steps,

Parvathi said, "Diya, be ready by 12. Nishanth will return. You both are going to Diwakar’s house.”

Diya accepted and again climbed the stairs.

In her room, Diya watched the sarees and laughed out loud, "How am I going to tie this saree? She then picked her phone and saw on youtube how to spin the saree on her. She took a saree from her wardrobe and tried to learn to tie the saree.

But she couldn’t. She had almost emptied her wardrobe. She thought that the saree, which she was trying to learn... was very tough like that the sarees which Diya had.

All were on bed and floor as she was tensed seeing the time as it was already twelve. She sat with the saree on the bed and was thinking about what to do.

Oh Krishna, why am I even unable to learn to tie even a saree. I don’t have time left. What will I do?

Nishanth was already in the mansion at this time speaking with Parvathi. He saw that Diya had not come out from the room. It was already twelve.

So he got up and said, "Mom, I will go to my room and be back.”

Parvathi nodded her head and said, "OK.”

Nishanth climbed the stairs and entered the room. At this time, Diya was angered a lot and started scolding the sarees.

She then took a saree in her hand and said, "You look too beautiful. But I don’t know how to tie you. Why are you too long, idiot? If you were a human, I would have thrown you out... for making me tensed. I am too angry with you all. GO TO HELL.” With that, Diya threw the saree.

Nishanth opened the room door. So the saree fell on his face. He slowly removed the saree with his right hand.

He saw Diya, who was speaking to sarees. He watched her for a few seconds. When he regained his sense, he had the saree which Diya threw in his hands.

He yelled, "Diya, What the hell are you doing? Why is the room full of sarees? You even dare to throw saree on my face?”

Diya saw Nishanth, who was staring and yelling at her, and declared, "What kind of husband you are? You don’t even understand that your wife is upset. But you just want to find fault in me and yell all time.”

Diya started crying and continued, "What’s wrong to have a room full of sarees? I am just trying to wear a beautiful one. I may be a little late. Wait for me in the living room.”

Nishanth said to her by watching the time in his wristwatch, "I will give you 10 minutes. If you don’t get ready, then….". He walked close to her ears and whispered, "I will tie a saree to you of my choice.”

He then walked out of the room by placing the saree in Diya’s hands.
He again peeped in the room and asserted, "Breath out, lady. I'll be waiting."

Diya was standing stiff after hearing his words. After a second, she yelled, "Oh Krishna... See, he too knows how to tie a saree. How am I going to get ready now in 10 minutes?”

Nishanth walked out of the room. His angry face now turned into a smiling face.

He said to himself, "She is not ready to accept that she doesn’t know to tie it. If I wait for her, she may not come even if this day turns tonight".

Nishanth then planned and called Rani by sitting on the sofa next to Parvathi. Rani stood in front of him and waited for his order.

Nishanth ordered, "Diya called you to help her.”

Rani nodded her head and climbed upstairs. When she entered the room, she laughed, "Madam, I thought You called me for help. But, I think you don’t know to tie the saree.”

Diya had her head down and said, "Rani aunty, Keep it a secret don’t let Mom and Nishanth know about it.”

Rani thought to herself. Sir had sent me by knowing that Diya doesn’t know to wear the saree. Even I found it just by the way the room looks. Why won’t Nishanth Sir find it out being too intelligent? But not to hurt Diya, I won’t say anything out.

She walked to Diya and asked which saree she has chosen to wear and helped her in tieing the saree.

Finally, Diya got ready in a red designer saree and climbed downstairs. She had light makeup on her face and wearing the diamond earing, jewelry Parvathi gave and climbed downstairs.

Nishanth saw Diya and was stunned by her beauty. He said to himself, "My little heart, why are you thumping too fast seeing her…………. Nowadays, you are against me at all times".

“You look good in this saree”, complimented Nishanth.

Parvathi saw Nishanth and had a smile. She then got up and complimented Diya saying, "Diya, you look like a beautiful red rose. Just like the way you looked at your wedding.”

Diya blushed, her face turned red. Nishanth saw the time and announced, "Mom, we will move. It's already late.”

Parvathi answered, "OK.”

Nishanth finally walked to his BMW and started the car. After half an hour, the car stopped at the entrance of a mansion. Nishanth pressed the horn continuously.

Diya closed her ears and yelled, "Stop it!!!!. Give the security some time.”

Nishanth stared at Diya and delivered, "He must open the gate. If he has an emergency work, he should have left someone to open the gate.”

Security ran fast and opened the gate. He also walked to Nishanth and apologized. But Nishanth lost his temper.

He yelled, "Collect your salary and leave the mansion. I don’t want to see an irresponsible worker even in my friend's house.”

Both Diya and Security both were shocked to hear it. The security started begging, but Nishanth drove the car inside the mansion and stopped it.

Nishanth got down and waited for Diya. But Diya didn’t move an inch. So he got angered. He walked to her side and opened the car door. 

He roared, “Get down. Can’t you see we have reached the mansion?”

Diya spouted out, "Who do you think you are? Your one word... a family may suffer. Can’t you see how the man begged you? He even apologized to you. Why are you doing this to him? I won’t come out without you saying that the grandpa won’t lose his job.”

"Diya, I warn you to stop. If you don’t come out, I will carry you in. You think I will go and tell him to continue working here, IMPOSSIBLE!!!", Ordered Nishanth.

Diya informed pointing her finger to him, "This... I hate you, D. Thinking about only you. I hate you. I can't come out".

Diya folded her hand stiffly while sitting and didn’t open her mouth. He bent inside the car and tried to remove her seatbelt.

Diya didn’t allow him to unlock the seat belt. He was too near Diya as they could feel each other’s breathe.

Nishanth suddenly sealed his lips with hers and released her seat belt using his hand.

Nishanth came out of the car after few seconds and confessed, "I agree to your request. You have paid now for saving his job, wifey. Come out now.”

Diya got down from the car by wiping her lips and staring at Nishanth.

She then spat out, "Don’t touch me without my permission. Otherwise……”

Nishanth interrupted her and remarked, "Otherwise, what will you do? I have full rights to you. One more thing Wifey. Don’t wear this saree again?. Can we go in now?”

Diya countered, "One second,” and walked to the security and consoled him, "Grandpa, your job is saved. Don’t worry.”

The old man security thanked Diya and blessed her. Nishanth watched this and muttered, "She easily gets along with everyone and also gains their love. She is too different.”

At this time, Diwakar walked out and saw Nishanth watching Diya and the security blessing Diya.

Diwakar patted Nishanth shoulders and affirmed, "Nish, You are lucky... to marry a girl like Diya. She will really be good medicine to heal your wounds. You both will be happy.”

Nishanth stared at him and questioned, "Where is Sakshi? I will ask her. Is she lucky to marry you? And give her a list of your girlfriends you had before marrying her".

Diwakar howled, "Are you here to bless my daughter or to separate... Me and Sakshi? I've seen many matchmakers in my life until now. But you can just... be the best match breaker. Great talent, Man.”

By this time, Diya again walked to Nishanth’s side.Diwakar welcomed Diya and Nishanth.

Nishanth then took a gift from his car and walked inside the mansion with Diya.

Diwakar’s wife welcomed them by holding her child sadhana. Nishanth walked to Sakshi and lifted the child from her hands. He started playing with her.

Diya was shocked to see the smile on Nishanth’s face while playing with Sadhana.

Sakshi spoke to Diya in a friendly manner. All had their lunch. So Sadhana was now in Diya’s hands.

Diya played with the child. Diwakar understood that Nishanth and Diya both liked children a lot and narrated, "Diya, I think you too... love babies a lot.”

Diya reacted, "Yes, bro. Who can deny it? Seeing them smile, we forget all our worries.” She kissed Sadhana after that.

Diwakar nodded and countered, "If you like children, that much... better have a child soon.” Diya blushed and was shocked.

On the other side, Nishanth stared fiercely at Diwakar. Diwakar came to know that his friend was burning in rage.

So, he excused himself, "Guys, you chat. I have to make an important call.”

Nishanth got up and announced, "Me too.”

Diwakar went out with Nishanth thinking that he could not escape from his dear friend.

When they reached the garden, he scolded Diwakar very loudly. Diwakar, at last, shouted, "Stop Nish, I was not wrong. Having a child ……..”

“Stop, don’t continue. I am leaving with Diya now. I don’t have time to hear your Nonsense.”

Diya and Nishanth again reached the mansion by evening. Nishanth walked straight to the study room after meeting Parvathi.

He returned by night to his room and saw Diya curled like a ball and sleeping. She smiled in her sleep.

Nishanth watched her smile and said, "Diya, my heart falls now and then for you. How am I going to maintain a distance between us?”

He then walked to his side of the bed and slept, looking into Diya’s sleeping face.

Few more days passed in harmony between them. At night by 12, Nishanth returned to the mansion.

He was too tired and was stressed about his work. So he climbed the steps as soon as he entered the living room.

He thought Diya would be sleeping. But, when he entered his room, he saw that Diya was watching a drama and laughing out loud, with lights on.

When Diya saw Nishanth entering the room, She became quiet. She continued to watch it and controlled her laughter.

Nishanth stared at her for a while and then went to the washroom. He freshened himself and returned by wearing a bathrobe.

Diya peeped at him and saw his chest was revealing and his legs exposed. Nishanth wiping his hair with a towel and watched her gaze.

He questioned her, "Have you watched enough?”

Being caught by Nishanth, Diya’s face flushed red in embarrassment and thought to dig a hole and hide in it.

Nishanth took his clothes from the wardrobe and again walked to the washroom.

He returned back wearing a shirt and shorts. He saw Diya still had not off the lights.

He opened his mouth and said, "Did you forget rule 4?”

Diya murmured to herself, "Why should I follow your rules?”

Nishanth didn’t speak again to her and walked towards her. Diya was scared he was going to kiss her again. So, she closed her eyes tightly and yelled, "D.... don’t kis….”

Nishanth interrupted her by switching off the light and said, "Don’t you think you are addicted to the Kdramas and expect a lot from me. Sorry to disappoint you. I am exhausted. I am going to sleep.”

Diya hit her head and was timid. She also planned to explain to him that she was not waiting for his kiss. But she failed. So, she continued to watch it again.

Nishanth was disturbed by her phone light and of Diya’s turning now and then.

He got up and yelled by using his hand to on the switch, "Diya, Do you know what time it is now? Don’t irritate me. I am fatigued. Throw your phone and better sleep. Otherwise, Don’t feel bad after I break your phone into pieces.”

When Diya heard him saying that he was planning to break her phone. She got up rapidly and placed her phone on the study table. She slept on the bed.

The next day morning, when she got up, she stretched her hand. It fell on a face. Diya got up abruptly and saw Nishanth was sleeping soundly.

Nishanth Dhuruvan’s face was dazzling. His eyelashes were too long which, touched his cheekbone.

In his face, the green nerves could be seen too clearly. His nose was sharp, long and his lips smiled. He had a perfect facial and a well-sculpted body.

Diya hit herself for describing his grace. She again faced his sleeping face and spat out loudly, "I

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