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It was a typical Wednesday afternoon. School had finished and me and Kaitlyn were walking up the dreadfully long steps separating the city from the castle. Kaitlyn's Red hair was blowing in the wind occasionally hitting her in the face which would make me laugh and Kaitlyn glare at me with her dark green eyes. As we reached the top we caught our breath and headed into the castle.
"Sky!" Someone calls from another room. Kaitlyn and I stop and wait for the person to come over. A small woman with blonde hair and green eyes rushes over. "Sky dear, Aria and Darius are stirring trouble again" the woman sighs.
I laugh "Thanks for telling me Ella I'll go over and stop them now," I say turning to the door to the gardens and animal housing.
As it turned out Aria had pranked Darius so now they were both flying around and making a mess of the place so we stopped that.....
After that was over Kaitlyn and I went up to my room to do our homework and listen to Kaitlyn's almost nonstop talk about how excited she was for her 15th birthday and choosing ceremony.
Here in Denvoss we are a mostly Ano population with of course a few other races mixed in. Ano's are typically regarded as gods but that's not true. Normal Ano's, so not royal Ano's can control one element possibly two if their very powerful. When we turn 15 we attend the next choosing ceremony which is held on the last day of each year. In this ceremony all the 15 year old Ano's choose an element that they will learn the powers of, then the next year Ano only high schools offer classes on all 7 elements. The 7 elements are; Fire, Earth, Water, Air, Soul and Spirit. At the choosing ceremony one by one the Ano teens take a bottle of a dragons tears. Though only Royal Ano know what dragon. And walk along a row of poles with the element symbols on them, when their true element is behind the bottle of Dragons tears the bottle changes colour to the colour of that element, I've already had to do this as a Royal Ano I can control every element but I still have my main element per say which is fire by the way.
Anyways off that rant, our beautiful homework session was interrupted by Tony the manager of D.M.A (Denvoss Mission Agency) which my mum used to work for until she passed on a mission.
"Sky are you ready for your first mission!" Tony enthusiastically yelled. I jumped up I've been waiting for so long for this.

"Hey, what about me?" Kaitlyn asked. Tony turned to her.
"I've had a talk to your parents and their fine with you going with Sky" Tony said smiling.
Kaitlyn jumped up "Yes, Yes Oh my God Yes!" She yelled jumping up and down. Tony and I just shook our heads.
We followed Tony back through the castle and through the small medieval style town around the front of the castle into the only modern style building up here D.M.A headquarters. Through the reception down the elevator and into the mission control. The place looked like a police office straight out of a sci-fi film. Tony walked over to a teleporter with two trunks and a galaxy backpack next to it. "Ok girls so this Mission is more or less a experience mission but still a mission, you are going to Hogwarts reluctantly the headmaster has agreed only because we are Ano. Your mission is to fit in as well as you can and investigate any suspicious behavior that you hear or see, ok?" Tony says clapping his hands. We nod and grab our trunks which were labeled. Tony turned the teleporter on, "Wait a sec Sky don't forget this" he said passing me the backpack I put it on my back. It was my backpack that turned into a house and giant oval for my animals. "Your animals are already in their" Tony said guessing my next question. Me and Kaitlyn held hands and walked into the pale blue light.
Sorry that it was mostly background information it's more of a chapter understanding more about Sky and Ano's so your not confused later on.
P.S word counts will include A.N's
Final word count~ 734

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