Aoba's pov :
It's been 2 weeks since Mizuki went missing. We try our best to find him on our free time, but it doesn't continue at all. Now I'm even more worried...... is he still doing well?
I walked by the street on my way back home when I saw a familiar figure. Who is that? I walk to the alleyway to have a closer look.
Aoba : Mizuki?
Mizuki : !!? Aoba? Is it really you?
Aoba : Mizuki!
I found him! I finally found him! Mizuki is walking towards me while the sunset light is showered from my back. Mizuki skin started to burn, in the same time he scream with pain. I quickly push him to the shadow and cover him away from sunlight.
When Mizuki's pain gone down I took a bag of blood I have and give to him.
Mizuki : Aoba..... is that what I think it is?
Aoba : It's blood. Drink it, it'll heal you up.
Mizuki : ......
Mizuki seems confused, other than that he trust me and drink some blood from the bag. He is completely healed up and the sun has left the sky. I messaged everyone about Mizuki before turn my head to him.
Aoba : Feeling better?
Mizuki : Yeah
Aoba : Thank goodness......
Mizuki : Aoba...... how did you know about my situation? What am I right now?
Aoba : .......
It is hard..... but I know I have to told him no matter what. However, this place isn't that safe to talk together. I decided to messaged Mink if it's okay for us to have a talk at his territory. Despite he reply me "Whatever you want" I just decided to have a meeting there.
The 6 of us meet at the north district building. We entered and sees Virus and Trip still have an experiment on those vampires.
Virus : Oh? If it wasn't Aoba san
Trip : Yo! Come on visit?
Aoba : Actually, it's a meeting
Virus : I see. Good luck then
Aoba : Good luck for both of you as well!
We walk to another room for privacy with Mink's men guard the door. All of us sit in circle and we wait for Mizuki to be ready and tell his story.
Koujaku : Where have you been anyway?
Mizuki : Well... as I can remember, I was closing my shop as usual when some strange men showed up to me. I'm not sure whether they are trying to kidnap me or what but they did attacking me.
Aoba : Uh huh
Mizuki : Til, I accidentally let my guard down for a second. One of them hit me at the back of my neck. I can still stay consciousness but I can't fight back. They injecting something into me and it's really torturing. Like some sharp things run around all over inside my body.
Aoba : I see........
I bit my lower lip to calm myself. Everyone around is quiet, waiting for me to respond. It's a huge pressure but I try my best to arrange my words and explain to Mizuki.
Aoba : Someone..... or should I say some group of people try some experiments to random people in the old district and capture. You and me are some of them.
Mizuki : You?
Aoba : Yeah.... remember the day that I suddenly disappeared?
Mizuki : Yeah?
Aoba : Yeah..... It happen there
Mizuki : I see..... always wonder why you put a very thick layer of sunscreen......
Aoba : Sorry.....
Mizuki : Hey! It's not like it's anyone's fault anyway. So uh..... what now?
Ren : Someone inside Platinum jail did this. So I think the answer might be inside there.
Noiz : But it is high risk since we don't know who did it. If we searching without knowing the other side, we'll be doom.
Mink : ...... the antidotes are still working in progress..... however we might get the complete one soon thanks to them
Mink point at Virus and Trip who are working hard on it. They are several Mink's men writing around them as well. I guess those are for back up huh?
It is night time already. I want to go home, however if I go home now granny will have a high chances of being drag in this situation. Ren already went back home to tell her that I won't be back home for a while. I also told him that he should step out from this...... I wish he listen to me.
Koujaku : ..... so uh..... any plan yet?
Aoba : Uh....... no.......
Noiz : Didn't you have some captives in your hand? Don't tell me you already killed them.
Mink : ....... Do you think they will just told us the information maniac?
Noiz : Hah? Who do you called maniac? You giant.
Mink : Being born short has no right on arguing with me.
Noiz : !!! Tch!
Aoba : Can you guys stop?
There is no way in hell that we all can work together..... just listen to them arguing to each other make me even more nervous. I can't blame them anyway since we are just strangers trying to work as a team being like..... insurgents? Not so sure......
For some reason, Clear has been quiet ever since we came to this building. He seems to thinking of something. I decided that I would talk to him whether what he thinks is important or not.
Aoba : Is there something bothering you Clear?
Clear : I just thinking...... that if the people we captured doesn't say a thing, would it possible that the person who pulls the string behind is someone with big connection?
All : !!
He's got a point. Why can't we think of that? I did remember that those men who attacked me a while ago mentioned something about great big guy gave them the job. Maybe....... just maybe
I reach my hand to pat Clear's head. He seems confused but actually enjoying it.
Aoba : Good job there. Couldn't figure it out without you.
Clear : ////...... it's actually nothing.....
Noiz : A man with big connections and lived in Platinum jail huh......
Koujaku : There's only one person I think about. But is it really him?
Mink : If we read those men face when we mention his name, we might get an answer
Without a word, Mink walk out to the other room. Left us 5 to wait for him. After a few minutes, he came back with some of his men and several luggage to our room. Hey...... don't tell me.
Aoba : Is it..... him?
Mink : ...... Toue corporation. They are looking for ways to convert some human into vampire keeping them starve and when they got enough, they will release all of them to the entire island.
Koujaku : That's...... I don't know..... bullshıt?
Aoba : I guess we have to broke inside
Mizuki : I don't think you need to broke in tho. You could just go in and pretend as normal person go and enjoy stuff there.
Aoba : But.... how?
Koujaku : Few months ago he did mention about getting spam of Platinum jails invitation right?
Clear : Ah! I did remember that!
Noiz : I guess we could use that if you sent to us
Mizuki : Kay.... wait a sec
Noiz toses Mizuki's coil to him. He took a while and then sent us all an invitation. Of course he sent some to Mink's men as well. Now......
Aoba : I think we all should separate and not go in all of us at the same time.
Koujaku : Huh.....
Clear : But why?
Aoba : It's to prevent suspiciously and personally I don't think the rest of you want to cooperate together if I wasn't there.
Noiz : True. We all hate each other
Clear : Ehhhh???? But I want to be friends with all of you
Koujaku : You don't have to, you'll be like them
Noiz : Hah?!
Aoba : Enough!........ anyway, can I have some blood?
Koujaku : Ah- sure
Koujaku brings his finger to my lips. I bite it a bit for some blood. Mizuki seeing it with confuse looking on his face. Now that I mentioned about blood......there's actually something I was wondering.
Aoba : So uh...... what will happen if vampire drank each other blood?
Mizuki : Huh.......
Mink : Then try it out
Aoba : But...... we don't know what could have happened! It might be dangerous!
Mink : Then don't question
Aoba : Ah........
Mizuki : Well I also curious..... wanna try?
Aoba : Mmmm........
I nodded at Mizuki and bite his finger a little. When I drink some of his blood, my vision suddenly go dark. When I noticed, there's a weird looking scene flash upon my vision. Is this someone point of view? It's like I'm in a weird looking room...... hm? I think..... I heard a voice. What does it say?
Aoba : Come.... to me
Mizuki : ? Aoba?
Koujaku : *shake Aoba's shoulder* Oi! Aoba!
Aoba : !!? What happened?
Mizuki : Did you not know what happened?
Aoba : Mmm it seems that I look through someone vision. Most of the room is white..... I think they're being captured or something......
Clear : Could it be a nearby vampire?
Koujaku : I don't think around here has a room like that.
Noiz : The word come to me won't be used for a nearby ally.
Mink : Who knows.... they might be the original vampire.
Aoba : Makes sense...... so..... are we going now?
Mink : Tomorrow....... go get some rest first.
Aoba : I can't go back home...... my family will be in trouble
Mink : ..... if you think you can sleep in a place like this then go ahead.
Aoba : I'm sorry..... thank you
I walk around to find an empty room to sleep. Koujaku, Clear and Noiz went back to their place. Only Mizuki and I stay here. Mizuki said that he wanted to help with Virus and Trip so he will be staying all night. I want to stay up too but my body won't cooperate with me. I really need to sleep......
Aoba : Ah!
Mink : It took you so long. Everyone are already in their position.
Aoba : Eh?....... I-I'll quickly prepare myself!
Mink doesn't reply. He just walk out from my room and went down stairs. That's cold..... but I guess that is who he is. After I finish prepare myself I quickly put on sunscreen and dash out from my room.
Mizuki : Aoba! Wait!
Aoba : Mizuki I'm in a hurry! The sun is rise as well! Don't....... come out......
Mizuki : *hands Aoba a bag* here, antidotes.
Aoba : They..... did it?
Mizuki : Yes they work all night to get it done before the morning. I test it last night and it has no effect afterwards so it's safe to use.
Aoba : I see.... can you give them my thank you?
Mizuki : Sure! Be safe
I nodded my head and have a run towards the gangs. I barely catch up on them since I overslept. Yeah.... this time it's my fault, other than Mink and Noiz everyone else seems to be ok with it.
We walk towards the further north when suddenly a large group of men trying to capture us. They force us to split in different directions. I ran and take lots of turns when suddenly bump to someone. I quickly got up and block myself, thinking I was bumping on one of those men.
Koujaku : Whoa there.....
Aoba : !! Koujaku?
Koujaku : Jeez...... you might be dizzy huh? Come on! We'll be continuing on that way.
I nodded at Koujaku before continue running with him.
Thanks again for reading this chapter. Do not worry! If I say boy romance, means I will have them. Soon! I wonder what are your thoughts on turning descriptions into Aoba's pov. Let me know if you like it or not
Until next time!
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