chapter 6 : Lost and figured

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Midorijima 11:54

          It was lunch break, and Aoba who was resting at the workbench sitting up and open his lunchbox. While he's eating, the shop's door opens.


Clear : Aoba san

Aoba : Clear? Why are you here? Don't you have work?

Clear : Mizuki san..... doesn't open his shop for a while now.

Aoba : Oh? Did you try contact him?

Clear : I tried a lot, but he never answered

Aoba : Aahh........


          Aoba open up his coil and tried calling Mizuki. After a while, there is no answer at all.

          After work, Aoba contact Koujaku, Ren and Noiz to assemble and looking for Mizuki.


Aoba : Noiz, do you think you can find the direction by coil number?

Noiz : Who do you think I am? Give me the number.

Aoba : *sent Mizuki's number to Noiz*

Noiz : *scan through the number* got it

Aoba : Thank you

Noiz : I'm not garantee that you will find him

Koujaku : Is THAT all you got?

Noiz : The thing I had for searching is the coil number. It can only locate the coil, not the host.

Koujaku : Tch....

Aoba : It's fine. We might know something if we found his coil.

Ren : We should hurry up.

Aoba : Yeah


          The five men walk to the direction of the coil. It was on the floor behind Black Needle. The surrounding area has a trace of fighting, make all of them know what could have happened to Mizuki.

          While they search the area for more information, Aoba's coil receives a message. It's a message from Tori.


Tori's message : Meet us at the north district building. There are intruders came to us.

Aoba : ..... Everyone, let's head to the north district.

Noiz : Hah? Are you kidding me?

Clear : But.... isn't that place dangerous?

Koujaku : Right?

Aoba : We need to meet up with Mink.

Ren : Mink? You mean the prisoner that saves you?

Aoba : Yes

Koujaku : That is even more dangerous!

Aoba : We have no choice! Mink has more information than we did and some of his men were vampires as well.

Koujaku : ....Ok, I'll go with you to ensure your safety

Clear : M...Me too!

Noiz : *sigh* can't let you die before I got repay

Aoba : Ren, I'm sorry but can you get back home and tell granny? I might go home very late or either not go home today.

Ren : It's fine, I'll tell her for you *patting Aoba's head* take care

Aoba : Mm!


          Ren walk back home while the rest head to the north district.
          When they arrived, the man in the front door won't let them in. Suddenly, Tori flies to Aoba's shoulder and tell the man to open the door.


Tori : These men are our ally, it's Mink's order to get them here.

Front door man : ..... come in

Aoba : Thank you 😊


          The 4 men enter the building. In the middle of the building ground has two similar figures standing with hands on the air. When both men meet Aoba they started to talk.


1 : Oh?

Aoba : Ah?

2 : Uoh

Aoba : Ah

1&2 : Oohh!

Aoba : Ahh!

Mink : What?

Koujaku : Aoba, did you know them?

Aoba : It's Virus and Trip. We use to hang out together before.

Virus : It's an honor that Aoba san still remember us.

Trip : Indeed

Aoba : Where have you guys been?

Virus : That's exactly why we're here Aoba san

Mink : Before you say anything, give us the luggage.

Virus : Oh, yes sure.


          Virus handed Mink's men the luggage. The two went to the side and walk closer to Aoba.


Trip : *embracing Aoba* Aah aah miss the old day

Aoba : Can you tell us the story?

Virus : Yes. It's about 4-5 years ago, we were looking for jobs that we can easily work. And then a strange man come to us said that he came from inside the platinum jail and looking for someone who is will to work with them.

Trip : It was a very very big lab. They said "you can use everything this lab has as long as it useful to us"

Noiz : That is some kind of thing you shouldn't accept tho

Virus : Well..... it's safe to say that we were FORCED to work with them

Koujaku : The both of you twins?

ViTri : We are not twins

Koujaku : Wha-

Aoba : A lab you mention?

Virus : Yes?

Man1 : Boss!

Mink : ?


          One of Mink's man took everyone else to the luggage they're searching. There were syringe, test tube and bottles full with chemical.


Aoba : The syringe......

Mink : It hasn't been used yet

Virus : About these, we heard the rumor about them using our testing medicine to turn some people to vampire and most of the tests are around the north district.

Trip : Well.... It was 5 months ago.

Virus : You can say that we wanted to make something like antidote.

Aoba : Oh.........

Clear : How exactly did you make the vampire serum?

Virus : Hmmm let's see


          Virus and Trip both searching through their own luggage for something.


Virus : As we remember, they give us a small tube of blood that we don't know what blood it was. They told us to duplicate the cells of the blood and make it injectable by not killing the host.

Trip : We tried the final one on one of the mouse, turned out that it become hostile and eat other mouse inside. Oh and also very strong.

Virus : We accidentally release it during day time, when the sunlight touched it....

Noiz : It burned out and disappeared.

Trip : Yep! Into an ash *pick a bottle* is it this one?

Virus : *take the bottle* yes, it's this one.

Koujaku : What is that?

Virus : Serum that makes people became vampires. We stole three of them from the lab and escape.

Mink : Now that you mentioned about it. You did say that they gave you a mysterious blood for you to test right?

Virus : Yes?

Mink : Could it be possible that the blood they give you were originally from an actual vampire?

Trip : .... oh

Aoba : Actual..... vampire?

Mink : It might sound too fantasy but it is the most possible way. The living with blood that we all know doesn't have the ability of consuming own creatures blood, very strong or burn into ash by sunlight.

Aoba : Right..... you got a point.

Virus : But.... if we made the serum that kills the cell, the host will die because all of the cell included the heart has become vampire.

Noiz : Then it has to be able to destroy the vampire cell and keep the original one, or an immediate destroy replacing the cells.

Mink : Child......

All : ?

Mink : It doesn't effect on a child.

Virus : Ah... now that you mention it, we did try on baby mice and nothing happened. I guess it was a cell that only younger ages have and we did not.

Koujaku : But how exactly are we gonna get children blood.

Mink : It's either rob or kidnap

Koujaku : Excuse me, what?!

Noiz : Rob..... you mean rob the hospital?

Mink : Yeah

Noiz : And kidnap..... a child?

Mink : Yeah, choose any way.

Virus : We need 6 types of blood apparently, A+ A- B+ B- AB & O

Mink : Then rob the hospital

Clear : Is it.... okay?

Man1 : Don't worry about it.

Man2 : We have connection.

Mink : The both of you will stay here with us. Until you got the antidote, you will be under our care.

Virus : It is pleasure to know that.

Trip : Thanks

Aoba : So.... what do we do?

Mink : Wait

Aoba : Oh.....

Mink : Right now we can separate and go back home. I'll send a message if anything happens.


          4 men went out of the building and walking to the east. Aoba, Koujaku and Clear is still worried about Mizuki.


Koujaku : What should we do about him?

Aoba : It's high possible that he might turn into vampire. Just incase if one of us found him, we should have sunscreen with us.

Clear : That's a good idea Aoba san!

Noiz : Should I?

Koujaku : We're all in the same boat now. Don't be so difficult.

Noiz : Well.... if he DID become a vampire, then shouldn't HE prepared some human blood with him?

Aoba : Me? Now that you mention it, what might happen if vampire drink each other blood?

Noiz : Who knows? Play safe better than risking.

Aoba : Yeah..... right

Noiz : I'll go back to my hotel for now

Clear : I'll go back to my house Aoba san. Take care!

Aoba : You too!

Koujaku : See you tomorrow. Call me whenever you need

Aoba : Thanks. See you




          Hey there! Writer's here, thanks for reading. See you in the next chapter!

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