'We do not have much time. For this to work, everything needs to be in place, with everything settled, before those who would like to see a new family rule Egypt could even guess we have moved.'
Iset nodded. So Hatshepsut also knew that there were those who wanted to take the throne for themselves.
'The most important thing is for Maat to reign across the land. We need stability and security. A power struggle, or worse, a civil war can only bring chaos and ruin. I cannot let this country or its people fall into turmoil, Iset. I can't. Memories of the Hyksos still linger...' Hatshepsut looked away and sighed audibly.
Although both Iset and Hatshepsut were too young to remember the Hyksos, an invading people from the East, the fact that they had managed to obtain a foothold in Egypt and start their own ruling dynasty was one of the darkest periods in Egyptian history. One many Egyptians were loathe to forget, even decades later.
Little Thutmose, now bored, scrambled off the queen's lap and went off to explore the garden. Now that he was properly awake, he no longer wanted to be fussed and coddled. Iset watched as he ran over to where the guard was standing. The child ran around his legs, before pulling on his arm and dragging him off to go and show him something.
Iset smiled as the guard stooped and grabbed the boy, seating him on his shoulders as he began to gallop along the path. When they were out of sight, she turned her attention back to the still figure beside her.
'You haven't told me what Maat has said yet?'
Those words seemed to bring the Great Royal Wife back into the present. 'Maat wants Thutmose to be the next pharaoh,' she whispered.
'But he is only a boy of two,' Iset said, surprised.
'I know. But there is no other in the line of succession. And we must act fast. To pause and think too long on what we need to do will only give our enemies - yes, Iset, I know there are enemies, both in the palace and outside of it - time to gather their forces. Your son will be the next pharaoh of the Two Lands. Just as Maat has ordained.'
At that moment, the childish laughter of the little prince drifted lazily through the garden. The guard growled and Iset knew that he was pretending to be a lion for the boy. She looked over at her friend, who was also smiling. Iset, in that moment, felt a pang of guilt course through her. She should have known that, even though there were plenty of people who cared not at all for her son, she was not the only one to love him. And that did much to settle her heart. But then a question of practicality raised itself in her mind.
'He can't run the nursery he shares with Neferure. How is he supposed to run a kingdom?'
'I have thought this through, Iset, and discussed it with my advisors. I will act as his regent. The people already know me, and I know what must be done. This way, the transfer of rule between father and son will be seamless. There will be no power struggles and no void that will require filling. And when Thutmose is old enough, he will still have a kingdom to rule. Everything will remain the same, and peace will continue to flourish across the Two Lands.'
Iset grabbed Hatshepsut's hand, and the two women looked at each other.
'There are many who won't like me for this,' Hatshepsut whispered. It was the first time Iset had ever heard the queen sound unsure, but the uncertainty disappeared as quickly as it had arrived, as she sat a little straighter and raised her chin. She was the Great Royal Wife once more, the woman who would rule Egypt.
'There are many who will thank you.'
'I hope so,' the queen smiled wryly.
Just as I thank you for saving Thutmose, Iset thought. Although this wouldn't make her son invulnerable to attack, it cemented his place in the world, and with that came a measure of security. She couldn't think of a better solution to the predicament they were in. In fact, these blessings of Maat were more than she had ever dared hope for.
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