Chapter 5

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Suddenly a noise from elsewhere in the garden caught Iset's attention. It was only soft, but she had heard it nonetheless. At first she couldn't distinguish clearly what it was, but when she heard it again, this time closer, it was obvious. The sound of a sandal gently tapping along the path. Someone was coming.

Protectively, she pulled the still sleeping child to her, cradling him in her arms. She knew what happened to the heirs of dead kings. Tears silently spilled from her eyes, as she tried her hardest to muster her courage. Oh, how her heart ached! At least he is sleeping, she thought. He won't know of anything.

'Here you are!' exclaimed the soft voice of woman as she rounded the corner to where Iset and little Thutmose were hiding. 'I should have known you would be here.'

Iset breathed a sigh of relief, dropping her eyes to the ground for a moment. She had been so sure that the end was almost upon them.

'Iset? What's wrong?' Hatshepsut asked, approaching, the beads in her wig chiming softly as they struck one another. Even now, at this early hour, Hatshepsut was nothing less than the Great Royal Wife that she was; wife of a pharaoh, daughter of a pharaoh. Her lineage, like her high-status birth, was obvious from the way she carried herself and from the ever-present look in her eye. She took Iset's chin in her hand and made her look up. The queen nodded, and then sighed. Iset was immediately reminded of the first time she had met her. Raised eyebrows were directed her way, instructing her to answer the question.

But Iset could not. Instead, she shook her head, and pulled the child even closer to her for a heartbeat, before Hatshepsut was taking Thutmose in her own arms. She sat down next to Iset and began to play with the child who had just woken up.

'You were looking for me?' Iset asked quietly when her voice returned to her.

'Yes. I would have come sooner. Do not think that you and this little one here have been far from my thoughts, Iset. You have not gone unprotected.'

Iset's brow furrowed in confusion. Hatshepsut, to illustrate what she meant, raised a hand, indicating for someone to step forward. Iset could not see to whom she was instructing, and what's more, once they stepped out from the cover from where they had remained invisible, Iset's jaw dropped. She'd been sure she had been alone. She had been certain. But all this time she had been kept under the watchful eye of a guard.

'Your time at the palace has not been a happy one,' the queen explained. 'I would not have it end in heartache or bloodshed. You see, I know what has been troubling you. It has been troubling me too. With the death of Pharaoh, turmoil threatens to overwhelm Egypt. I have been praying to the goddess Maat for guidance, for only she can tell us how to stop the world from falling into chaos.'

Iset too had been praying to the Lady of Truth and Justice, as well as to the goddess for whom she was named, Isis.

'Has the Lady answered?' Iset's voice trembled. She looked up into Hatshepsut's face.

The queen smiled. 'Yes, Iset. She has.'

Iset took a deep breath before she dared ask, 'And what does She say?'

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