Werewolves and Mistakes

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A/N: Heeeyy sory so-short update and I mean SHORT but I wanted to give you guys SOMETHING cause Ive got another busy weekend coming up, so yeaah. Hope you guys enjoy this (: Haha Again sorry! Also shoot my some suggestions that I can do withthis story-I've no idea where I'm goign with it-what do you all want to see happen? (if any of you are even reading. lol)

Love you my FluffyNinjaNutellaPanda's





COPYRIGHT: @SiriusPadBlackFoot

*Chapter Six*

*Werewolves and Mistakes*

*Ava’s POV*

I cringed as I heard Moony’s howl. Lily and Natalie. That was my only thought, get them inside the castle, and keep them safe, Remus would NEVER forgive himself if he hurt either of them. “Sirius. We have to find him, get them inside.” I heard James saying. Then next thing I know I’m being shoved toward the castle Sirius strong arm across my lower back Lily and Natalie in front of me. I pulled away from Sirius “No. I’m going to help Prongs I’ll be fine, YOU get them inside.” I said turning to run toward the forest with James as we heard Moony howl again-getting closer this time.

“Blacky no!” Sirius said urgently “you need to go with them and make sure they don’t try to see what’s going on. Get inside the castle now.” Sirius said practically breathing down my neck he stood so close. I looked up at his face and knew it would best not to argue right now-still wouldn’t stop me from worrying about him and James. And Peter.

“Fine.” I muttered quietly and turned back to Natalie and Lily who looked a little scared and worried-but mostly confused. “C’mon, let’s get inside.” I said grabbing both their hands and tugging them toward the castle with me. We ran the rest the way and once we were safely inside the castle doors leaning again the heavy wood breathing heavily, Lily asked the question I had been dreading and could not answer. “What’s going on Rose?” I looked down trying to catch my breath and gather my thoughts when I heard a loud whimper and jumped back up-“Sirius.” I said and looked at Lily and Natalie.

“Just trust me. And stay here.” I said urgently then pulled the door open and ran back out onto the dark school grounds. “Padfoot?” I whispered and used the moonlight to look around. Seeing a limp form on the ground several feet away I ran towards it only to be knocked off my feet by a strong arm-hairy arm. ‘Remus.’ I thought quickly transforming into my angimangus as the werewolf came at me again this time with its teeth bared and growling.

I barred my own teeth back-but not in time the wolf swiped his large arm out and knocked all four legs from under me sending me flying a feet. I landed with a whimper and cracking sounds getting up and trying to move wincing as I felt white hot pain in my ribs. Likely broken thanks to that fall. I limped towards Sirius’ limp angimangus form which still hadn’t moved. He picked his up as I approached and then before I could react lunged towards me-but right past my shoulder and I heard the thud or one body hitting another swinging around in time to see Padfoot fighting off Moony as Prongs trotted into the picture just in time as Sirius was thrown back in me, knocking us both to the ground, as Wormtail came and nipped at Moony’s feet chasing him off towards the wimping willow. Prongs went after and the two somehow managed to herd the werewolf to the nasty fighting tree. Sirius slipped off of me but I didn’t move til I saw his human face above mine his mouth moving but I couldn’t hear anything he was saying I slowly somehow changed back to my human form painfully and moved my arm-big mistake as every part of me ached I reached up towards my head and felt hot liquid pulling my hand away to see blood on it. Sirius was saying something to me but I still couldn’t hear him. Then he picked me up and we were rushing towards the castle and up to the hospital wing. Somewhere along the way I allowed the darkness to consume me.

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