Birthdays and Fireflies.

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Hey hey hey! So yeaaah um haii, so's I hasnt updated in...a little while..anyway I honestly don't know where this story is going right heres...kind of jut a filler chapter...and yeah..sorry if stuff doesnt add up...I've been yeaaah. enjoy?






Love you my little fluffy ninja nuttella panda's!!! :D

COPYRIGHT: @SiriusPadBlackFoot

*Chapter Five*

*Birthdays and Fireflies*

*Sirius POV*

It was a couple of days after the…incident.

And Rose had been acting a little strange and jumpy but other than that we went back to normal-besides the fact we now all knew the truth about Ava’s scars and cuts and bruises all the time.

I had to resist punching Malfoy every time I saw him. If Rose and I would pass him in the hall Rose would literally have to drag me away before I could do something that would get me expelled.

Natasha was still an annoying bitch.

I don’t know why she thought she’d still have a chance.

Honestly. I wish she’d just leave me alone. At least she’s not been bullying Ava as much.

I’ve caught her trying to a few times. Lily would tell us about her trying to constantly do something to Ava’s stuff.

Petty juvenile stuff. Amateur. She thinks she can hurt Ava by pranking her. Hello Ava’s best friends are the schools top pranksters.

Anyway enough about Natasha. To the point I’ve dumped her finally.

And I haven’t gotten a girlfriend since and people were starting to talk.

But I didn’t care.

I was more worried about my best friend right now.

Who happened to be walking beside me right now as we headed down to the black lake to meet up with James, Remus and, Peter.

I heard shouting and it sounded like James.

I grinned and turned to look at Ava.

It sounds like James got a bit bored and decided to go with favorite pass time-terrorize Snivillus.

We ran the rest of the way across the grounds over to where a crowd had gathered.

James had Snivillus dangling in the air by his foot.

The crowd was laughing when someone shoved roughly past my shoulder.

I saw flying red hair whipping past my face before I heard Evans voice shrieking at James.

“Potter! You let him go now! You bloody prat! He’s done nothing to you!” she screamed when Snape turned his head on her from hanging in eh air.

“I don’t need your help mudblood!” he screamed angrily at her.

The whole crowd was silent shocked as they watched the two friends stare at each other.

James was the first to speak.

“Don’t you dare call her that Snivillus! You’re going to pay for calling her that!” he screamed and he let his wand down roughly dropping Snape to the ground.

Lily turned to look at James then back at Snape who was standing up and reaching for her.

She spun on her heel and ran off toward the castle. Ava took off after her.

I turned to see James trying to punch Snape's face out.

I quickly pulled him away by the back of his school jumper.

“No James. He’s not worth it. Let’s go. He’ll get what he deserves.” I said pulling James away by his arm he was struggling and shoving trying to push me away but Remus came and helped-grabbing his other arm. Peter scurried up and snatched James’ sac off the ground.

*Ava’s POV*

I found Lily in an empty classroom on the fourth floor huddled on the colds tone floor but a rusty old desk.

“Lils? A-are you alright?” I asked stupidly.

I went and sat next to her when she looked up at me with puffy red eyes tears still streaming silently down her face.

“I thought he was my friend? B-but h-he…I…” Lily started to cry harder as she tried to talk.

“Shh Lils its ok, it’s going to be ok. I’m your friend still.” I said smiling and wrapping an arm around bringing her into a hug.

It hurt me to see my friends upset-and mudblood is one of the worst names you could call a wizard. I wanted to punch Snape til you wouldn’t even recognize him anymore-I was so mad at him.

We sat there for who knows how many hours when the lads appeared at the doorway.

“Hey.” I said softly smiling at my friends who looked worried.

Wordlessly Sirius held up the map and I nodded. Id figured they’d used the map.

“Hey…Lily Flower..?” James said cautiously stepping forward. She snapped her head up ready to glare at him but when they’re eyes met she just turned her head away-which was weird…but I shrugged it off and stood up dusting myself off I reach a hand out pulling Lily up.

“Is it supper now?” I asked hopefully.

Remus laughed and nodded. I turned to Lily.

“Let’s go get some food, yeah?” I asked.

She nodded whipping her eyes off with the sleeve of her jumper.

I smiled and linked arms with her giving her a goofy smile she giggled a little and we skipped down the hallway towards the staircase. The Lads behind us follow us with confused looks.

*Sirius’ POV*

Girls are strange.

I give up trying to keep up with them.

One minute they’re crying the next they’re giggling then before you know it they’re screaming in your face, hexing you!

I sighed and shook my head as, we arrived at the Great Hall, Remus dragging the both James and I away from Snivillus and Malfoy as we both glared at the gits, our fists clenched at our sides.

Remus dragged us over to the table which the girls had saved us seats.

We plopped down James still enraged with what had happened. I glanced at Lily who appeared to be fine-unless you looked closely you’d see her eyes were still a little puffy and red-on top of having an almost empty look to them.

“Potter.” Someone said appearing behind us.

I turned to see Ret Wood-Garret younger brother-he in his second year.

“Whens Quiditch try outs?” he asked eagerly.

Garret Wood-last year’s captain had given Quiditch Captain Duty’s to James.

And from the sounds of it-it looked like Ret Is following in his older brothers footsteps.

I grinned at James “Yeah mate when are yah going to hold official try outs?”

James shrugged “Soon.” Was all he said?

“Fine then.” Ava said sticking her tongue out. “Don’t tell us. Maybe no one will try out.” She said turning away pretending to be angry.

Everyone laughed knowing she’d be the first signed up.

I slung my arm around her shoulders as James turned on us and said suddenly “You guys will need to stay in Hogesmead all day tomorrow. Got it?” he asked.

“Yeah we need you lot out of the way so we can plan your party-and put it together with no interruption.” Remus said adding the last part with a stern glare at both Avs and I.

“Whaaat?” Ava asked “like we would do anything to interfere.” She said flipping her hair over her shoulder hitting me in the face with it, making everyone laugh.

-Time Skip-

*Ava’s POV*

Later that night we were all sitting around at the Black Lake enjoying an unusually warm Fall evening.

“Oooo Firefly!!” Lily said grinning a real grin for the first time that day, since the…incident. She jumped up and went after a speck of light flying past our heads.

I grinned and jumped up joining her.

“How do you catch them??” I asked. Remembering when she talked about how she and Petunia would catch them when they were little girls.

“You just go towards one-like this.” Lily said slowly approaching on that had landed on a flower a few feet from her.

“and you cup your hands and gently-Grab it!” then just hold your hands closed with enough space for him to fly around.” She said grinning walking closer to me to show the small bug in her hands whose little tiny arse kept lighting up.

“Why are they called fireflies?” I asked curiously as I intently watched the little bug in Lily hands.

The lads sat there watching the two of us in amusement.

“I don’t know…maybe because of how they’re arses light up.” Lily said laughing.

I laughed too as Remus and Sirius got up and joined us then James to got up an soon Peter joined the rest of us running around catching fireflies big smiles on our faces-It was moments like these that I wanted to remember forever.

I hadn’t even noticed that Peter had sat out until I heard the click of a camera and turned just in time to hear the sound again.

Peter stood there with a camera capturing the moment perfectly.

It was peaceful blissful fun. Until Sirius had to ruin it all picking me up and running toward the lake with me.

“I heard a screech and noticed that Natalie had joined us and she and Lily had been picked up too “Lily by James, Natalie by Remus. The lads all ran towards the lake with us girl screaming and screeching and cussing them out-trying but failing to be let down.

When they tried tossing us into the lake I grabbed onto the front collar of Sirius’ school jumper and pulled him into the freezing October water with me.

As I plunged into the icy water my hands still in a death grip on Sirius shirt. I squeezed my eyes closed feeling the water rush up around me enfuldging me into its icy depths.

Then I felt Sirius strong warm hands pulling me back to the surface with him.

We popped out of the water shaking the wetness from our faces as we laughed grinning at each other-Sirius’ hands still on my waist holding onto me.

Sirius laughed and whipped some wet hair from my face that fallen over my eyes.

I grinned up at him as he started to lean in.

My eyes blinked closed but just as I could feel his hot breathe fanning across my cold face-“OI get a room you two!!!” James hollered from the shore where he sat with a soaking wet-but laughing Lily and Natalie. ‘Where was Remus?’ I wondered for a second before I realized just how bright it was outside for it being after DARK.

The moon!

“Sirius!” I said in a worried voice-“The moon! It’s a full moon!!!” I said worriedly.

Starting to freak out just a tad bit I motioned to Sirius to head into shore. We both swam like our lives depended on it. Getting to shore Sirius panted out of breathe he managed “Prongs-Full-Moo” before we heard a loud howl ring out across the grounds.

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